Unexpected mysterious evil forces
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
We know that everyone has an aura about their body. Some people are able to see these auras on people. Others can sense these auras. Be aware that there are people that are sensors of both good and evil. The battle is real . And, people who r evil will indeed “come after you” since you are on the side of good. You can find more information about this at various web sites . I would suggest you look this up to educate yourself about this especially sense you are just discovering you r a “sensor” . You will need to be able to protect yourself in your work , social, and personal life. This fight is real. And, the safety is available.
Constant “bad luck” or things always going wrong or bad things always happening that you didn't cause and can't control. Spontaneous unexplained stench. Ugliness, distorted facial expressions. Sudden changes in voice, especially guttural. Things falling or moving without a cause. People throwing trash on only your lawn like as if it was a cravings for foods you don't like, garbage gut (eating inappropriate combinations of food, eating like an animal). Snorting, smirking, winking, twitching and cackling.
This is called Karma or bad mojo. The restoration process entails multiple incarnations which are governed by the laws of Karma, or as Jesus put it, “repay our debts to the last farthing”. (Matt 5:21-26) Let’s give a short example: Imagine the worst fate you can think of for a narcissist. Did you imagine him being possessed in the next life by all the spirits of the people he used and oppressed in this one? This is Karma on the spiritual level, but these are not really evil spirits. They are spirits who are out for revenge on a certain person/soul.
Evil spirits can only possess a person by invitation, or the person giving permission to do so by praying to them. People trying to do good and not having a belief on their guardian angel are often targets of evil spirits. What better victory for an evil spirit to take down a potential do-gooder, or better yet, to turn the do-gooder into a materialistic tool for evil. Some people are more spiritually connected or are better connected to energies and nature. The latter especially can be attacked by evil spirits. Evil spirits may never leave. But I am td that a forms of exorcism exist in each religion, I know of Hinduism and Christianity. So you may want to try that.
It has been observed in Malaysia where they have three main races - Hindus are least to be “attacked” by evil spirits, while Chinese are very susceptible to Black Magic while Malays are ones who usually get attacked most often. I have seen more incidents of mass hysteria among Malays than any other races, which leads me to believe that Malays are weak-spirited people. Individually, it is hard to measure a person’s spirit level but I believe it have something to do with how one lives his or her life, which includes eating habits and living habits.
It could be their bad mojo (negative attracts negative), could be a spirit that they knew in life. The spirits could be thinking that they can communicate with the person, and just happen to be unlucky. But usually when people see things move etc, Its the spirit wanting them to know that they are there (not usually in a way to scare us). It could be a loved one wanting them to know they're with them. It could also be a spirit companion from reincarnation (if they believe in that). It could be a number of things. The media and movies and religion make spirits seem very evil and scary. It took me years to undo the fear of spirits that we’re all taught. If they still fear that they’re being targeted by a spirit etc, I would suggest some cleansing and grounding (anyone can do it).
Many people who are possessed by demons acquired them as part of a generational curse. Perhaps their great-great-great-great grandmother was a witch, and invited demonic spirits to inhabit their ancestral home, or even their bodies. These spirits in turn pass on to the next generation and so on, until their host demands that they leave with the help of an exorcist, I think it is important, generally, but especially when dealing with occult mysteries, to remember that you are your own boss. You own your physical, mental, and emotional “real estate” and decide what can and can’t happen, there. Is there a flood? Lay out some sand bags. I’m not saying it’s instantaneous. You might have to find your way, step by step. But, feeling overpowered is an illusion - one which many manipulators, on this and that side of the veil - will try to cause and use, if they can. Don’t let them. Plant your feet in the sand, learn to ground (you can look up grounding exercises), be your own sovereign ruler.
If you open to the unseen without understanding that, then you might be inviting troubles, and embarking upon a long learning curve. But, that’s what it is, a learning curve, maybe scary and uncomfortable, but not the end of the world (no matter what a demon might try to tell you). When someone draws a protection circle around themselves, they are using a ritual to create a protective field. But, the physical circle is only a symbol of that protection, which arises from within. There is nothing inherent in chalk, salt, graveyard dirt, or any other physical substance that contains protection from another’s intention. What the circle represents is keeping that which you do not desire out.
Letting that which you do desire in. So, a demon wants to scare you? So what? If you don’t want to be scared, don’t be; or, fight it. You are in charge of your emotional state. Like in an imaginary martial arts competition - you get clocked on the jaw and stumble backwards (emotionally or mentally); just get back in the ring. It’s your ring. You get to win. Keep that in mind and any fearsome beasts that rear their head look a bit less scary, since they’ve already lost. If you are not able to walk down the street and forgive a beggar who spits on you without a second thought, then you might not be quite ready for the occult. Reactivity is your worst enemy. Seek to control yourself, first. Then, you will be safe, wherever you go.
They have different personalities just like ordinary people. Some I spoke with were purely about ‘the business’ and left as soon as we all knew what we were doing. With some I formed what you may call friendships and we would talk about anything. I remember a conversation I had with one that was very passionate about driving cars. It was one of his favorite things to do. I used to chuckle to myself thinking of him inhabiting someone just so he could drive around. They most likely viewed me as a bit boring because I mostly wanted them to teach me things. Then there were the ones that were just nasty. Following you around yelling insane shit at you, telling you to go kill that guy or trying to forcefully possess you. There were sweet talkers that tried to get me to do things for them. I’ve probably conversed with almost as many demons as humans.
Man can have a lot of intelligence and cunning Man may deceive by being a wolf in the sheep’s garb Bible says: Do not be wise in your own eyes, Fear the Lord and turn away from evil Proverbs 3:7 Then Do not be deceived, “Bad company corrupts good morals.” 1 Corinthians 15:33 However Who (God) will render to EACH PERSON ACCORDING TO HIS DEEDS: to those who by perseverance in doing good seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life, (Christ), but to those who are selfishly ambitious and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, wrath and indignation Romans 2:6-8 God has everyone’s traits, character and hidden motives weighed So no one can escape his final judgment, though one might win the world but in God’s sight righteousness holds first So: Do not overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good Romans 12:21 Jesus said: But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you That ye may be the children of your Father which is in Heaven: for He maketh His Sun to rise on the evil and on the good and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust Mathew 5:44-45 ??????
Voice Over Artist
2 年..aura-ble!
Quite mysterious kind of post, this one, Kishore Sir. So these spirits are not 'spirits' but humans. I got scared after reading this. This is a brilliant use of extended metaphors.
Attorney At Law at CIVIL COURT CASES
2 年Agree
Very interesting read. Very entralling I must say. Thank you for sharing Sir Kishore Shintre