Unique Small Food Business Ideas
Dr. Ganesh Shelke
Food Process Engineer and Consultanat at Farm Engineer's Agro and Food Processing Training and Consultancy Services
50 Unique Small Food Business Ideas List 2017 (Home Based)
Are you about starting a healthy food manufacturing business? If YES, here is a list of 50 profitable unique small food business ideas from home for 2017.
Would you want to experiment not eating at all for like three, four or five days? If the idea of not having a meal makes you cringe, then you will want to agree that food is indeed one of the most basic needs of man. According to Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs; food is amongst the top need of humans and animals.
Why Start a Small Food Business from Home?
Humans and animals need food for survival. In essence, humans and even animals will do all they can to ensure that they eat if they want to grow, stay healthy and survive.
It is for this reason that loads of people have begun businesses that are food related. This is because of the desire to solve the food problem that abounds, whilst smiling to the bank. If you take your time to observe businesses around you, you will find out that any business that relates to food thrives – especially if the business is strategically positioned.
Food business is perhaps one of the businesses that an entrepreneur can start and grow to profitability within a short period of time. For example; if a caterer secures the contract to manage the cafeteria of an organization, the caterer may hardly run at a loss because there is an available market for him or her.
All what may be required of the caterer for survival in such business, may be to ensure that his or her food does not fall below the expected quality. Over and above, the food industry is a very large industry and despite the competition in the industry, people are still making profits out of the industry.
In the United States of America, Canada, Australia, UK and in most developed countries of the world, anyone who intends starting a business in the food industry – especially running a canteen will be required to apply and obtain food handling certificate.
This is so because the food industry is considered to be amongst the delicate industry; they are involved in cooking food for consumption for large numbers consumers per time which is why the business is subjected to regular inspection by relevant health officials from your local health department. If you run a catering business in the United States of America, you are expected by law to comply with the lay down rules and regulations for the industry.
50 Unique Small Food Business Ideas to Start from Home in 2017
The food industry can be classified into food processing, food services, and food retailing and here are 50 business ideas an entrepreneur can choose from in the food industry;
Food Processing Related Business Ideas
- Processing of Tomatoes (Tomato Paste)
One good example of processed food business is the processing of tomatoes; tomatoes paste is consumed all over the food. People use tomatoes pastes majorly to cook stew and perhaps for other purposes. If you are interested in starting a processed food business, then one of the business that you should consider starting is tomatoes paste processing and canning company.
Although, there are various brands of tomatoes pastes that are dominating the market, but that does not in any way stop a determined entrepreneur who wants to start a tomatoes processing business from making headway in the industry. The major things you will need to survive in this industry are good and quality products and of course excellent branding and marketing strategies.
- Open a Baby Food Production Factory
There is a very large global market for baby milk, and baby cereals, which is why major players in the industries are still surviving. The truth is that, it is almost impossible for nursing mothers to feed their newborn babies without giving them baby milk or cereal at least before their second birthday- even if they resort to exclusive breastfeeding. This goes to show that there is a steady market for baby foods. So if you are looking for a food processing business to go into, then you should consider starting your own baby food processing factory.
This type of business requires license and permits from appropriate regulatory authorities which is why you must check – up with the relevant foods and beverages agencies in your country to confirm the requirements before venturing into this business.
- Can Foods Company
Opening a can food company is yet another way of launching a food processing business. There are loads of foods that can be processed and canned. As a matter of fact, you can choose to specialize in cooking and canning varieties of soups.
There is a large market for soups and it is a cool way of making money. Please note that this type of business is capital intensive and it requires license and permits from the food and beverages regulatory agency in your country. This only goes to mean that before you want to launch out on your can foods quest that you have got to determine the sources for realizing the startup capital.
- Rice Processing, Polishing and Bagging Company
Rice is amongst the staple foods that are being consumed all over the globe. If you have the required start – up capital to establish a food processing plant, then you should consider opening a rice processing, polishing and bagging company.
One good thing about this type of business is that there is a global market for rice and if you are ready to invest in marketing, your product (rice) can be exported to other countries of the world. For instance, polished rice from Asia (Thailand especially) are exported all around the world and of course of Africa is one of the largest market for parboiled and polished rice.
- Pasta Production and Packaging Company
Another food processing business that an entrepreneur can consider starting is to open a production plant for processing and packaging of pasta. There is a large market for pasta and if you are serious about marking money from this type of business, then you must be ready to adopt aggressive marketing approach.
Just like most processed food business, pasta can be exported to other countries of the world. So, if you looking to consider starting a processed food related business, then you should consider opening a macaroni and spaghetti production and packaging plant.
Starting this line of business is one sure way to be wealthy; however, there have got to be adequate ground work done. Tasks like adequate research to know more about the business, meeting with business experts who would be able to advice you on the best steps to take.
- Sugar Processing and Packaging Company
White sugar and brown sugar either in granulated form or cubed form are being sold all over the world. As a pertinent point to note; it is true that nearly all human races consume sugar globally every day. Sugar is consumed in most household and it is part of the ingredient in the production of juice, minerals, confectionaries, cakes and breads et al.
No doubt there is a large market for sugar. If you are in a region where sugar canes are cultivated, then one of the food processing businesses that you should consider starting is to open a sugar processing and packaging plant. If you conducted your market survey and feasibility studies properly, then you are likely not going to struggle to make profits from the business. The truth is that it is easier to explore the international market with products like sugar.
- Flour Manufacturing Company
Flour is a major ingredient in the recipe for loads of foods that is being consumed all over the world. Flours are used in baking breads, cakes, pizzas, and snacks et al. This goes to show that there is a large market for flour. As an entrepreneur, if you are looking for a food processing business to start, then you should consider opening a flour manufacturing company. It is a thriving, highly marketable and of course a profitable business venture.
You have also got to decide based on the research and the results you have got to have an addendum manufacturing of other types of flours. Already, there is the wheat flour, the corn flower, amongst others.
- Production of Baking Powder and Baking Soda
Baking powder and baking soda are major ingredients in the production of baked foods; hence there is a large market for them. There is no country of the world where baking powder and baking soda are not sold. Consequently, if you are looking towards starting a food processing business, then one of your options is to delve into the production of baking powder and baking soda.
- Processed Fruit Factory
Canned fruit, frozen fruit, fruit sauces, jellies, jams, pie fillings and fruit juice et al are foods that are produced from a processed fruit factory. If you are looking for a simple, easy to establish and profitable food processing business to start, then you should look towards launching your own processed fruit factor. As a matter of fact, there is a large market for processed fruits and it is a business that you can start on a small scale with little start – up capital.
- Processed Vegetable Factory
Canned vegetables, frozen vegetables, French fries, ketchup and mustard et al, are all foods that are produced from a processed vegetable factory. If you live in a community where you can easily have access to fresh vegetable, then you should consider going into the processing of vegetable; there is a large market for processed vegetable and of course vegetarians are your major market. Just like processed fruit business, processed vegetable business requires low start – up capital if you choose to start on a small scale.
- Start a Chocolate Production Factory
Children and adult alike all consume chocolates- hence there is a large market for chocolate. Chocolate is produced from cocoa beans and if you are in country where cocoa pods are cultivated in commercial quantities, then one of the processed food businesses that you should consider starting is to open a chocolate production factory. The truth is that if you are serious about this type of business, you can exploit the international market; your chocolates won’t only be sold in your country but in other countries of the world.
- Processed Meat Factory
Canned meat, cured meat, ham, sausage, bacon, gelatins, fresh meat with additives etc. are all the foods that are being created from processed meat factory. If you are looking towards starting a food processing business and you have access to supply of meats at a pocket friendly price, then you should consider launching a processed meat factory. There is a large market for processed meat and of course starting a processed meat factory is a profitable business to venture into.
- Processed Diary Food Company
Cheese, cheese food, yogurt, milk, and what have you, are all foods that are produced from a processed dairy food company. Processed dairy food company is yet another highly thriving, profitable and low budget processing food related business that an entrepreneur can start. So, if you are looking towards starting a processing food related business, then one of your options is to open a processed dairy food company.
- Processed Fats and Oils Factory
Refined oils, cooking spray, salad cream (salad dressing), mayonnaise, peanut butter and BBQ sauce et al are all foods that are produced from a processed fats and oils factory. This type of business is easy to set – up, it requires minimal start – up capital and of course it is a profitable business venture. As such, if you are looking towards staring a low budget food processing business, then you should consider going into the processing of fats and oils.
- Grains Processing Business
Grains processing is yet another food processing business that an entrepreneur can successfully launch without much stress. Example of grains processed foods are wheat flour, cereals, groundnut oil, cornflakes, oat meals et al and they are consumed in all the parts of the world. If you are looking towards starting a processed food related business, then you should consider opening grains professing plant. This type of business is highly thriving and profitable.
Food Services Related Business Ideas
- Start an Online Cooking School
If you are good with making both local and international dishes, one of the businesses you can engage in is to start teaching people how to cook. You will be amazed at the high level of response you will get if you listed these services online.
There are loads of stuffs you can line online; it could be obtaining technical skills and a diploma and it could be obtaining a Degree or MBA et al. If you passionate about impacting knowledge, all you need to do is to secure the required license, permits and accreditation from the government of your country and you can successfully start your own degree / diploma awarding online school.
- Start Blogging on Food and Nutrition
Blogging is one cool way of making cash, if you have sound knowledge of food and nutrition. One of the food services related business ideas that you can successfully start with little or no start – up capital is to start blogging on food and nutrition related topic.
If you are good at what you do and you blog is always updated with helpful posts, you will attract heavy traffic to your blog and the truth is that the more people visit your blog the easier it is for you to attract high paying adverts on your blog.
- Organize Cooking Competition / Cook Reality Show
Another interesting and easy means of making money from food related services is to organize cooking competition or cooking reality show. It could be at a community level, state level or a national competition. The truth is that if you are good with organizing events and shows, you will be able to attract corporate sponsorship from various organizations. Aside from the sponsorship that you will attract interested participant should be made to pay registration fees et al.
- Write and Publish Books on Foods and Nutrition Related Topics
People who are eager to learn how to cook can go all the way to search for helpful cooking books from ever they can find them. If you have resource materials on how to cook and list of various menus with their recipes et al, then you can write a book. Just ensure that you do a thorough job in the book so as to simplify the processes of cooking various delicacies and you won’t struggle to sell the back. Please note that the packaging of a book matters a lot so ensure that you book is well packaged.
- Start a Food and Nutrition Program on TV
Do you have it takes to air a program on TV? Are you a good cook? Can you teach people how to cook? If your answer to all these three questions was a yes, then one of the food related services you can engage in is to start your own food and nutrition program on TV.
The truth is that, if you are able to properly plan and package the program, you can easily attract corporate sponsorship. Just ensure that you have enough content that can carry you through the period you want to air the program. If you are good with researching, you can air your food and nutrition program on TV for as long as you want without repeating an edition.
Another food related services business you can successfully start is to start a food and nutrition program on radio. You can start a food and nutrition program on radio if you don’t have the financial capacity to go on TV. Usually TV slots are far more expensive than radio slots. Just ensure that you have rich contents and you won’t struggle much to attract sponsorship from corporate organizations. Part of what you need to do to gain listenership is to allow guest to calling during live programs to ask questions and also to contribute and also you can give away gifts during your programs.
YouTube is one major internet tools that loads of people are using to make money from their skills. If you are looking towards starting a food related services business, then you should consider going into the production and selling of ‘How to’ cooking videos. It is a cool way of making money. Just ensure that you have several recipes on your videos and you will sure attract buyers from far and wide for your videos especially if you have both local and intercontinental dishes covered in you videos.
- Canteen Management
Another food related services business that you can successfully launch is to go into canteen management. There are loads of organizations out there who are struggling on how to manage their canteens. If you have relevant experience in this regard, you can register a business and start offering canteen management services to organization.
This is one great way to make good profit, since you would be dealing with the working class people. However, care has to be taken so that you horn your cooking skills and learn how to cook other intercontinental delicacies.
Catering rental services is yet another food related service business that an entrepreneur can successfully launch. This type of business is easy to set – up and easy to manage. There are loads of full – time and part time caterers that once in a while would go out of their way to rent catering wares.
Wares such as plates, food warmers, cutleries, table clothes, industrial gas cookers and drums et al are part of the stuffs that you should have for rent. Just ensure that you have enough catering wares and also advertise your business and you won’t struggle to get people to rent them at least every weekend.
- Open a Catering Training School
Another interesting food services related business idea that an entrepreneur can consider starting is to open a catering training school; a school where people can learn how to cook various local and intercontinental delicacies, and how to bake et al.
This type of business requires that you secure license and accreditations from relevant authorities. So, if you are looking towards starting a food service related business, one of your options is to open a catering training school in your community. There are loads of catering schools that have churned out very great cooks who are doing well in their respective endeavors. This should be one of the main aims why you want to start a school in the first place.
- Food and Nutrition Consultancy Services
Consulting is all about giving useful and practical advice to people at a fee. If you have a robust experience in food and nutrition and you are looking towards starting a food service related business, then one of your major options is to going into food and nutrition consulting. It is a cool way of make cash.
There are loads of caterers, restaurants and even individuals who need expert advice on how to move their food related business forward and make it more profitable. If you are well positioned, and you have a robust profile with relevant certifications, you wouldn’t struggle to attract clients per time irrespective of the fees you charge as long as people get results when they patronize your services.
Another profitable food service related business an entrepreneur can successfully launch is to go into corporate catering services. This type of business involves helping organization handle their catering especially during special occasions such as annual general meetings, anniversaries and end of year party et al.
- Wedding Catering Services
Wedding catering services is yet another food service related business that an entrepreneur can successfully start. This type of business involves offering catering services at wedding ceremonies. Most often, it is better to partner with event planners. Big event planners hire experts to handle various areas of weeding and wedding catering is one of the areas that are usually contracted out.
- Food Delivery Services
Food delivery service is all about helping people purchase and deliver foods at different locations. It could homes, offices, hospitals, camp grounds et al. You will be the middle man between canteens, restaurants and caterer et al and the customers / consumers.
For example, there are offices where it is not economical to set – up a canteen and what such offices does is to source for people who can help them run errands as regards purchasing of food for staff. This type of business is simple to start and it requires little or no start – up capital. So if you are looking for a low budget food services related business to start, then you should consider registering your own food delivery services.
- BBQ Catering Services
Another food service related business an entrepreneur can start is to go into BBQ catering services. It is simple, loads of people eat barbeque and perhaps you would have eaten barbeque once or more but you may not know to make it. BBQ catering services is all about helping people set – up BBQ spots during in house parties or outdoor parties as required. Aside from setting up BBQ spots, if you are into BBQ catering services, you can also help you clients man their BBQ spots and also you can sell BBQ making equipment. It is a cool way of making money.
Food Retailing Related Business Ideas
Food truck business are designed to service areas where it might be difficult to quickly construct the convention restaurant; areas such as carnival sites, construction sites, sporting event centers, camp grounds, and beach et al. Food truck also take advantage of places like campuses, office complexes, military bases, mechanical village, industrial parks, farmer’s markets, cinemas, and religious centers to sell their foods, snacks and drinks. They know that they are likely going to get enough customers that will patronize their services.
- Retailing of Bread
Bread is a stable food that people eat in all parts of the world and it is easier to find entrepreneur retailing bread. If you are looking for a food retailing business to do, a business that requires little capital to get started, then you should consider retailing bread. All you need to do is to secure deliveries of breads from different bakeries and then display them in your store. It is a cool way of making money but you must ensure that you sell them all as fast as you can because breads have short shelf lifespan.
- Fruits Mart.
Opening a fruit mart is yet another food retailing business that an entrepreneur should consider starting. Beyond every reasonable doubt, there is a large market for fruits. Just like stable foods, fruits consumers cut across people of various age groups.
Thus, if you are looking for a retailing business to start, a business that requires low start – up capital, then you should look towards opening your own fruit mart in your neighborhood. If you are looking towards opening your own fruit mart, then you must ensure you put facilities in place that will help you preserve your fruits. Fruits are highly perishable hence it must be well preserved if you are not able to sell them within a very short period of time from when they are harvested. Retailing of fruits is indeed a profitable business.
- Open a Food Stuffs and Cooking Ingredient Shop
You can open a store where food stuff such as rice, beans, spaghetti, pasta, maize, yams, potatoes, and grains et al, can be retailed to consumers. When it comes to retailing food stuff, you can decide to repackage them in smaller quantities that can make easier for people with little income to purchase. Food is an essential commodity in any part of the world and there is a large market for food.
As a matter of fact, one of the retailing businesses that you start that is likely going to thrive with little or no effort on your part is food retailing business. This is so because food is considered as the number one need in the Maslow hierarchy of human needs. In selling this kind of stuff, it is very vital that you establish the source from where you get these things from. Why is this important? This is particularly important so that you can get whatever at a competitive price that will help your business.
- Open a Frozen Food Mart
Frozen food mart is another typical food retailing business and it is indeed a thriving and profitable business venture. Frozen foods such as fish, chickens, turkeys, and all what not, are generally consumes worldwide. Hence, if you are looking for a food retailing business to start; a business that is not capital intensive and simple to manage, then you need to consider setting – up a frozen food mart.
It is important to state that the location you choose to start this type of business will go a long way to determine if the business will become successful. The ideal place to locate this type of business is market place or residential estates et al.
- Open a Meat Mart
Another food retailing business that an entrepreneur can successfully start is to open a meat mart. Aside from vegetarians and a couple of people, meats are generally consumed in all the parts of the world hence it is a viable and profitable business to start. Just like most food retailing business, the location you choose to start this type of business will go a long way to determine the success of the business. The ideal place to locate this type of business is food market and residential estates if the law of your community permits it.
- Open a Vegetables and Fruits Mart
If you are looking to start a food retailing business as an entrepreneur and you live in a community where you can easily have access to fresh vegetables and fruits, then you should consider opening a vegetable and fruits mart. It is indeed a simple business that requires little start – up capital and as a matter of fact, any serious minded entrepreneur can successfully run this type of business.
This type of business does not require any special skills to run it and it is important to state that if you stock your mart with varieties of fruits and vegetables, you can easily attract customers. In starting this business, do not forget that people love their fruits and vegetables really fresh. It is for this reason that you need a supplier who gets the farm produce on a daily basis.
A coffee café is a cool food related retailing business and any serious minded entrepreneur with little funds can successfully start and run the business. As a matter of fact, if you don’t have funds to rent or lease a shop you can still start this type of business. People who can’t afford shops and are serious about making money can start a mobile coffee business. Although, it might be stressful moving your mobile coffee dispenser from one part of the city to another part of the city but of a truth it is easier to sell your coffees.
- Open an Ice Cream Shop
Ice cream shop is another cool food related retailing business that any serious minded entrepreneur can successfully start and make cool cash from. It is a business that requires little training and skills to set – up and managed. If you are looking towards starting this type of business, and you don’t have the skills, you can quickly learn the skills, it is likely not going to take you more than a week to learn how to make different flavor of ice creams.
Even if you don’t have the required capital to rent and equip a shop, you can operate a mobile ice cream shop. Mobile ice cream shop will give you the opportunity to change location per time and to go to places where you know you are likely going to generate sales.
If you are not interested in starting and operating a provisions store where you are likely going to sell different types of commodities as it relates to provision, then you should look towards retailing of beverages. As a matter of fact, if you chose to retail only a single commodity, it is easier for you to attract customers because you will definitely have space for varieties of beverages both from your country and from other countries. It is a cool way of making money and it is less cumbersome to handle this type of business that deals with a single commodity but from different manufacturers.
- Open a Snack and Chocolate Bar
Another highly thriving food related retailing business that an entrepreneur can consider starting, a business that is easy to set – up and perhaps with low start – up capital is a snack and chocolate bar. This type of business is easy to manage and it is indeed a profitable venture especially if you carry out detailed feasibility studies before choosing a location for the business. You don’t need any specially skills to successfully run this type of business; the basic skills you need are customer services skills and business skills.
- Gourmet Cuisine Truck
Gourmet business is another typical food retailing business. If you are looking for a simple but highly thriving small business to start, then you need to consider starting a gourmet retailing business. It is indeed a profitable business and if you want to make the best out of this type of business, then position your gourmet outlet around a cinema, football viewing center, sports center and outdoors event centers.
- Open a Seafood Mart
Another thriving and easy to establish business that an entrepreneur who is looking towards starting a food related retailing business is to open a seafood mart. Seafood such as; prawns, crayfish, crabs, oysters, freshwater fish et al are highly marketable. The truth is that people who know the nutritional value of seafood will go all length to source for it. So, if want to start a simple and easy to manage food related retailing business, then you should consider opening a seafood store in your neighborhood.
- Open a Pizza Restaurant
Italians are known to produce some of the finest pizzas and in recent time, the people from all over the world are quickly catching up on the Italians. If you looking for a cool business to set – up, a business that falls in the food retailing industry, then opening a pizza restaurant is one of your options. This type of business is thriving and profitable especially if you chose a location that is visible and prone to human traffic.
- Freshly Prepared Sushi Rolls and Organic Food Vans
If you are interested in food truck business, one of the areas of specialization that you can delve into is freshly prepared sushi rolls and organic food. Just like any other food truck business, you can afford to move your van from one part of town to another part on search of customers. It is indeed a low budget business, it is simple to set – up, and also simple to manage business.
- Sale of Cakes
Making and selling cakes is yet another easy to start food retailing business that an entrepreneur can successfully start. If you know how to back cake, then you should consider starting a business that deals in cake. Aside from the fact that you can retail your cakes yourself, you can also source weddings, birthdays and special anniversaries to market your cake. There is indeed a large market for cakes and if you are hardworking you can reap a fortune from this type of business.
- Fast food restaurants
Since the advent of fast food restaurants, loads of entrepreneurs have becomes millionaires. If you are interested in the food industry, one of the coolest ways of making money is to open a fast food restaurant. Although this type is profitable, but at the same time you can run at a loss if your fast food restaurant is not well positioned and managed.
It is important to state that loads of fast food restaurants close shops simple because they failed to conduct detailed market survey and feasibility studies before opening shop. Your ability to re – strategize and always up your service deliveries will help you stay competitive.
Another food related retailing business that an entrepreneur who is serious about making money should consider starting is to open a restaurant. It is fact that the restaurant business all over the globe is one business that generates huge income annually and can comfortably stand the test of time if well managed. Any business person who gets involved in the food industry is sure to get good returns on investment if the business is well positioned.
One good thing about the restaurant business is that an owner has the sole right to determine the price they want to sell their menu irrespective of what others around them might – especially if they are good with the delicacies they whip up.
There are various kinds of restaurants you can choose to start if you are interested in opening a restaurant. Here are a few examples; we have fast food restaurants, there are the intercontinental restaurants, local restaurants, family style cafeterias, casual dining restaurants, and fast casual restaurants, amongst others.
Bakery business is yet another highly thriving, easy to establish and profitable business venture that an entrepreneur can successfully launch. Bread is a major stable food that is consumed all around the world hence there is a large market for bread.
If you are interested in starting a food retailing business, then you should consider opening a bread bakery in your community. No doubt your bread bakery may not be the only bakery in your location, but one thing is certain, if you have a good marketing and sales strategy and you produce tasty and quality breads, you can easily penetrate the market.
It is true that nearly all families in the United States of America and other parts of the world eat bread. This is one of the reasons why you too have got to also position yourself your profit galore.
- Open an Organic Food Store
To sum up, another simple but profitable food related business that an entrepreneur can successfully launch is to open an organic food store. The hype for organic foods is gaining grounds all over the world and more and more people are becoming aware of the health benefits of eating organic foods.
Organic foods may be more expensive than non – organic foods, but it still enjoys huge patronage. So, if you are interested in starting a food related business that is easy to establish and highly profitable, then you should consider opening a store where only pure organic foods are sold.
With the world going green, you can be sure that you will get loads of people who will be interest in buying your products. This means that you have got to first of all come up with possible lists of people who are organic crazy. These are the type of people who will be all out to patronize you when the time for that comes.
More Small Business Ideas in the Food Industry
Bonus idea 1-: Start a Microbrewery
Beers are one of the drinks that are generally consumed in most parts of the world except for few countries (mostly Arab countries where sharia law is practiced). As a result, there is a large market for beer no matter the quantity you produce per time- which is why starting a brewery business is considered to be a profitable venture.
No doubt, if you have the skills to brew beers of various flavors, then you need not waste time because you can turn your knowledge and experience into money spinning venture by starting your own microbrewery in any city in the United States of America.
One thing worthy of note in starting the food business- be it the manufacturing or the processing part of it, is the fact that you have got to give yourself to exhaustive research in order to be tops on your game. Those who have started out successfully have got to first of all under take a good research so as to be armed with ample information. As such; you may want to consider hiring the services of a business consultant who will help you do all that while you can worry about other aspects of the busines
Perspective fundamental technologies on a basis of Bast Crops colloid systems
8 年Come New Happy 1) creative action 2) creative activity 3) creativity YEAR! I want, and ready to come to the world market with its innovative know-how. This achievement - a physical device which opens new opportunities for the creation of new technologies. Technology for the processing industry, product innovation for the global market promising nano materials and products from them .. The start of production of new types of products. Attention ! based on new types of raw materials of new products. This products for the food industry, in medicine and its components, for urban and industrial construction (!) Composition and structures, with (!!!) the desired properties! To implement the new processes we need physical solutions - to implement new solutions, we will need new (fundamental) idea - to implement such innovative ideas, we need to have a completely new device. That is all that I propose to. For example, no I do not work in the field of food technology and the food industry, but my decisions and my research instrument (device) give (OPEN) new opportunities = NEW ROAD. To concretize my possibilities can open in GOOGLE - Dr. Oleg V Anokhin. [email protected]