UNIDO-CSG Traning and Certification Activity Carries on in Tunisia
Centro Studi Galileo
Training & Certification Leader | Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Renewable Energies
Started back in 2015, the collaboration between Centro Studi Galileo and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization is still going strong, the beneficiary country being Tunisia.
With the latest refreshment training and certification session for expert Technicians from Sfax just recently held, trainers from all six excellence centres in Tunisia are now officially F-Gas certified and ready to deliver first-hand training to the national Refrigeration Technicians.
The participants, identified by the Agence Nationale de Protection de l'Environnement Tunisienne (ANPE), actively engaged in theory and practical training and assessment sessions on F-Gases, taught by widely experienced CSG trainers Prof Luca Rollino and Mr Madi Sakandé.
Tunisia sets an example for all countries in terms of efforts and active engagement to develop a sustainable and efficient national certification systems for safely handling - and phasing down - fluorinated greenhouse gases. High level professionals are part of the national experts' team, among whom many women, led by the work of Mr Youssef Hammami, Tunisia NOU Coordinator, who was exceptionally among the participants of UNIDO-CSG latest training and assessment session of 2019.