Unfolding Transformation
Meaghan Ruddy MA, PhD
Turnaround Expert | Seasoned Strategist | Recognized Thought Leader | extensive experience in instituting breakthrough strategies and seamlessly spearheading departments
According to a very quick Google search, etymologically the English term develop comes from the French develop which means to unfold or unfurl. Transformative refers to a changing of form, aka deep and abiding alteration. Therefore the meaning of transformative development is the unfolding of new forms, of what is into what might be.
I enjoy etymology because it often assists me in the clarification of the holism of meaning. Holism of meaning is a descriptive term for the contextual conditioned enmeshment of a given moment, term, happenstance, what have you.
It is because the enterprise of transformative development is an ongoing experiment in what might be that understanding the holism of meaning of what is being transformed is integral to the work of transformative development. I say might be because there always exists the unknown unknowns that may change the ultimate destination, and because there no secret, no principle or law, no gnostic tincture that will miraculously manifest authentic transformation. The only thing that does manifest it is engaging intentionally in the work of change management. If you engage intentionally in the work, the change will happen. If the work is not engaged, movement will stagnate and change will not occur. In order to engage intentionally in the work we need to really understand as much as we can about what it is that is changing shape - where it is, where we want it to be - and all of that is enmeshed in a conditioned context.
Maybe it is because it is my particular lens but it seems as though transformation as a term is everywhere. Health care transformation, business transformation, personal transformation - as someone who studies and works with transformative development I get concerned that the preponderance of use misses the underline of the work of unfolding what might be from what is and the need for holism of meaning as a first step and an ongoing process.
Take away: transformative development takes ongoing understanding of the holism of meaning of what is being transformed, and it takes the work of change management, both of which take time. Be active and be patient.
Action step: if you are in the midst of a transformative moment or contemplating one, take the time, however much makes sense given your workload and the need for any deliverables but a specified amount of time, to authentically understand the now, the where things are in this moment. Identify the stakeholders and provide the psychological safety personally and organizationally (household, workplace, community - wherever the transformation is happening) to engage in appreciative inquiry with all stakeholders, maybe starting with liberating structures exercises, around what is to be unfolded, around what is and what might be.
Thank you for reading. Be well.