….and how to deal with them.
- Be aware, they will happen. The question is; will you be ready?
- Back-up - Money (investments, savings, emergency fund, secret stash)
- Loss of Credit/Debit Cards (have phone numbers listed)
- Cybersecurity/Hacked (call Bank, Revenue Canada, Police, Microsoft, Google)
- Identity Theft (call Bank, Police, Revenue Can., Credit Co’s)
- Computer(s) Back-up. (at least weekly/store separate from unit)
- Alternative Communication Methods (with partner, spouse, family) [e.g. neighbor, old cell phone]
- Pandemics change work environments/procedures. How?
- Get proper Vaccinations/masks when available/needed
- Food/accommodations (shopping availability, home supply)
- Phone/car (breakdown of either, CAA membership)
- Fire in your home (extinguisher handy? Evacuation Plan)
- Home/Auto Insurance (have accurate coverage/appraisals)
- Damage of accommodations from storm? (basement/motel?)
- Job (resume current? keeping contact with the competition?)
- Health (be aware of what your/your spouse group plan provides)
- Sickness (e.g. Covid-19 Virus, testing location, quarantine arrangements; you/spouse can’t work, back-up arrangements)
- Will, Powers of Attorney up to date?
- Review your plan annually (e.g. during the Lock Downs, Vacation)
- Have a “B or a C Plan”