Unilife’s Take on International Day for Biological Diversity 2022
On May 22, we at Unilife are celebrating the International Day for Biological Diversity. This day is meant to increase awareness of the importance of biodiversity, and it also calls us to action—to protect it and make sure we're doing our part to preserve it. The International Day for Biological Diversity is an annual event that honours the efforts of individuals, communities, and governmental organizations worldwide to care for and protect our planet’s plants, animals, and ecosystem. This day came into action on 22nd May 1992 and the purpose of this day is to encourage people to preserve biodiversity. The idea is to spread awareness of current conservation challenges around the world, encourage governments and countries to work together to stop species from going extinct, and advocate for policies that will benefit biological diversity.
What is International Day for Biological Diversity and why is it important
This is a day to celebrate the diversity of life on Earth, and the important role that biodiversity plays in our lives. Biodiversity refers to the variety of species, as well as the genetic differences within species. It's also known as biological diversity. Biodiversity helps us to maintain healthy ecosystems and provides food, medicine, clean water and air for all living things.
Biodiversity is important because it's what gives us food, clean water, medicine, and so much more. It helps support natural systems, including our climate and soil quality. And it provides great benefits for humans—like the ability to enjoy beautiful landscapes and wildlife!
But there's a problem: Biodiversity is declining all over the world due to human activities like deforestation or unsustainable farming practices. If we don't take action now, we could lose some species forever—and many others will be at risk of extinction. We need to be more thoughtful about how we're using natural resources in order to keep all kinds of living things alive for generations to come. It's vital to protect biodiversity because when we lose the variety of species on Earth, it puts our own survival at risk.
Here are some things you can do to help preserve biodiversity:
-Recycle! Try recycling paper products instead of throwing them away. This will reduce your carbon footprint by keeping trees from being cut down for paper products that could be recycled instead.
-Buy locally grown food. This will reduce transportation emissions from bringing food from far away like California or Florida into your community where it doesn't need to be shipped across country lines before making its way back home again! Plus having local produce means eating fresher fruits and vegetables too!
-Plant trees and encourage your elders and peers to do the same. Consciously saving electricity and fuel, they are depleting resources that must be used mindfully. Take a walk to convenient locations thereby, benefitting your health.?
-Keep a small bowl of water by your windowsill in summer to help birds find water. Keep your surroundings cool by installing tiny plants inside your household and take conscious steps to keep your surroundings clean & green.
Awareness of Biodiversity in students
Youth account for almost 30% of the global population. For the youth, environmental degradation will be an irreplaceable loss. Student participation in environmental preservation and development decision-making, as well as the implementation of biodiversity conservation programmes, is crucial. The biggest hurdle to conservation is a lack of understanding of the importance of biodiversity. In terms of the environment, today's generation bears a specific duty. Because they must live in a harmful impact, youngsters are exposed to a variety of environmental risks and hazards.
Increasing student knowledge of the value and relevance of biodiversity, as well as public participation in its development and preservation usage. Students' understanding of biodiversity and their local environments will be taken into account in such programmes, which will foster an appreciation of local biodiversity knowledge, establish clear links between biodiversity conservation and community health and welfare, and describe conservation actions that can be taken by educational institutions. Early school experiences are critical for the growth of students' knowledge later in life.?
Over the years we have seen companies and individuals working towards Environmental Conservation. With various social initiatives that were taken by the people, a lot of things were done in this regard. However, despite all the efforts that have been made, there is still a need to keep up with such efforts to save the planet as well as ourselves. Students can help in eliminating our daily usage of plastic bags and thus contribute to conserving our planet from pollution. They can stop throwing garbage regularly and turn into environment-friendly students.
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