One Major Theme In The Universe Is A Tapestry Of The Interplay Of Opposites:
The universe and the world we live in is an elaborate menagerie of dynamic opposites constantly interacting with each other; either violently or harmoniously. There are opposite poles of a magnet that allow for electrical and geological phenomena—-for example, the magnetic field travelling across Earth protects us from stellar radiation by sweeping up radioactive particles (Aurora Borealis). The magnetic field allows many species of bird, insect and fish to navigate across vast distances using innate magneto sensory organs. The opposite charges on subatomic particles like electrons / protons allow for electricity and electrical circuits utilizing properties of electrons and their attraction to a cathode. The charge on electrons also compels these particles to orbit protons creating orbitals -—thereby, generating myriad properties of all matter. Good aesthetic sense or better fashion design revolve around taking advantage of contrasting shades and colors—-where opposing hues bring beauty. Without opposites only monotony and meaninglessness would persist in the world.
Opposing sides in a conflict can choose ugly or elegant/bold maneuvers to resolve issues. Conflict can simply be resolved by military or armed conflict causing death, destruction and havoc in the world-—yet also allowing for opportunities for people to display virtues like valor, courage, brilliance and fortitude. This is akin to the collision of a proton with a negatively charged anti-proton which results in explosion and annihilation. The more mature way of resolving conflict is simply to shake hands-—demonstrating that one has courage, understanding, tolerance and is willing to compromise-— ‘live and let live’ approach. Conflict is a key element of fine, visual and performing arts [as well as humanities and literature] and one of the two major branches of all Drama. One way of capturing / captivating attention of an audience is an exploration of the dimensions of conflict. Often the broad underlying cause of any conflict is either: 1.) An unwillingness to admit one’s own fault, or compromise on an issue, or sacrifice something for the greater good which all require overcoming Pride—-you cannot back away from a conflict if you are too proud; and 2.) The other reason for conflict can simply arise from envy / jealousy toward whom the conflict is with indicating a genuine inclination towards Evil-—you simply cannot stand to see others happy so you attack them. The violent phenomena in the universe have to do with the conflict resolution analogy of the interplay of opposites.
Another interplay of opposites is that found in love. This is the electron orbiting proton in harmony, rather than proton annihilating anti-proton analogy (ideas from quantum chemistry & particle physics). The elegant beautiful phenomena of the universe fall into the lovers' erotic reconciliation analogy of the interplay of opposites. Love is also a key element of fine, visual and performing arts [as well as humanities and literature] and the second major branch of all Drama. The second way of capturing / captivating attention of an audience is to discover the many dimensions of love. Love is a response to innate human wants, desires and inclinations and resonates with harmonious existence of planets and stars in the universe peacefully orbiting each other in obedience to each other’s gravitional pull thereby maintaining order in the heavens (a basic principle of Astronomy). Indeed, gravity can be defined as the ‘glue’ that holds the universe together-—thereby preventing chaos and pandemonium from destroying all of creation. While the existence of conflict is entropic and a proof that evil exists (without pride and envy there would be no conflict!); love is entirely a weapon of the forces of good in the world--though sadly it is the most misunderstood and vilified virtue. The reconciliation of conflicting forces brings pain, death and despair. The reconciliation of lovers brings hope & happiness; and leads to birth of new life. Conflict ends life, while love creates more life.
All phenomena and events of the entire world occur when two opposites interact producing harmonious or violent resolution. A human being’s genetic code is diploid comprising one set of chromosomes (duplicate copy of all genes) from the father and the other from the mother which generates the science of genetics and heredity. In computer programming the most basic data unit, a byte is either a zero (‘0’) or a one (‘1’). 0 and 1 are contrasting quantities and the '0' invokes the female element of the universe (‘yin’ / ‘lam’ (Arabic) / crescent) and the '1' resonates with the masculine element of the universe (‘yang’ / ‘meem’ (Arabic) / star). Thus, digital information is encoded in opposing symbolic properties of creation, forming the basis for computer science. Our lives are governed by the undulating arrival of night and day. The periodicity of events across time resonates with periodic movement of a clock pendulum and or the periodic nature of Electromagnetic radiation where one complete cycle is called the wavelength--a basic fact of physics. The 'bouncing about' / 'to-and-fro' quality of the universe is best quantified by the branch of mathematics called trigonometry and polar coordinates. Water is used to put out fire, but fire can also cause water to evaporate away. Every commercial product has converse properties of supply and demand which is elegantly quantified and synthesized into the science of Economics. Sociology is the study of the cyclical rise-and-fall of communities and civilizations. In an unstable system, molecules with differing properties reach reconciliation by reacting with each other releasing energy which leads to stability and equilibrium. This is a basis of the science of chemistry. Human blood cycles between opposite conditions of being oxygenated (arterial) and deoxygenated (venous)--the heart is the central place in the body where venous blood is reconciled with oxygenated blood by being sent to the lungs via the pulmonary artery and the right ventricle. This is a elementary principle of the science of Medicine.
While many natural interactions of opposites evoke the natural reconciliation of two people of opposite gender finding solace in loving one another, the fundamental teaching of ALL world theologies ALSO revolve around the importance of love, love for god and for god’s creation (= science of Divinity). The ultimate place of salvation in multiple world religions, e.g.: “Swerg” (Hinduism), “Jannat” (Islam), “Eden” (Christianity), “Elysium” (Ancient Rome), “Valhalla” (Vikings), etcetera convey a place of great pleasure full of love of all kinds and, in particular, erotic love. Hence, it is very interesting that a major reconciliation of opposites in the world happens to be love which is propagated by theology in addition to quantitative science--and forms a basis for all forms of art.
Another Major Theme Of The Universe Is Attractive Forces Acting As A Glue To Hold Everything Together In Harmony And Importance Of Nulcei, Cores And Central Objects Around Which Something Orbits Or Rotates:
At limits of investigation, every branch of all knowledge and contents of every encyclopedia converge to unity. A quantum singularity at the core of our Galaxy holds 400 billion stars in order and harmony*. A cell contains a nucleus which Encodes the entire organism while the cytoplasm ‘orbits’ (and depends upon) the nucleus owing to the phenomenon of “cytoplasmic streaming”; An atom also contains a nucleus which carries gradations of charge around which electrons orbit allowing matter to display its myriad properties; At the center of each solar system is a star which holds planets around it in harmony; Earth contains a core around which is a layer of magma (lava) and liquefied metal flow at high velocity creating Earth’s magnetic field; The magnetic field generates the Van Allen Belt which "sweeps up" radioactive particles traveling toward Earth from the Sun's corona, which are then destroyed at poles upon atmospheric entry creating AURORA BOREALIS. In political science and government, an entire nation 'revolves' around its capitol which gives it purpose, order, life and prosperity.
The Universe is held together by fundamental attractive forces (Gravity, Magnetism and Charge). Similarly, the attractive force of "Love" should hold civilization in harmony. It is the emotion of LIFE, best experienced in a lush beatiful garden full of flowers, butterflies and birds & a significant other by one's side. In such a place you can "feel" what life is and means. The entire universe is a celebration of the ultimate human happiness, explaining WHY humans are the supreme creature.
Interestingly, the Rotation of the Milky Way Spiral Galaxy is a counterclockwise orbit like the “Tawaaf” of the Holy Kaaba. Hurricanes, Tornadoes and Whirlpools are counterclockwise rotations. Hindu weddings require 7 counterclockwise ‘tawaafs’ of a holy fire! The rotation of the Earth around its axis is counterclockwise, the orbit of Earth around the Sun is counterclockwise, and finally the orbit of the moon around the Earth is also counterclockwise. In Sufi mystical theology, the Kaaba symbolizes HER majesty God—-that is, ‘yin’ or ‘lam’, the feminine element of the universe and, hence, the Kaaba is symbolic (‘on’) for all the women of the Earth. “By the time the intellect has made plans for Hajj, Love has circumambulated the Kaaba.” -Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi. God (“she”) said to Prophet Muhammed: “If your beauty had not existed, I would not have bothered to create the universe!” Hence, the central emotion of God, Heaven and Theology is also Romantic & Erotic Love.
The Themes Of The Universe Resonate With Love; Which Is Also The Life-giving Soul Of Human Civilization:
The muse of all positive human behavior (and all commendable human virtues) is the approval of women. A good human being, a good citizen, a good professional, a good friend, a good brother, a good patriot, a good artist, a good sportsman, a good soldier, a good cleric, a good leader, and a good worshiper and follower of any God of any religion are all liked by girls! [“Inna Izzata Lillahi Jamiah,” “All respect & honor are in the hands of God (i.e., ‘she’ = women)”, Quran 10:65.] Therefore, good is called good BECAUSE it is liked by girls! While the desire for oxygen, water and food allow an individual to survive, the desire to mate allows our entire species to survive! DEATH is the ultimate pain, and SEX is the ultimate pleasure. Instead of ending life, sex leads to birth of new life! Love is the diagonal of opposite of dying in the world and is a supernatural force that sustains all Life (vis-a-vis "ON").
In the metaphysical realm, love nourishes living creatures. Living things are defined as being alive because they contain love in them. In accordance with Yin (female) and Yang (male) reconciliation in the Universe, the most import type of love is romantic-erotic while all others are subordinate sub-categories of love. Among various kinds of love only one of them can lead to generation life that did not previously exist, i.e., birth. Saints and Prophets of history are champions of true Love and some of their miracles include resurrecting the dead (e.g., Jesus Christ, Shaykh Muhiyuddin Abdul Qadir Al-Jeelani, Prophet Muhammad, among others), that is, restoration of life to a deceased person. If Yin-Yang reconciliation are encouraged then every other kind of love, for example, love for environment or love for animals or love for parents or love for humanity or love for innovation will also flourish—-and bring order to the world.
If being human makes you feel embarrassed, then something is very wrong with the world! Bowing and praying to any God, for example, Devotions of Christians in a Church, Sajda/ Prostration of Muslims in a masjid/mosque, or worship of Hindu pundits or Buddhist monks in a temple/mandir force a person to surrender will and power to a superior being. To perform such acts a worshipper must fight his or her pride, dignity and arrogance. This creates humility, humbleness and good beautiful character. In order to make love to someone you ALSO must destroy your pride, dignity and arrogance to acquire something better, happiness. Therefore, worship and the act of love both have similar purifying effects on a human soul. Moreover, if you have a wish-list of doing things in Heaven, then none of those can possibly be defined as “Evil” on Earth. Only good exists in Heaven!
The most effective way of destroying a human being is to make him/her unable to find love in life! The spear tip of Evil is sorcery and witchcraft (i.e., the worst kind of evil that exists) which act by separating male from female. The damage delivered upon humanity by creating distance between him and her is unparalleled in destructive power:
“And they followed [instead] what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon*. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Harut and Marut. But the two angels do not teach anyone unless they say, "We are a trial, so do not disbelieve [by practicing magic]." And [yet] they learn from them that by which they cause separation between a man and woman. But they do not harm anyone through it except by permission of God. And the people learn what harms them and does not benefit them. But the Children of Israel certainly knew that whoever purchased the magic would not have in the afterlife any share. And wretched is the price for which they sold their souls, if they only knew.” (Quran 2:102)
*Solomon had 200 wives and is the most powerful king of all history (ruling an empire stretching from Israel to Japan). This generated tremendous envy throughout the world leading to development of evil sciences (PERHAPS THE MOST ENVIED MAN OF ALL TIME!). He was also a prophet of God and could communicate with and command Animals and Jinn.
While It Sounds Frustratingly Simplistic, The Root Cause Of Every Problem On Earth Is Avoidance Or Enmity Toward Love:
The glorification of sophisticated explanations backed by elaborate experimental and observational evidence and complex theses / dissertations has overshadowed the visibility & believability of obvious simple solutions that elude all, because they are too simple or too good to be true! A useful principle of science is that the simplest explanation for anything is usually the correct one (‘Ochem’s razor). Any battle between Right & Wrong therefore is ULTIMATELY over Love! Only 1.5% OF HUMAN BEINGS will make love today anywhere in the world (see attached data)! A recent study demonstrates that the population in over 120 countries (roughly 62.2% of the world's nations) is collapsing due to insufficient conception events leading to manpower shortages in places like Japan and Germany. If everyone made love ONCE every day, 26 million babies should be born in every 24-hour period (correcting for birth-control methods), yet only 400,000 are!
Problems of overcrowding are overly exaggerated and if they do exist can be solved very easily if there is a desire to solve them. But instead of proposing creative solutions to overcrowding like, vertical construction, subterranean or submarine architectural solutions, or even building cities in orbit as was suggested in the 1960’s, overcrowding is instead used to justify sexual abstinence. Where there is a will there is a way, and there is plenty of “Space” to put people! A global movement has begun in the form of feminist uprisings, #MeToo and #TimesUp, ‘Yellow Vest’, and anti-Rape campaigns/protests--however, these movements require better direction considering a “global love shortage”. At any given instant, ONLY 405 people are making love on the Entire planet!
The TRUTH may sound cheap, but someone must have the courage to say it! When intimate companionship is unavailable, pain, frustration, anger, and resentment build up inside a human being. This leads to corruption and/or a necessity to fight. People then turn to drugs, crime and seek belonging and purpose. Minds become twisted leading to depression and suicide. A fire easily quenched by pouring one’s feelings into a significant other is directed elsewhere. People join gangs, cartels, or terrorist groups. The best people devote themselves to lonely career struggles seeking some holy grail in the sky called “success” (and remain “law abiding upright citizens”) at the expense of happiness. In the absence of perpetual pleasure, a mission, goal, cause and purpose to fight towards make life bearable. Drawing near to this ‘objective’ every day keeps humans going. Thus, we can remain alive while not fully comfortable or happy at every single instant. It can be argued that preventing access to love is the ROOT CAUSE of any evil: disease, crime, war, poverty, famine, or any other strife. Peace, health, love and prosperity are REQUIRED for romantic intimacy to occur among humans.
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-Dr. Mohammed Talha Shekhani, "THE MAHDI"