Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection
Patrick Nicolas
Director Data Engineering @ aidéo technologies |software & data engineering, operations, and machine learning.
Are you frustrated with the linear assumptions of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) or losing the global structure and relationships in your data with t-SNE??
Leveraging Riemannian geometry, Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) might be the solution you're looking for.
What you will learn:?How to leverage to?Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection method as a reliable?non-linear dimensionality reduction technique that preserve the global distribution over low dimension space (Manifold).
Dimension reduction algorithms can be classified into two categories:
Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection?(UMAP) leverages research done for Laplacian eigenmaps to tackle the problem of uniform data distributions on manifolds by combining Riemannian geometry with advances in fuzzy simplicial sets [ref?1].
t-SNE is considered the leading method for dimension reduction in visualization. However, compared to t-SNE, UMAP maintains more of the global structure and offers faster run time performance.
t-SNE is a widely used technique for reducing the dimensionality of data and enhancing its visualization. It's often compared to PCA (Principal Component Analysis), another popular method. This article examines the performance of UMAP and t-SNE using two well-known datasets, Iris and MNIST.
t-SNE is an unsupervised, non-linear technique designed for exploring and visualizing high-dimensional data [ref?2]. It provides insights into how data is structured in higher dimensions by projecting it into two or three dimensions. This capability helps reveal underlying patterns and relationships, making it a valuable tool for understanding complex datasets.
UMAP, developed by McInnes and colleagues, is a non-linear dimensionality reduction technique that offers several benefits over t-SNE, including faster computation and better preservation of the global structure of the data.
The algorithm behind UMAP involves:
This method allows UMAP to maintain both local and global data structures, making it effective for various data analysis and visualization tasks.
For the mathematically inclined, the simplicial set captures the local and global relationships between two points xi?and xj?as:?
with sigma parameters as scaler.
The cost function for all the points?xi??with their representation?yi is?
Python module is installed through the usual pip utility.
?? ?pip install umap-learn
The reader is invited to consult the documentation [ref?3].
Let's consider the two datasets used for this evaluation:
class DataSrc(Enum):
MNIST = 'mnist'
IRIS = 'iris'
First, we implement a data set loader for these two data sets using sklearn datasets module.
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits, load_iris
class DatasetLoader(object):
def __init__(self, dataset_src: DataSrc) -> None:
match dataset_src:
case DataSrc.MNIST:
digits = load_digits()
self.data = digits.data
self.color = digits.target.astype(int)
case DataSrc.IRIS:
images = load_iris()
self.data = images.data
self.names = images.target_names
self.color = images.target.astype(int)
self.dataset_src = dataset_src
Evaluation code
Let's wrap the evaluation of t-SNE algorithm for IRIS and MNIST data in a class?TSneEval. The constructor initializes the?Scikit-learn?class?TSNE with the appropriate number of components (dimension 2 or 3). The class?TSneEval?inherits for sklearn data loaders by subclassing?DatasetLoader.
class TSneEval(DatasetLoader):
def __init__(self, dataset_src: DataSrc, n_components: int) -> None:
super(TSneEval, self).__init__(dataset_src)
# Instantiate the Sklearn t-SNE model
self.t_sne = TSNE(n_components=n_components)
The evaluation method,?.__call__, utilizes the?Matplotlib?library to visualize data clusters. It generates plots to display the clusters for each digit in the MNIST dataset and for each flower category in the Iris dataset.
def __call__(self, cmap: AnyStr) -> NoReturn:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
embedding = self.umap.fit_transform(self.data)
x = embedding[:, 0]
y = embedding[:, 1]
n_ticks = 10
plt.scatter(x=x, y=y, c=self.color, cmap=cmap, s=4.0)
boundaries=np.arange(n_ticks+1) - 0.5).set_ticks(np.arange(n_ticks)
plt.title(f'UMAP {self.dataset_src} {self.umap.n_neighbors} neighbors, min_dist: \
The simple previous code snippet produces the t-SNE plots for MNIST and IRIS data sets.
MNIST dataset
First let's look at the 10 data clusters (1 per digit) in a two and 3 dimension plot.
IRIS dataset
The data related to each of the 3 types or Iris flowers are represented in 2 and 3 dimension plots
We follow the same procedure for UMAP visualization as we do for t-SNE. The constructor of the?UMAPEval?wrapper class initializes the UMAP model with the specified number of neighbors (n_neighbors)?and minimum distance (min_dist)?parameters, which are used to represent the data.
import umap
class UMAPEval(DatasetLoader):
def __init__(self, dataset_src: DataSrc, n_neighbors: int, min_dist: float) -> None:
super(UMAPEval, self).__init__(dataset_src)
# Instantiate the UMAP model
self.umap = umap.UMAP(
Similar to the t-SNE evaluation, the?.__call__?method uses the Matplotlib library to visualize data clusters.
def __call__(self, cmap: AnyStr) -> NoReturn:
embedding = self.umap.fit_transform(self.data)
x =embedding[:, 0],
y =embedding[:, 1],
c =self.color,
cmap =cmap,
....... // Similar code as t-SNE
MNIST dataset
IRIS dataset
Number of neighbors
The parameter that defines the number of neighbors in UMAP,n_neighbors, determines the balance between global and local distances in the data visualization. A smaller number of neighbors means the local neighborhood is defined by fewer data points, which is ideal for detecting small clusters and capturing fine details. On the other hand, a larger number of neighbors helps in capturing broader, global patterns, but it may oversimplify the local relationships, potentially missing finer details in the data.
min_dist (compactness in low dimension)
This parameter?plays a crucial role in determining the appearance of the low-dimensional representation, specifically affecting the clustering and spacing of data points.
A small?min_dist?value allows UMAP to pack points closer together in the low-dimensional space. It emphasizes the preservation of local structure and can make clusters more distinct.
A larger?min_dist?value enforces a minimum separation between points in the low-dimensional space. UMAP visualizations with a large?min_dist?may show less clustering and more continuous distributions of data points.
The choice of?min_dist?thus influences the trade-off between preserving local versus global structures.
[4]?MNIST - Y. LeCun
Patrick Nicolas has over 25 years of experience in software and data engineering, architecture design and end-to-end deployment and support with extensive knowledge in machine learning.? He has been director of data engineering at Aideo Technologies since 2017 and he is the?author of "Scala for Machine Learning", Packt Publishing ISBN 978-1-78712-238-3