Unfair things not only money ?

Unfair things not only money ?

Its already 2025, 2024 went like nothing 8760 hours of life that is 1 year, now we will talk about the most precious thing in the world that is not money, gold or any currency that is Time how we use this. before that let us understand how we come until here from monkey to man where time was not there but they used to observe the sunrise and sunset, and how our crops changing day by day how climate weather changing that is time for us then we become start thinking, then sudden change has arrived in the life some people came they built road, railways, infrastructure and they developed so many thing then they come up with one tool that is clock then everything starts in measured in terms of weight, hours, etc…, then we created system like we need to do some works on some specified times from entertainment to study from eat to sleep then Time became Money then technology come into the picture to create save time and we became slave to it any time they can assign anything in less than a second but it became a most valuable thing in life which created a lot of opportunity and difficulties also but it became (“Time=unaffordable”) but the best thing of time is it is equivalent to everyone every one on the earth gets 24 hours the important thing is how those hours are used that is important but it depends on people and varies from person to person it decide their future where they will end up and also what they think themselves as Napolean hill says “Dreams are the seedlings of reality and burning desire to posses it”

Wealthy people don’t follow money they go creating value in life of people and also they manage their time so perfectly that we can’t think and does not mean they don’t like money don’t work for money work to learn and “The single most powerfull asset we all have is our mind. If it trained well it an create enoromous wealth” If you are reading this article you have a lot of time use wisely you”ll become want you want for sure save time for yourself then you will be the rich of time anyway you will become the rich by money be the feel the richness of time. (Ref. billionaire authors self help books)


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