Unhealthy truth: Is your food making you sick?
I live in a fallen world, where everything from the soil to the food to the body is corrupted
It’s very difficult to prove food poisoning from a restaurant unless there is an outbreak in the area and it can be linked back to one specific restaurant location.
Generally though, if you’re the only one that got sick, there’s very little that can be done.
Depending on how sick you got you could arrange to see a doctor but there’s a decent chance, depending on what caused the illness, if it was actually food poisoning, and what type of food poisoning it was, that you’ll be better by the time you see a doctor.
The only real thing it could do if you’re not severely ill, is to provide some avenue for reporting if there is actually more than one case.
The only other thing you could do is make a complaint to the restaurant manager. This isn’t often effective though. Most likely you will get a general apology that you were ill with some wording used that it can’t definitely be linked to the meal you ate there.
You may even get directly told that it couldn’t have been from what you ate at their restaurant and you just had a stomach bug. Best case scenario they offer a discount useable on a future visit although this is becoming uncommon as some have used the offer to try to prove admission of guilt.
An additional complicating factor is that most actual food poisoning does not present in a period of time that allows it to be directly linked to a single meal. Many, if not most, food borne pathogens have an incubation period of anywhere from 12–16 hours to a few days or longer.
Gastroenteritis is characterized by inflammation/irritation of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, generally caused by infectious pathogens (bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi) or non-infectious agents (heavy metals, chemicals, medications).
I’ve gotten sick at non-chain places now and then but whether food poisoning or spices isn’t something I can say. I can’t tolerate spicy foods very well, so it’s easy for me to end up with serious indigestion, etc. when there’s nothing of a health department nature wrong with the food.
You know you don’t need medical attention but you also know you’re going to be up all night no matter how many antacids you take.
I can ordinarily avoid the latter case by eating small portions and avoiding foods that I know are highly spiced.
Another strategy is to eat earlier so there’s more time to digest. But you can’t always tell and I’m not going to force some server to give me a complete breakdown of what chef put in the dish.
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Thank you?…Your body is maybe even smarter than you are! When a bit of food starts getting near the area where choking would happen, your smart body takes over and gags and coughs hard enough to send that bit of food back up into our mouth, where you can re-direct it so it doesn’t choke you!
Trust your body - it doesn’t want to choke you any more than you want to choke.
Your body is DESIGNED to take care of you, even if you think you don’t know how. To get rid of that fear of choking on food, simply eat what you want, but V-E-R-Y S-L-O-W-L-Y, chewing each small piece very well and swallowing carefully. Your body won’t try to choke you, so build your courage about eating solid food and gradually the fear will lessen with practice.
When we start eating healthier, our bodies may release stored toxins that have been accumulating for years, a process called detox. It’s not always quick (remember, it took many of us years to get sick), and you might feel worse before you feel better.
There is NO type to get eating disorders.
Disordered eating is anything out of the ‘norm’, and wanting to starve yourself isn't a healthy, normal thought about food.
But to get down to the core, you'd need to speak to a doctor, and possibly a counsellor depending upon the cause of your feeling sick.
Do you want to add a word or two...
If the food itself is having a bad reaction and making you feel sick - then you may have developed an allergy or intolerance to foods that were previously ok.
Wanting to starve yourself to avoid pain and discomfort is an understandable, though extremely unhealthy reaction. Get to a doctor as soon as you can to check for underlying health issues.
If it's the thought of having eaten that's making you feel sick - then you may have developed a slightly dodgy mental pathway. Bad body image or self-esteem in the light of media bombardment isn't unusual nowadays.
Your Comments……
There could be many reasons or triggers if this is the case, no two reasons for disordered eating are the same, For example, wanting to starve yourself is a surprisingly common reaction to stressful situations - something happens in our life that’s completely out of our control, so our subconscious reaches out to tell us to take control of one thing we always can - what we put into our mouths.
If this is the case, it's easy to think, oh, it’s just my brain, nothing to bother anybody with, I'll try to get over it myself. Don't underestimate the power of your subconscious.
It is possible to ‘get over it' alone, but a lot harder than you might think - and one slightly bad mental pathway can easily lead into others (alcoholism, self-harm etc.) it's best to get support and advice because without it you're stumbling in the dark and that can lead to some very terrible places.
If you're worried about "hormones" in your meat, don't. Just eat less meat. If you eat a few servings of meat every week, you'll never get more than a few molecules of hormones in your food, if that.
Your body is a Temple. You are what you eat. Do not eat processed food, junk foods, filth, or disease carrying food, animals, or rodents. Some people say of these foods, 'well, it tastes good'.
Most of the foods today that statically cause sickness, cancer, and disease ALL Taste GOOD; it's well seasoned and prepared poison.
THIS IS WHY SO MANY PEOPLE ARE SICK; mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually; because of being hooked to the 'taste' of poison, instead of being hooked on the truth and to real foods that heal and provide you with good health and wellness.
Respect and honor your Temple- and it will honor you.
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Managing Director at DAYALIZE
2 年Food poisoning is a fact but not a purpose, just as you can go to a fresh food market to buy lettuce that will give food poisoning at home. You have no way of knowing that you won't get food poisoning from a restaurant just as the restaurant won't know that what it is serving to you won't give you food poisoning. The new wave of street food and food trucks is getting towards the expensive trendy end rather than the tasty quick end. A lot of these places will make you financially ill and the quality of food is not always that great. Your gut microbiome consists of a lot of organisms that feed off of the things you eat. If you don’t typically eat something, you won’t have many organisms that feed on it inside you. Eating a bunch of that substance then causes a sudden bloom of bacteria which eat it, causing other organisms to die off. To introduce any food to your diet, start with small amounts, eat them regularly, and then slowly increase the amount over the course of a few weeks. Gastroenteritis is characterized by inflammation/irritation of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, generally caused by infectious pathogens (bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi) or non-infectious agents (heavy metals, chemicals, medications).