Unified Theory Part-III

Gravity is at heart a mystery, yes we can talk about curvature of space – time and perhaps make analogies with stretched rubber sheets. But we don’t know why mass causes space-time to curve. To put it another way, in our theory of gravity matter is the scenery and space time is both cast and stage crew but matter’s behavior is described by Quantum mechanics, which takes space and time as a given. For Quantum mechanics, space and time are the stage in which matter puts on the best show ever. How do we get these two theories to put on just one play ? Perhaps this is why the two theories simply do not get on --- no show can have two lead actors, right?? We may finally get to find out thanks to a new experimental device that may make it possible for both gravity and quantum mechanics to play lead roles. Physicists think that it must be possible to unite gravity and quantum mechanics: a common theory from which floweth the sweet sop of quantum mechanics and the slightly mind-bending nectar of general relativity. The problem is that theories are built on data and we have very little data about how Quantum mechanics is modified by gravity (or vice versa).

In the next couple of years, the researchers will build up the optical setup to allow them to drive and measure the pendulum with high precision LASERS. After that, the real fun will begin, and we may get to see the rising photon

Luckily there aren’t any nearby black holes that allow us to make detailed observations. The pendulum itself is not a Quantum object. But it’s operating at the interface where gravity and Quantum mechanics can play together. The pendulum’s natural motion is given by the laws of Gravity (Newtonian Gravity in this case). But the silicon disc is an excellent mirror: It can be pushed around by light. The basic idea is that as the mirror swings, it will also bump into photons and reflect them. That reflection gives the mirror a kick. If the mirror is moving toward the incoming light, the kick will slow it down. If the mirror is moving away from the incoming light, the kick will speed it up. This is only observable for very clean mechanical oscillators, like the one that the researchers have built.??


Farhan Ahmed


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