Sunny S Koul
Creative Writing / GuitarPlayer / Cartoonist / Wall Cartoonist /Independent Researcher on SpacetimeTheory / Ufo Enthusiast / Piano Learner / Science Fiction Writer
Prof.Mores: What is that equation Scarlett.J?
Scarlett.J: I use some different kind of notations for this and I want to use a term confined instead of static. If we solve the dilation between the objects and space then we are able to find that minimum probability space.
Prof.Mores: Are you sure, your equation solves this riddle, Scarlett.J?
Scarlett.J: Yes, Prof Mores. I am sure. Even my equation is based on what your equation need. I consider space as a confined box where I apply coefficient that restrict the space maximum velocity and where I calculate the dilation of time between space and objects.
Prof.Mores: But coefficient needs lower probability where particles stuck up with their minimum stability.
Scarlett.J: This happens if I reverse the process.
Prof.Mores: What, you want to reverse the process of coefficient.
Scarlett.J: Yes, Prof.Mores.
Prof.Mores: But universe expands with its critical densities so why you reverse the order?
Scarlett.J: I cannot violate any thermodynamic law but I will work on the basis of smaller infinities where orders have their identical images.
Prof.Mores: Great, Scarlett.J. This will work definitely.
Scarlett.J: Yes, Prof.Mores.(Continue in Chapter-XXXXXXVIII)