The unexpected may be easier than you think
Linking the world of office furniture, to the world so many in my community live in always provides me with a challenge.
Today I experienced the unexpected, my phone rang, it was from a with-held number and they actually left me a message. It was from an organisation I had been in contact with. It was unexpected because often such people don't bother, they work on the basis that no news is bad news. Not in this case, a friendly message gave me the information I needed and concluded by wishing me a good day!
So it got me thinking, How can we find ways of doing what we do in ways which are unexpected? A few examples may include the use of postcards, physical post. Small well thought out gifts. I am sure you can think of any number of little things you can do to change what people expect to the unexpected. Perhaps try this one... Smile, really smile and then listen... Two things which sadly in our world today... can be unexpected. I promise these small things will transform the lives of those who receive them.
If you think of something I have not mentioned - please comment - it's such an encouragement.
Oh and why the photo? This portable chair I suspect fulfills the brief of being an unexpected item of office furniture.