Unite Differing Levels of Data Analysis.

Unite Differing Levels of Data Analysis.

What does it mean for an analyst to provide others with their 'level of understanding'? Perhaps examining the definition of 'level' is the starting point of discussion:



1.      a position on a real or imaginary scale of amount, quantity,extent, or quality.

2.      a height or distance from the ground or another stated or understood base.


1.       having a flat and even surface without slopes or bumps.

2.       calm and steady.                                                                                     synonyms: unchanging, steady, unvarying, even, uniform, regular, constant, invariable, unaltering; 


1.       give a flat and even surface to

2.       begin to fly horizontally after climbing or diving.

The independent interpretations of level are interesting: 'unvarying', 'a position on a real or imaginary scale of amount--the stand out:

"to fly horizontally after climbing or diving"

Put into data context, the idea of an analyst providing actionable levels of analysis depends heavily on circumstance and surroundings.

The truth is, a single analyst may not carry all of the answers alone--but combined with the brain-power of united analysts, levels of understanding can be raised. Unfortunately, the competitive nature of analytics does not always warrant a united environment for fellow analysts to collaborate. She/he who controls the data, controls the flow of information, and additionally the flow of collaboration. 

There should be more push for analysts to raise the knowledge levels of others around them, end siloed data-hubs and provide neutral ground for opinions from alternative base understandings.

Unite the minds.

The Data Minimalist.


Jasmine Russell, MBA的更多文章

