Unit 6 LinkedIn reflection
Throughout my time in Business INCubator, I've had the incredible opportunity to connect with a diverse group of individuals. This experience has not only broadened my network but has also enriched my understanding of teamwork and collaboration. But now that we are towards the end of the year, lets talk about some of the goals that we had in the beginning of the year. At first, we wanted to try and get a couple of sales throughout the year. But as pitch night started to come closer and closer, we were unfortunately not able to meet that goal. I think that some of the things that I would change were simply putting more effort into our business and also making my groupmates hold themselves accountable. I think that if we had put in more effort we could have gotten up on that stage and win the money. Some of the experiences and advice that I am going to take with me is to create something that you are passionate about and it's not about how much hard work you put in, it's about how consistent you are with it. What I mean by creating something you are passionate about is that it makes it really easy to stay consistent if you love what you are doing, which ties into the second point of being consistent and doing what you have to do every day, it makes it really hard not to succeed in what you are doing, and really this applies to everything and not just business.