Today is Martin Luther King Day. It is a holiday that many know, but don't realize, the weight, that this honorable servant of God carried while he was clothed in flesh. There are so many factors to his life, that we gloss over, outside of his public life and purpose. Looking back on his life, and all that he faced, being a black man in America, seeking equal rights for black and brown people, was an overwhelming feat but he never shrugged the heavy responsibility that came with it. He was daily reminded of his skin color with violence and threats of death, just for expecting to be treated like a citizen of the United States. Dr. King stirred up passion, and he drew attention and encouraged masses of people to march and speak out, for the civil rights of people of color, Jews, and every person oppressed. He fought for simple privileges in the daily routines of life, such as drinking from a water fountain, eating at a restaurant, or buying food at a grocery store, without being met with violence or even death. Martin Luther King gathered courage and strength to encourage and initiate action to change the status quo. This was an undaunting task that was his mission on earth. Yet, knowing what it meant to undertake such a mission, (as it related to his personal life as a husband, father, brother, son) was a very heavyweight to carry and balance, knowing the outcome, and how it would affect his family. Walking for a split second in the shoes that he wore, births a greater understanding, not only to see what an enormous gift to humanity he revealed, through his short time on earth, with all the injustice and persecution he constantly endured. Yet, with great strength, courage, and dignity. He exemplified the walk of a peaceful warrior. But, the inner workings of 'just a man' with a call upon his life, which took his human life, but shone down, an eternal light for humanity to forever see. It's one thing when you don't know anything. You are ignorant, and therefore it is a different matter. No excuses are given or accepted. However, when you know better and you choose not to do better the consequences for such action carry heavy karma. On this day we honor Dr. Martin Luther King and his short time on earth. His purpose is an eternal unfolding, as we learn truly what Christ came to earth to teach us. "Love one another as I have loved you. And love your neighbor as yourself." This is wisdom and a journey that is forever unfolding. #Dorie Pride
#Dorie#love#inspiration #Martin Luther King #Christ #Unity, #light