Unified Theory Part-02
Begin with an example of the start of the Universe which we usually describe as a big bang like explosion where all matter and radiation comes streaming out from some dense initial hot starting point and as Universe expands it gets bigger and bigger, it get cooler and cooler thins begin to spread out and as things cool down they begin to coalesce into structures that gives rise to the stars and the galaxies that we can witness if we loot out on a dark starry night, these are the kinds of structures that we see out in the Heavens.
Actually when we observe the Universe we can't really look back right to the beginning rather what we do is we see the stuff that was in the last portion of the stars and galaxies.
Scientists want to do at least one question to answer is what really happened at the beginning? What really happened at time zero itself so what they do, they take that kind of cosmic film an use their equations to run the film in reverse and try to run it back as far as they can, hopefully right back to the beginning, so in reverse the kind of thing that we imagine happening is everything that's streaming apart starts to come together when we run the film backwards, further back in time things begin to collapse in on themselves than the Universe gets denser hotter everything to implode and as we head back further back in time we can go right back towards the beginning, right back to a fraction of a second after the big bank.