Unimaginable Influence!
When did you start having an impact or influence on creation? Was it when you began to speak? Or, when you drew your first picture? Or, when you started your first job? Or, when you punched the school bully who was harassing your friend? Or, when you took your first breath? Or, … ?
The Bible gives us a clear answer. The writer of Genesis provides a clue by sharing God’s assessment of the several stages of his creation in Chapter 1. After each of the first six stages, God “saw that it was good,” referring to what he had just made (see verses 4, 10b, 12b, 18b, 21b, 25b). The Hebrew word translated as “good” also implies “pleasant” or “excellent.” In other words, God was pleased with his excellent creations.
Then he made Adam. And something happened to God’s opinion of what he had made previously. In verse 31b, the writer shares that God “saw all that he had made, and it was very good [emphasis added].” Not just “good,” but “very good.” God’s opinion of his creation went up when Adam appeared on the scene.
Adam wasn’t the only one present when God made his revised assessment of his creation; you were there also, not only technically extant in Adam’s body as seed, but in God’s pan-temporal view you were just as “present” as Adam, as part of his family. This concept is mentioned in Hebrews 7:9, where the writer points out that Levi “paid” a tithe to Melchizedek through Abraham, even though he was still in the body of his ancestor. Strange as that “pre-birth influence” may seem, God’s opinion is not limited by our understanding.
So, here is the point: God’s opinion of all of creation went up when Adam (and you, in Adam!) came on the scene. The “goodness” of everything increased because of you. Think about what that means: every star, every tree, every leaf on every tree, every molecule in the air, every grain of sand on every beach, and everything else, became better because of you. Wow!
Even though sin entered the world through Eve and Adam, you still have incredible influence on creation. So much so, that even “all creation eagerly waits for the sons of God to be revealed” (see Romans 8:19), so that its “very goodness” will be restored!
You have unimaginable influence, whether you believe it or not!
More insights into how and what Abba thinks about you can be found in Steve’s recent book entitled, “Windows to the Father’s Heart,” available through www.fatherstouch.org/store or www.Amazon.com.