Unfold CyberSecurity & ChargEV
Cyber Security & Criminality Collage REALity Check

Unfold CyberSecurity & ChargEV

Focus: Cyber Security; Re-Active Defense; Reciprocity; Pro+Action Offensive.

Extract: An academic, yet non-bureaucratic, cybersecurity position where our Western nations are mostly involved in a re-active approach to combat criminals. This comprehensive report and analysis reveal a Pro+Action Offensive Strategy.

Even Pokemon is a 'target' for these low-rank-criminals. Ref: 5c

See below after article: "News Ref: 5c. "Pokemon dev Game Freak confirms breach after stolen data leaks online."

What's yours password? Let me guess! Pokemon!

(FYI: This article was first written in March 2024, and the situation has not improved; it has only worsened. I haven't changed anything except for the 'Pokemon' images mentioned above and the conclusion, where I clarified my cyber security consulting service. My focus is not on selling products but on identifying areas for improvement in your cyber security awareness, both in the current context and for the near future. Therefore, we need both analytical skills and creativity to stop being one step behind and instead be 1-2 steps ahead of cyber crime!

"Minority Report" is a superb science fiction action thriller, featuring Tom Cruise alongside a talented case, including two Swedish actors, Max von Sydow and Peteer Stormar. It envision a precrime strategy!

The Tom Cruise movie "Minority Report" illustrates how we can approach this issue. Like weather forecasting, we can predict what comes next and stay one step ahead—ideally, even two steps ahead, allowing us to be well-prepared. Of course, my Precrime strategy, which involves staying one or two steps ahead, isn't free of charge. However, the costs associated with a security breach are far greater; they can be ten to one hundred times more expensive than investing in creative and still clear contextual ideas for what we need to do next.

In short, it is better to pay a consultant for cybersecurity defense strategy insights than to face the much higher costs of a breach, which can also damage our brand reputation and market share. In short, don't be 'shy' because that is exactly what the cyber criminals want you to be - defensive! Instead, contact me and find out how we can collaborate, and yes feel free to use/talk to other expertise!! These cyber criminals doesn't work alone instead they work in teams, where each part often are 'expert' in their own rights! In short, contact me and another 2-3 security experts who is ready to assist your company from being robbed by cyber criminals!!!)


This article primarily focuses on Cyber Security. I extracted info from reputable sources, such as IBM X-Force, leveraging my years of experience in IBM business sales account management across the Nordic Region. Additionally, I incorporate insights from several well-known Cyber Security sources. I further analyze and highlight real cyber attacks reported by news sources, specifically targeting our Western interests which often causing significant disruption in our nations.

(R1) IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence Index 2023

This cyber-crime analysis consist of five parts:

(i) Exposing the facts from IBM X-Force; (ii) Summarize of facts. (iii) Conducting a national security analysis of facts; (iv) Re-active defense tactic; vs (v) Post+Action offensive; and finally expose (marketing) my HIGH VALLEY Security consultancy and research services.

IBM - X-Force Report 2023, p. 6

Above image from IBM X-force 2023; page 6:

Total cyber attacks: Economic extortion comprises 27% of the attacks, followed by backdoor incidents at 21%. These attacks often serve economic purposes, still they can also pose other types of threats.

IBM - X-Force Report 2023, p. 15

Above image from IBM X-force 2023; page 15:

The trend reveals a significant rise in cyber attack cases, with the 'Weaponized' level accounting for nearly 80,000 cases, representing almost 30% of the total.

IBM - X-Force Report 2023, p. 16

Above image from IBM X-force 2023; page 16:

Malware backdoor incidents constitute 21% of the threats, while malware ransomware accounts for 17%, totaling 38%. These malware cyber threats are highly dangerous due to their long-term capabilities and economic extortion potential, costing our Western nations billions of dollars on a yearly base.

X-Force Report 2023, p. 21 - Most Attacked Sectors / Industries

Above image from IBM X-force 2023; page 21:

In the mentioned cases of cyber crime extortion, the private sector appears to be the primary target, with manufacturing (incl., EV's) accounting for 30%, followed by professional business and consumer (PBC) services at 22%. The energy sector ranks third - see details below where I expose a partly new public perspective.

X-Force Report 2023, p. 35 - OT incidents / attacks by sector / industry

Above image from IBM X-force 2023; page 35:

OT incidents predominantly target the manufacturing sector and industries. Still, the energy sector, particularly oil and gas, comprises 27% (one-third) of all cases."

IBM - X-Force Report 2023, p. 43 - Manufacturing 24.8%

Above Image from IBM X-force 2023; page 43:

Our Manufacturing Industry: represents 24.8% of the cases, indicating a significant impact on our automotive industry due to heavy infection.

IBM - X-Force Report 2023, p.46 - Energy Sector: 10.7%

Above Image from IBM X-force 2023; page 46:

The Energy sector: accounts for 10.7% of the cases and is particularly vulnerable, especially during winter months when heating, cooking, and electric vehicle capabilities are crucial. Therefore, any cyber attack targeting this sector should be considered as a serious threat.

IBM - X-Force Report 2023, p.48 - Education Sector: 7.3%

Above Image from IBM X-force 2023; page 48:

The Education sector: accounts for 7.3% of the cases. Although, potentially not directly seen as a major danger, any cyber attacks in this sector can still cause severe disruption, and lead to stolen identities.

IBM - X-Force Report 2023, p.49 - Healthcare Sector: 5.8%

Above Image from IBM X-force 2023; page 49:

The Healthcare sector: In the year 2023, we observed that 5.8% of reported incident cases directly targeted the healthcare sector. Although the motive behind these cyber attacks may be financial, they should be regarded as serious crimes with a high-level threat to human life. These attacks can potentially lead to fatalities among patients relying on healthcare services, thus seen as a national security threat against our civilian citizens!

IBM - X-Force Report 2023, p.50 - Government: 4.8%

Above Image from IBM X-force 2023; page 50:

The Government sector: is targeted in 'only' 4.8% of all incident cases by cyber criminals. From a traditional perspective, this may not be seen as a direct threat to our civil society. However, it is important to recognize that any government attacks, even if not immediate, can indirectly lead to fatal consequences. These cases, as towards healthcare sector should be treated as serious crimes, akin to second-degree murder. While most cyber criminals may not intend to cause any direct harm to civilians, their disregard for the potential harm involved makes these cases exceptionally dangerous.

IBM - X-Force Report 2023, p.51 - Transportation: 3.9%

Above Image from IBM X-force 2023; page 51:

The Transportation sector: Our transportation sector is reaching 3.9% of official reported cases, and this threat is primarily seen as private commercial, although this sector is not solely airports and flight, but daily life 'simpler' transportation, such as metro, tram, bus, trains. Each of these sectors and industries experiences different types of cyber crime attacks. However, this report provides a more general overview, so I will refrain from diving into specific crime types of details - such types of cyber crime details will be done for you/-r company if you are interested to receive a tailored report. Thus the focus of this report is more towards examine the frequency of incidents and the types of threats they pose to our Western societies.


Further, these types of cyber crime incidents are obviously not solely aimed towards our Western societies, but the whole world. Thus, plenty of these attacks are directed towards the Asian region and some of those nations are neither Western nations nor communist, being Japan and South Korea. Still, they are two main targeted nations for these cyber criminals, and as such being pro-Western based democratic cultures, and also being close military allies to West from Asia. Thus, the majority of targeted nations by cyber criminal incidents in Asia would see themselves as pro-Western and democratic ruled based nations. Meaning they are targeted due to the fact that they are very wealthy, but also due to the fact that they are pro-Western nations. Conclusively, it might not be a surprise that those Asian democratic nations are themselves a primary target for these cyber security crimes - while the majority of those criminals are primarily located in communist nations where Western style rule (democracy) isn't valued well.

IBM - X-Force Report 2023, p. 42- Trends Years 2018 -2022

Above Image from IBM X-force 2023; page 42: Industry Trends 2018 - 2022.

As a final note we can expose these cyber crimes in a little longer time related trend view. Current trends expose that Manufacturing (24.8%) has become a major target for cyber criminals, exposing a 150% growth between 2018-2023, and there is no evidence this trend is likely to shrink. The second growing cyber crime attacks incidents occurred towards our Energy sector with a 90% growth - from 6% up to 10.8%, of all cyber criminal incidents between 2018-2023.


Meanwhile, we have a diminishing trends within three industries: Government, Transportation and Media sectors shrank. The Government sector cases went from 9% down to 4.3%.. The Transportation sector went from 13% down to 3.9%, exposing a 160% decrease. Finally, the Media went from 8% down to 0.5% which is a 500%, staggering decrease. The trends towards the rest of given industries/sectors- Finance/Insurance; PBC Services; Retail and Wholesales seems to have been stable during same years. In part (iii) there will be a deeper analysis and discussion on potential reasons and explanations behind these visual trends.

(R2) NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre): UK and allies expose evolving tactics of Russian cyber actors (26 Feb 24)

(ii) SUMMARY of given cyber criminal cases and trend facts:

From a Western government and public security perspective, it appears that as a Western democratic nation, we are not primarily, directly or individually targeted, at least not at a level that poses significant societal danger. The manufacturing industry, including EV production, is the primary target, accounting for 25% of cyber crime cases. The second largest sector is the financial sector, comprising 19% of the cases, followed by PBC services with 15%.


It is not until the fourth place where we could state we observing a direct threat to our public security interests, with the energy industry being targeted in 11% of the cases - a sector which from my current understanding operates as both private and local community-based. In summary, upon a quick analysis, these incidents suggest that around 60% of all cyber crime cases affect the private sector, indicating that the primary aim of these cyber criminals is financial gain.

However, is such a cyber crime assumption of primary financial aim accurate!?

(R3) Critical infrastructure software maker confirms ransomware attack; Source: Bleeping Computers: 20 Feb 24

(iii) ANALYSIS: Deeper dive into financial facts exposed:

In this section we take a deeper dive into these cyber crime trends and share a less common view and as such expose a potentially more severe, even national security, situation than first perceived. In this analysis we pause the traditional SWOT view or use of a more advanced Game theory. We will take another type of approach to shed light on these incidents from another angle, and the intention is not to assert any absolute correctness. Instead it is to share a less exposed perspective, when we considering Western media news articles, in order to explore potential and underlying reasons behind these cyber attacks."


The first major industries being targeted are probably at a minimum level being at least 30% delivery of services/goods towards our public sector and citizens. Thus, this indirect viewpoint contrasts a traditional SWOT analysis on our cyber criminal world, and adjusts it as being a too naive economic overview of things. The intention is to move us into an integrated and more multi-faceted security view where we are defending ourselves in a new precarious cyber crime scene. In fact, this report propose that our Western public sector infrastructure is de facto a main target for many of those cyber criminals, who primarily arrive from/via communist based nations, data centers and locations.


From current 2023 IBM report the amount of cyber incidents directed towards our public sectors are as following: 10.7% (Energy), 7.3% (Education), and 4.8 (Government), whereas these three public sectors does together reach around 23% of all cases, and with the Water supply/facility cases (IBM's X-Force Report 2023, p. 35 - OT incidents) reaches 1%. Thus, in total our daily public life sectors are directly (23%+1%) targeted in approximately 24% of all incidents. Thus 1/4 of all cyber criminal cases in 2023 were directly targeted towards our public sectors. Meaning 1/4 of all cyber crimes are directly and deliberately targeting our civil society and our daily life services to survive. If these services were to be down even for a couple of days we would as ordinary civilians quickly be exposed to the severity of such cyber criminal cases.

(R4) U.S. Offers $15 Million Bounty to Hunt Down LockBit Ransomware Leaders: Source: HackerNews: 22 Feb 24

Further, another less stated point is that at least 30% of those private sector incidents are still indirectly impacting our public sector services - and those incidents would reach at least 18% of total figures. Thus, in total our public sector services are targeted (24+18) at least 42% of all cyber crime incidents. In fact, this assumed (30%) figure is moderate, and an educated guess would put it to a minimum of 50% of all private sector cases still being purposed to hurt our democratic civil society. Thus, the total incidents would then adding up to a total figure (24+30) of 54% of all cyber crimes cases. This indicates that our public sector and civil society are targeted in a range of 42% to 54% of all cyber criminal cases.


Hence, a traditional sector based analysis, of the cyber criminality, is currently not able or worse willing to comprehend and expose the severity of the cyber crime situation our Western nations and civil society de facto are facing. While it is necessary to avoid screaming 'Wolf' every time a cyber crime occurs, it is still essential to adopt a clear and simplistic view. Current traditional close to naive financial analysis fails to reveal any seriousness of this situation faced by our Western nations and civilians. Still, regardless on how we would like to perceive these cyber attacking actors, whether as criminals or military personnel, their cyber crime acts pose a significant threat to our Western civilians, even if a particular cyber crime case would solely be explicitly financially motivated.


As these cyber based criminals are targeting our democratic civil society and our necessary daily life sectors. Why isn't this considered as a type of war against our democracies and way of life? In this area, outside my role as 'consultant', I am personally confused on what a war against our Western nations specifically is and contains? Only because an enemy haven't officially told any of us that they are conducting daily cyber criminal attacks towards our Western public sectors, doesn't mean their attacks against our democratic values doesn't really exist.

What more evidence do we require? Can such view only be valued when it become true? With such cyber "logic," why bother having a defense at all?

(R5) New Report Reveals North Korean Hackers Targeting Defense Firms Worldwide - TheHackerNews: 20Feb24

According to this current line of thinking: first, we must allow our democracy and civil society to be crushed before we can even consider defending ourselves. But let us not forget that our hands will be tied behind our backs, and we must refrain from counter-strikes as they are not appropriate. As West is perceived as "bigger/stronger," we need to face +4 adversaries for each one of us, and we are also to be expected to show these criminals respect, even when they seek to eliminate us entirely!? What an extraordinary logic concept of equity! It is precisely this kind of logic that any cyber criminal would embrace. However, my view and belief is that we instead must awaken these criminals to a new reality where each attack will be met with a decisive counter-strike!


On a yearly basis, our Western societies face way beyond 100,000 official stated cyber attacks. These attacks are consistently carried out by similar/same type of actors. It is time for us to openly acknowledge that these criminals are engaging in a war against our democracies, civil society, and civilians. The objective of this report is not to instill fear, but rather to shed light on the danger of categorizing cyber attacks solely based on the division between private and public sectors, with the presumption that their main aim is financially, as this is +50% wrong.

(R6) Chinese hackers are preparing to 'wreak havoc' on US electrical grids, water treatment plants, and oil and gas pipelines: FBI director: Source: Business Insider (01Feb24)

Merely relying on lower percentage numbers for the public sector can and seems to have lead to a false sense of security and a belief our Western societies are not at any major risk. This report's perspective is to share a necessity to expose that the severity of current cyber crime attacks cannot be accurately determined by figures alone - an accountant consultant viewpoint. This report takes into account a much broader range of disciplines, as political science, economic history, national security, and international rights. Therefore, this report states that a focused financial view is naive and worse also dangerous.


Additionally, despite our current tendency on financial news reports that suggest that lower percentages indicate less severity, it is of importance to recognize that malware is not designed to operate for a brief period. These types of malicious software can persist undetected for years. Consequently, when any coordinated cyber attack is launched against our Western nations, we might have been led to believe that our energy, water supply, transport system (include low-quality EVs), and healthcare are secure. However, the reality is that our public sectors might have already been systematically compromised by these criminals. Regarding, the type of attack we could expect, it could be a step by step collapse of our public sector infrastructure - a tactic to break down our psychological defense, which in the end is of more importance than seeing low quality obscure manufactured EV cars burning up. In short, this third part conclusion is:

Cyber criminals' aim is to crush our Western Democracies to the ground.


(iv) Solution(s): Traditional Re-Active policy

Our current Western Cyber Security approach contra cyber criminality focus is primarily towards a Re-Active policy. Meaning, we constantly have to read about these Cyber Security news after they have occurred! Below I make a short list of only 10 cases which attacked our Western based nations and companies. This list could be made 100 up to 1000 times longer (only for year 2023), but my selected list is enough to expose my above exposed conclusion: these cyber criminals main aim is to crush our democratic civil society' to the ground and replace it with a dictatorial (primarily by communist) rule.

11 Cyber News with Links:

1a: Can cyber attacks cause societal panic in America: https://www.cybersecurity-insiders.com/can-cyber-attacks-cause-societal-panic-in-america/

1b: US indicts nine alleged members of Russian cybercrime gang that targeted hospitals: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/09/07/politics/us-indicts-alleged-cybercriminals/index.html

1c: North Korea raked $3 billion from Ransomware and US offers $10m for Hive: https://www.cybersecurity-insiders.com/north-korea-raked-3-billion-from-ransomware-and-us-offers-10m-for-hive/

1d: List of Countries which are most vulnerable to Cyber Attacks: https://www.cybersecurity-insiders.com/list-of-countries-which-are-most-vulnerable-to-cyber-attacks/ (CompariTech list of countries average cost of cyber crime: United States-$17.36 million Japan-$8.39million Germany-$7.84 million United Kingdom-$7.21 million Brazil-$5.27million Australia-$4.3 million)

2a: UK sanctions members of Russian cybercrime gang: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-sanctions-members-of-russian-cybercrime-gang

2b: Russia-Aligned Tag-70 Targets European Government And Military Mail Servers In New Espionage Campaign - CYBER THREAT ANALYSIS Report: https://go.recordedfuture.com/hubfs/reports/cta-2024-0217.pdf

2c: The Kyivstar Breach and Its Implications for Global Cybersecurity: https://www.cybersecurity-insiders.com/the-kyivstar-breach-and-its-implications-for-global-cybersecurity/

3: Hacking America | Chinese hackers target devices (YouTube-video)



4a: Top 10 Cybersecurity Breaches in Sweden: https://www.cyberlands.io/topsecuritybreachessweden;

4b: Russian Hackers Suspected of Sweden Cyberattack: https://www.securityweek.com/russian-hackers-suspected-of-sweden-cyberattack/

5a. US Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA): U.S. and International Partners Publish Cybersecurity Advisory on People’s Republic of China State-Sponsored Hacking of U.S. Critical Infrastructure: https://www.cisa.gov/news-events/news/us-and-international-partners-publish-cybersecurity-advisory-peoples-republic-china-state-sponsored


The 11 cases mentioned above highlight a clear trend: the majority (over 80%) of cyber criminals targeting Western companies and institutions originate from non-Western nations. While it is natural to blame these external cyber criminals, still by merely stating such basic facts will not lead us anywhere significant. Instead, we could pose a straightforward yet relevant and reflective question: Why do We allow cyber criminals Access our Infrastructure in the first place?

(R9) Steel giant ThyssenKrupp confirms cyberattack on automotive division:

For instance, it is worth noting that some of our most renowned social media and news companies, such as Facebook, Instagram, Google, and even LinkedIn (to name just a few), are not allowed to operate or exist within specific (primarily communist) regimes. However, a majority of their companies and Apps are permitted to exist and operate within our democratic nations, despite being sources of economic/social disruption within Western societies. Even during situations when they play a direct part causing economic issues in our Western nations. Thus, some external national sponsored companies/apps are causing social havoc within our borders without economic consequences.


Reciprocity is a theme we in West seems to miss? Is Reciprocity something bad and as such to be ignored? We all know that without Reciprocity there can not be any Collaborative Communication. Thus, why doesn't West ask for Reciprocity?


From a visual perspective, it appears that we in the West are engaged in a social media Mix Martial Art (MMA) match where both of our hands are tied behind our backs, and we are only allowed to use Japanese self-defense Aikido moves. Further, we are not allowed to utilize our legs or any other part of our body to counter-attack or even defend ourselves. Meanwhile, these criminal competitors deploying minimum four fighters against us all, simultaneously. In this particular cyber-MMA-crime fight scenario, we should partially agree with Western critics who perceive us in the West as "arrogant." It is true that we have long relied primarily or solely on the Japanese Aikido self-defense approach. A main reason behind this self-defense style can be based upon our predominantly Christian culture which has influenced us to turn the other cheek towards our cyber criminal attackers and refrain from striking back and retaliating against them - which primarily are origin from dictatorial (mainly communist) ruled nations.

(R10) North Korean Hackers Targeting Developers with Malicious npm Packages:

In simple terms, we in West has been allowing these cyber attacks to persist for a far too long (spanning over two decades) without any real retribution. Still, there is a a point in time where our Western nations should no longer turn our other cheek towards these cyber criminals - regardless of their primarily origin from a non-reciprocal culture. It is high time for our Western nations to untie our hands and start to defending ourselves in a more active way, and as in any MMA match also counter-strike against these cyber criminals. Actually, the origins of these criminals is not of any primary importance. Instead, our focus should be if they engage in cyber criminal activities our Western nations will take action and utilize available means to ensure those criminals face proportionate countermeasures.

In short, would our Western nations' current main focus on re-active and self-defense tactic/model loose anything on further counter-strike-measurements!?

(R11) Japan warns of malicious PyPi packages created by North Korean hackers; Source: BleepingComputer (28Feb24)

(v) PRO+ACTION OFFENSIVE (vs Traditional Re-Active = post-attack-defense)

Before we dive deeper into this last (v) part a disclaimer is needed to clarify that this type of Pro+Action approach towards cyber criminals is not something we would hear about, from any of our established news, consultant firms/experts.


This report's viewpoint is that our Western democracies, civil liberties and rule of law is of paramount importance? Such value based rule of law discussion will be exposed in a future article as today's topic is cyber criminality and how we best can recharge our reactive policy towards a more pro-action offensive. Still, this or any offensive is not claiming that our current re-active policy is wrong per se, but that this type of low-profile defense tactic is not sufficient enough to curb any cyber criminality and all official statistics exposes how these cyber crime cases are constantly increasing - up to an exponential growth, only the last 4-5 years.

In short, the main reason behind a pro-action offensive is not to disregards our re-active defense approach, but emphasis that it might not be sufficient.

(R12) The Change Healthcare cyberattack is still impacting pharmacies. It’s a bigger deal than you think:

VISION: HIGH VALLEY security envision a future where we're 1-2 step ahead of cyber crime.

The Tom Cruise movie "Minority Report" illustrates how we can approach cybersecurity like weather forecasting, predicting what comes next to stay one or even two steps ahead. While my Precrime Strategy isn’t free, the cost of a security breach can be ten to one hundred times higher, not to mention the potential damage to brand reputation and market share. It’s better to invest in a consultant for cybersecurity defense strategies than to face these higher costs. Please, don't be shy—cyber criminals thrive on our defensiveness! Contact me to discover if and how we can collaborate and please engage 2-3 other experts as well, since cybercriminals often work in teams with 'specialized' skills. Together, in a Precrime team we can and will Protect your company from their threats!


MISSION: HIGH VALLEY security, mission statement is bespoken precrime strategy.

My consulting services are focused to assist your organization implement a tailor-made cybersecurity defense system on top available level in Western markets. With expertise that began at university in 1999 and continued through my different sales work that finally landed me a job at the top level enterprise IBM from 2013 to 2020. I am well-equipped, experienced and eager to assist the public sector, small to medium-sized enterprises, and even larger organizations alike. My research and reports are independent and not tied to any specific cybersecurity software provider, although I possess a decent in-depth knowledge of IBM tools and services. Instead, I focus on delivering tailored cybersecurity reports that address your organization's unique industry, real threat landscape, and current crime trends. In summary, I offer a bespoke precrime strategy specifically crafted for your organization’s needs.



Enhance your organization’s resilience against cyber threats with tailored solutions designed specifically for your needs. With years of expertise in cybersecurity and a clear understanding of the latest, and actually even more important, future trends! I provide comprehensive reports that address your unique challenges. Let’s work together to build a robust defense strategy that safeguards your assets and ensures peace of mind. Contact me and Let's get started!


FYI: If you are a Public Sector entity, my service fee is discounted, as I understand that your budget is based/funded by honorable citizens, via a substantial part of their well deserved income. Thus, my public sector fee is comparatively lower than what established consulting firms would charge. And if your organization is within the healthcare sector, or for instance being a smaller NGO, it is an honor to consult you with a preset budget- as our healthcare sector should not have to face these cyber crime threats in the first place - it's Terrorism!


My discount (even free) fee towards all public sector entities is a way for me to repay my gratitude and support our great Western democracy, civil society and rule of law to not be further dismantled by these cyber/any criminals. A dangerous social meltdown situations which we often can see in various regions, such as Latin American nations like Venezuela or countries like Myanmar (formerly Burma) in South-East Asia. Furthermore, even some of our own states in the US and EUrope face continuous cyber crime attacks targeting our Western based democracies, civil society and our law-abiding hard-working honest citizens who diligently pay their taxes (see future post) with low to zer000 retribution.

(R13) Ransomware Groups Are Bouncing Back Faster From Law Enforcement Busts; Source Wired; (27Feb24)

In summary, if this cyber security report has caught your attention, please do not hesitate to contact me. You will access a customized cyber security report that goes far beyond any traditional report. You will get expertise and guidance in addressing your unique cyber security needs with an analysis on specific threat pictures and shared suggestion on best software/tools on the Western market via "HIGH VALLEY security".



Be SECURE that criminals works in team to steal from you!

Short Biography:

My understanding, knowledge and expertise in cyber security derives from two separate Bachelor's degrees: International History and Political Science, with a focus on National Security (Stockholm University) Additionally, two decades of experience in business/sales roles in Sweden, Great Britain and Ireland. Also attended IBM's Sales Schools, renowned for being among of the world's most prestigious sales education programs. During my time in Dublin, Ireland, I was part of the winning sales team for that year (2013/14).

Through my association with IBM, I have gained valuable knowledge on sales/business Integrity. Further, access Loyalty to my motherland Sweden, and deep Respect for our Western democratic based civil society, our rule of law, and the basic principles of liberty. These values - Integrity, Loyalty and Respect being a great Nordic guiding Star.



(R1) IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence Index 2024



NEWS: Cyber Criminal Cases

(R2) NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre): UK and allies expose evolving tactics of Russian cyber actors (26 Feb 24) https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/news/uk-allies-expose-evolving-tactics-of-russian-cyber-actors


(R3) Critical infrastructure software maker confirms ransomware attack: Source BleepingComputer (20 Feb 24): https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/critical-infrastructure-software-maker-confirms-ransomware-attack/


(R4): U.S. Offers $15 Million Bounty to Hunt Down LockBit Ransomware Leaders: Source: TheHackerNews (22 Feb 24): https://thehackernews.com/2024/02/us-offers-15-million-bounty-to-hunt.html?m=1


(R5) New Report Reveals North Korean Hackers Targeting Defense Firms Worldwide: Source:TheHackerNews: (20 Feb 24): https://thehackernews.com/2024/02/new-report-reveals-north-korean-hackers.html?m=1


(R6) Chinese hackers are preparing to 'wreak havoc' on US electrical grids, water treatment plants, and oil and gas pipelines: FBI director: Source: Business Insider (01Feb24): https://www.businessinsider.com/china-hackers-preparing-wreak-havoc-us-infrastructure-fbi-christopher-wray-2024-2&post-bottom-piano-recommendations


(R7) Ransomware gang claims they stole 6TB of Change Healthcare data: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/ransomware-gang-claims-they-stole-6tb-of-change-healthcare-data/


(R8): Hacking America | Chinese hackers target devices (YouTube-video): https://youtu.be/im-whrOVyHI?si=MvQit4rC_VkVWswh


(R9) Steel giant ThyssenKrupp confirms cyberattack on automotive division: : Source BleepingComputer (26 Feb 24): https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/steel-giant-thyssenkrupp-confirms-cyberattack-on-automotive-division/


(R10) North Korean Hackers Targeting Developers with Malicious npm Packages: Source TheHackerNews (26 Feb 24): https://thehackernews.com/2024/02/north-korean-hackers-targeting.html?m=1


(R11) Japan warns of malicious PyPi packages created by North Korean hackers: Source: BleepingComputer: (28Feb24); https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/japan-warns-of-malicious-pypi-packages-created-by-north-korean-hackers/


(R12) The Change Healthcare cyberattack is still impacting pharmacies. It’s a bigger deal than you think: Source: FastCompany; (26Feb24): https://www.fastcompany.com/91037949/change-healthcare-cyber-attack-update-pharmacies-big-deal


(R13) Ransomware Groups Are Bouncing Back Faster From Law Enforcement Busts; Source Wired; (27Feb24) https://www.wired.com/story/blackcat-ransomware-disruptions-comebacks/

NEWS References: Cyber Crimes links used to write this report:


5b. CISA: Protecting Our Future - Partnering to Safeguard K-12 Organizations from Cybersecurity Threats: https://www.cisa.gov/protecting-our-future-cybersecurity-k-12


5c. Pokemon dev Game Freak confirms breach after stolen data leaks online: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/pokemon-dev-game-freak-confirms-breach-after-stolen-data-leaks-online/


6: UK National Cyber Security Centre: "NCSC and partners issue warning about state-sponsored cyber attackers hiding on critical infrastructure networks" https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/news/ncsc-and-partners-issue-warning-about-state-sponsored-cyber-attackers-hiding-on-critical-infrastructure-networks


7: UK National Cyber Security Centre: "Mitigating malware and ransomware attacks" https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/guidance/mitigating-malware-and-ransomware-attacks

8: Microsoft Azure Hit With The Largest Data Breach In Its History; Hundreds Of Executive Accounts Compromised: Soure: TechReport (21 Feb 24)



9: IBM - "Definitive guide to ransomware 2023":


10: IBM: How NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0 Tackles Risk Management: https://securityintelligence.com/articles/how-nist-cybersecurity-framework-2-tackles-risk-management/


11: IBM: Ransomware renaissance 2023: The definitive guide to stay safer:


12: ... (to be followed) ...


End of report: Unfold Cyber Security Policy & ChargEV action thriller



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