The Unified Way
1- Root Center is a motor and adrenalized pressure and fuel to start new beginnings, to put things in order, to concentrate, and to fight for a life of meaning. If you feel Imbalanced In this area, follow this tip. Focus your attention near your tailbone. This is your pressure center. Become aware of your ability to handle stress and initiate action. Without judging yourself or others, close your eyes and notice how you feel about something that brings you stress and that you deeply want to do something about.
EXERCISE: Meditation for Clarity
Set aside a few minutes each day for meditation. Focus on the problem or decision you need to make, and allow your thoughts to flow without judgment. Meditation can *clear mental clutter and lead to insights or intuitive guidance. If you have a hard time clearing the mind clutter, repeat the word “release” or “focus”
2- Sacral Center is your vital life force energy center and motor; it’s the source of generative energy. Driving your capacity for enthusiasm, work ethic, and passion. Also where reproduction happens, not just making babies but also creating businesses. Linked to your entrepreneurial spirit. Put attention to just above the root.
EXERCISE: Breathing and Centering
When faced with a challenging problem or decision, take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Inhale deeply, hold your breath in for a few seconds longer, and then exhale a few seconds shorter. Example - INHALE FOR 6, EXHALE FOR 4. Typically when I do this exercise my exhale Is quick. Repeat this process a few times. This exercise brings energy into the body and can help calm the mind, reduce feelings of stress, and allow you to access your intuition more effectively. The same Is true for breathing techniques that specifically relax the body.
3- Solar Plexus Center is your emotional center, influencing your moods, decision-making, and intuition. This center is for potential emotional awareness. It plays a significant role in your creative and intuitive abilities. Think of a decision you want to make about your business. How does that make you feel?
EXERCISE Journaling :
Keep a problem-solving journal where you jot down questions or challenges you encounter in your business. Notice and note your emotions and visceral responses. Write down your initial thoughts and any intuitive or creative ideas that arise. Keep journaling until you have an order of steps.
4- G Center or Identity Center is about the ability to embrace your authentic self and your life’s purpose. You can let go of your expectations, relax, and trust that Source or the Universe has your back. It guides your sense of self and direction in life. It plays a key role in your confidence and sense of purpose as an entrepreneur.
EXERCISE Trust Your Gut (Intuition):
Practice following your initial instinct or "gut feeling" in making decisions with small things (ex. eating). The key is to avoid overthinking or second-guessing yourself. If you catch yourself doing this, quickly dismiss those thoughts. Trusting your intuition can lead to quicker and more regular high-frequency responses with bigger decisions.
5- Heart/Ego Center is home to our self-worth, our self-confidence. It governs your self-concept, willpower, and ambition. It's closely connected to your confidence and desire for recognition. Need to prove yourself.
EXERCISE: Visualization
Close your eyes and consider a problem or decision you are facing and visualize or think of a positive outcome. You can also practice this with small desires. Imagine the steps you need to take to achieve that outcome. Ask yourself, “How does achieving this feel?” Visualization can help boost confidence and clarity in decision-making.
6- Throat Center becomes your center of communication and expression. It is also the center for manifestation as communication from other centers and motors travel to this center. It shapes your ability to convey ideas, leadership qualities, and persuasive skills.
EXERCISE: Affirmations
Create positive affirmations related to your ability to communicate or manifest. Repeat these affirmations daily to reinforce your confidence, and connect with your gut feeling or Intuition and feelings or emotions. Remember that everyone’s process Is unique, and what works best may vary from person to person.
7- Ajna Center is for conceptualizing and mental processing of ideas, opinions, concepts, theories and answers, which may eventually lead to manifestation.Your center of mental processing and logical thinking. It influences your ability to analyze, strategize, and make informed decisions in entrepreneurship.
EXERCISE: Collaborative Brainstorming
Seek input from others, such as mentors, colleagues, or friends that you are in energetic flow with. Share the question or decision and gather different perspectives. Collaborative brainstorming can lead to fresh ideas and solutions you might not have considered on your own. Again, this exercise Is If you feel stuck within this center.
8- Spleen Center is your intuition antenna tied to survival, safety, health, and well-being. It is your center of intuition and instincts. It plays a role in your ability to sense opportunities and potential risks in business.
EXERCISE: Nature Walks
Take a walk in nature, whether down your street, in a park, forest, or along the beach. Nature has a calming effect and can inspire creative thinking (works for me every time!)Use this time to reflect on the question or decision and allow insights to emerge.
9- Crown/Head Center is the center of inspiration and spiritual connection but, also “mental pressures”. It can enhance your sense of purpose and higher guidance in your entrepreneurial journey.
EXERCISE: Mindful Decision-Making
Before making a decision, pause and *ask yourself how it aligns with your values and goals. Consider the long-term impact on your business and well-being. Mindful decision-making ensures your choices are in harmony with your design.