Unfiltered and Non-Judgemental
Nitin (Positive Cyclist)
Social Entrepreneur (Women Sports, Environment) | Data Strategist | Ultra Cyclist
As the saying goes- We are people who we surround ourselves with...
But "corporates etiquettes" and social constructs means that we are surrounded by 2 completely different set of people. Not only are we surrounded by 2 different set of people, but we ourselves are a shade of one of those two sets of people at different times. One of these sets is their colleagues and corporates connects, and the other- their near and dear ones. Well, either of these 2 sets should not be assumed to be existing for any person- however in this post, we would assume that both sets exist for a given person.
However, there exists a category of people- unaffected by corporate etiquettes and social constructs. They are-who they are- at all times. Unfiltered and non-judgemental. Does it make a difference if I present my business idea in casual wear instead of (Western) Business formals? We often see many Executives and Entrepreneurs turning up in casual wear. However, "starters"(be it corporate employees or budding entrepreneurs) are not appreciated if they do the same. I feel pretty happy when i see casual wears being normalized at workplaces.
Unfiltered and non-judgemental people add great values professionally. But, How?
Kindly note that being unfiltered doesn't mean being insensitive or disrespectful. While expressing yourself honestly, you must be careful with how you phrase your words, especially considering the impact of your words on others. Being unfiltered and non-judgmental requires fundamentally practicing empathy, active listening, and a willingness to learn and grow. Empathy is something that cannot be faked.
PS: Simply put- you are always a great support to your friends, help them during their tough times, and keep them in a happy state of mind in life. Just imagine having a strongly connected team - it can also mean greater teamwork, and lower attrition. I have seen several anecdotal evidences of strengthening relationships at work resulting in employees reconsidering their plans to resign.