Unique Capability Collaboration

Unique Capability Collaboration

“Collaboration- the ultimate intertwining of skills, passions, and knowledge- is what concocts the most shatterproof forms of changemaking.” Ian Somehalder

In most cases, organizations that are run by job description hardly experience value creation because everyone is constrained and restricted to their silos and they are told what to do. There is a better way to unleash the power of your people.

The purpose of the workplace is to unlock the potential of people who work there. Its important, therefore, for leaders to remove anything that will place a restriction on people and limit them from performing at their peak. Like a fruit tree, we are all created to grow and produce to the max.

You can only get the best performance from people when they operate from the place of their strength and passion. Inspiration comes easily when what they are good at (strength) intersects what they love doing (passion). Most job descriptions are based on the position and role rather than what the person loves doing and what she can do so well. She may perform but may not be to her highest potential.

Any organization that wants its people to perform at their full potential has to give them the opportunity to work at their strengths and passion. To sustain that performance, they have to be placed in a team where they feel cared for. Inspiration easily comes when people are operating in the area of their strength while doing what they love doing. That is purpose.

“The only thing that will redeem mankind is cooperation.” Bertrand Russell

High performance is people unleashing their full potential. It happens when people’s potentials are unlocked through care and a high purpose. A higher purpose inspires them to bring their best selves to work and to perform to the max.

Where what people can do well and what the love meet is their unique capability. And when people with unique capabilities work together, it is called Unique Capability Collaboration. Steve Jobs ran Apple successfully by using the concept of Unique Capability Collaborations. People work in teams where their strength and passion (Unique Capability) can be utilized.

Steve Jobs created Unique Capability Collaborations for every project or product they were working on. He didn’t run Apple by job descriptions but by collaborations among employees and teams. There is no hierarchy in Unique Capability Collaboration; only collaborations.

To collaborate, employees in a team need to have similar mindsets but complementary capabilities to create value for another team within the organization or for the customer. The purpose of unique Capability Collaborations is to create value. When organizations continually create value through the Unique Capability Collaborations, they will transform the entire industry and their competitors will become their customers.

Collaborations multiply ideas. When people who know their Unique Capabilities collaborate, they multiply the usefulness and value of their organization in the marketplace. Job description, on the other hand, only allows for maintaining or extraction of value not the creation of the same.

Value creation is a scientific process but cannot be controlled or managed. It is the result of people being inspired. When people with the right mindset but complementary unique capability work together, they are inspired. An organization where their people work in their Unique Capability collaborating with others experiences great value creation activities.

People With Similar Mindsets

“Great discoveries and improvements invariably involve the cooperation of many minds.” Alexander Graham Bell

For a team to work effectively to create value, they need to have a similar mindset. That will keep them in agreement. They will focus on the end goal. However, when they have mindsets that differ, they will end up arguing and having strife rather than making progress. They have to agree on the value they are going to create.

1. Abundance Mindset Not Scarcity: They need to understand that nothing is scarce. Things may just be scarce because people see it as so. The scarcity mindset makes people stop creating value. They depend on the value that has already been created. Resources will move away from organizations that stop creating value as a result of a scarcity mindset. You need everyone on the team to have an abundance mindset.

2. Creative Mindset Not Reactive: Collaborations to create value requires people with a creative mindset not reactive. Those with creative mindsets respond to new ideas by adding to them and making them bigger. Those with a reactive mindset, make ideas smaller. You don’t need such people on the team. You need to collaborate with people who respond proactively to ideas and want to find ways to make them a reality.

3. Growth Mindset Not Fixed: You need people on a value creation team who believe in the power and possibility of an idea. People with a growth mindset believe that no matter how impossible an idea is, it is possible. They can grow and develop the right potential to make it a reality. Those with fixed mindsets see impossibility in every idea. They will argue why an idea cannot be achieved rather look at the possibility of it happening. They avoid the challenge that creating new forms of value bring.

4. Collaborative Not Competitive: You need people who believe others can complement them rather than people who are rugged individuals. Collaboration creates new forms of value and capability. Competition, on the other hand, always reduces the value of resources. It reduces its usefulness, productivity, and profitability. You need people on the team who will increase the usefulness, productivity, capability, and profitability of the value that is created through collaboration.

When people with Unique Capabilities collaborate, they create unique forms of value that transform organizations, industries, and societies. It's hard to copy what was created through Unique Capability Collaborations.

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We can help you transform your people into value creators at any level. You only become valuable and never lose.


