The Unfiltered Truth About Hurting
Allyson Roberts
Founder & Chief Empowerment Officer Amplifying Stories, Transforming Lives, Inspiring Audiences
I’ve ripped off every band aid. Yep!
No. More. Denial. Of anything.
I’m facing the truth. All of it. Even the most uncomfortable parts.
I won’t lie to you. It hurts. A lot.
But here’s the thing about layers of band aids. The wound can’t breathe.
I was tired of holding my breath. Tired of trying to make them like me. Tired of excusing others' bad behavior for fear of losing them forever. Tired of not speaking up. Tired of being disregarded. Tired of inauthenticity. Mine. Theirs. All of it.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t walk with confidence while walking on eggshells.
So...I swept up the eggshells.
Do you feel me?
Life is an amazing, sometimes mysterious, mostly winding journey of constantly finding our truth. Who am I - the question that fuels a trillion dollar self-help industry. But who cares?
When it’s us, our life...our family...our parents...our kid....our mistakes...our pain. It’s so BIG! The enormity of it all:
Can. Shred. Us.
Then... We are left with ourselves.
Self-reliance can be scary. Why? Because we don’t want to be alone. It’s primal. We don’t want to feel pain. We don’t want to admit our shit. We don’t want to be vulnerable. We don’t want to stand emotionally naked, raw, and completely visible to anyone .... including ourselves.
Until we do.
And in that pain. Yes. And it’s deep. And revealing. And honest.’s also SO magical.
Freedom. That’s our result of taking the courage to examine ourselves.
Personal freedom.
You may not be ready. That’s okay. It can’t be forced.
Or, you may be like me. I’ve been ready for this for a very, very long time.
Fear stopped me. And, listen, I do deep work regularly. And I teach deep work daily. It’s me. It’s what I do. It’s what I love. It’s my purpose.
What I realized though is that I, Allyson, have been treading water. Too afraid to allow myself to go deeper one more time.
Until now.
And, here’s the thing, I’ve been here before.
We all have.
We tell ourselves that every climb is different. That every breakthrough is more powerful than the last.
But here’s the thing.
I have two coaches who’ve helped me get here. I also have an amazing therapist. They’ve all held space for me while I questioned a lot this year, and they also installed 3-way mirrors.
My job was to look. That’s all of our jobs. We are all required to look at all sides of ourselves.
I’ve done it before. But I’ve changed. We all change. So, that deep look can’t be just one time if we want to keep growing, and learning and stretching ourselves.
We also can’t see the back side of ourselves without help. It’s just not possible. Even with a 3-way mirror, we still miss spots. This is why my help and support is absolutely crucial to me.
Here’s the truth. The healing can hurt WAY more than the wound. But once you’re’re a new and improved version of yourself.
Here’s another truth. The wound doesn’t have to be GAPING to get in your way. Sometimes it’s the little things that lead to BIG stops in your path.
You are READY to shift! You know it. I know it. You’re worth it, and it’s your time!