UNF*CK Your Revenue!

Many of you know that I struggled for the first decade of my business life, literally living in my parents' house, supporting myself and my business mostly on credit cards.

Now, with nearly a dozen companies in my portfolio, four of which are eight-figure companies, the moment it all changed for me had nothing to do with understanding metrics, getting a big break, or signing a killer deal.

The moment I was able to unf*ck my revenue was when I changed my mindset from a basic entrepreneurial mindset to thinking like a CEO.

But that was a tough change because, when I made that change, I was still struggling.

So, if you think (for any reason) that you’re not ready to begin thinking like a CEO, then that’s the first obstacle you need to fix, and that’ll be the moment that it all changes for you too.

Because, after sitting in hundreds of board rooms and team meetings with some of the most amazing CEOs, some who work for my companies, some who are on my board, and some are just friends, there’s one thing that is glaringly obvious that separates them from the millions of struggling business owners out there.

And it’s the same reason why I can run a portfolio of successful companies when most people have trouble building one business.

The difference is: I know what my core competencies are.

And just as important, I focus the majority of my time on my core competencies, and so does every CEO or super-successful entrepreneur.

I work hard to make sure everyone in my company stays mono-focused on their core competencies too.

There are tools that we use to help us with this, one of them is called the Process Org Chart.

A Process Org Chart is an organizational chart built, not for where you are today and not for where you want to be in 5 or 10 years, but it’s built listing the departments that you need in your business for where you want to be in 10–12 Months.

It doesn’t make a difference if you’re struggling to break $100,000 a year or if you’re making a million dollars a day, doing this will help you think in a way that drastically grows your business.

Inside every box on your organization chart, you list the 3-5 most important responsibilities for whoever lives in that box.

So, after it’s all filled in, you should have a simple, one-page document that shows every position in your company that needs to be filled to get you to the next level of growth and the most important core competencies that each person needs to have in order to drive the company forward.

But, right now, we just need to define YOUR core competency.

So, answer this question...

What are you so amazing at that others are willing to pay you for it, or others want to work for you because you're so great at it?

For me, I know what I'm really good at, and also what I'm really not good at, and the hardest years of my life were those when I spent 80% of my time doing what I sucked at and only 20% of my time on what I’m great at.

I’m great at building companies.

I know how to look at a company and restructure it for growth, and I have a strong track record of big wins doing that, not just for my companies, but for those in my advisory program, and also for the companies I invest in.

Another core competency of mine is leading teams, so in almost every company in my portfolio, I run daily meetings with my leadership teams, because I know how to keep people focused on the most important actions needed to get the company to the next level of growth.

I can easily speak about a dozen other business owners who I've worked with who were stuck or were beginning to plateau in their growth until they focused most of their time on their core competencies, and then everything got better.

One woman in our advisory program was already successful when she joined.?

She was already making about $4 million a year in revenue, but everything rested on her shoulders, because she spent at least 70% of her time touching just about every process in her company.

The transition for her was slow, it probably took close to six months before she gave up enough control to stay focused on her core competencies, but after she made that transition, she closed the year out at around $22 million.

From $4MM to $22MM!

So, you need to know what your core competency is.

The most accurate way of determining someone’s core competencies, including your own, is to look at track records.

Don't make the mistake of asking yourself, or anyone else, what their core competency is, because inevitably, they'll tell you what they want to be good at.

As business leaders, you don’t have the leeway to care about what people want to be good at.?

You need to know what they naturally excel at and what you naturally excel at.

So only look for track records of success for yourself, and in every one of your team members too.

And then focus the majority of your time on the most vital actions that drive the majority of growth around those core competencies.

Because your job as a leader, at least in part, is to know everyone’s core competencies and keep them focused on those.

Knowing your core competency gives you a massive upper hand in business.

And I promise, if you take time to really dig deep into what your core competencies are and then use them in business, you’ll be amazed at how much easier growth comes into your life.

If you need help figuring out what your core competencies are, use the free tools on my website: ChrisGuerriero.com.

Start with the Built to Grow Review, it’s completely free, and it’ll help you see what your core competencies are in business.

And share that tool with other entrepreneurs because...

We need more strong entrepreneurs in the world because business shapes our economy, more than politicians, more than local or national government, and more than the stock market.?

Growing businesses shape our economy and our future!

I don’t care if your company makes $100,000 a year or $100 million or more, we need more entrepreneurs to hear this.

There’s no lack of room at the top.

Right now, every business needs to get stronger, and if you’re smart, you’ll watch how other businesses in other industries grow, and you’ll let their growth trigger ideas that form the foundation of your next massive growth spurt.

So please share this with the other entrepreneurs and businesspeople in your circle.


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