Unified Theory Part-01

For few thousand years Poets, Philosophers, Mathematicians, Scientists have all struggled with some of the deepest questions that humanity has even faced.

Questions that really cut to the heart of what it means to be human and what it means to be part of this Universe and from the point of view of science the question that I have in mind are, questions such as what is space ? What is time? Where does it come from ? How does it begin? Will it eve end ? What are the basic ingredients that make up the Universe, the fundamental staff out of which everything that we see around us is made and what are the forces by which these ingredients influence each other?

That as what are the fundamental forces at work that drive the evolution of the cosmos? Now it is fair to say that the last hundred years or so has seen the greatest strides towards gaining quantitative answers towards these deep and lofty questions. It is also fair to say that of the many people that have contributed significantly to the progress that’s been made it is really the work of Albert Einstein that seems to be the most lasting and most pivotal, the most crucial to the understanding that has been achieved during the last century or so but even though Einstein contributed enormously to our understanding of the Universe, there was one goal that even eluded him and that goal was to find a unified theory of Physics a unified theory as a theory that would be founded on principles of such depth, such breath that perhaps there’d be no question about the physical Universe that would be beyond the theories’ ability to answer to address.

Einstein spent the last thirty years of his life in real desperate pursuit of the Unified theory but in the end even though at times he thought he had it in the end he really came up empty handed and in retrospect it’s not too hard to understand why there are many things of decades that are crucial to trying to gain an understanding of the deep laws of Physics, things that Einstein only knew a little bit about or perhaps knew nothing at all about, but the wonderful thing is that in the last 10, 20 years we’ve been able to make use of this new knowledge to take dramatic steps toward finding the unified theory of Physics toward finding the deepest laws governing the natural Universe.

Now there is a story, I don’t know if it’s true but I think it really shows the tremendous importance that some people hold these questions with namely stories told that on his deathbed Einstein asked for a pad of paper on which he had his last equations scribbled out in the desperate hope that even in those final movements he might complete this journey complete the quest to find the deep laws of the Universe and he didn’t but the question is what is it that drives somebody so strongly to find answers to these kinds of questions and it’s hard to really pinpoint exactly but it’s certainly the case that without finding the unified theory without finding the deepest laws of Physics there are some very crucial important questions that we will never ever be able to address and one of those questions has to do with for instance how the universe began??


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