“The inevitable never happens; it is the unexpected always.” (John Maynard Keynes)
Dear Pepe,
Expect the unexpected.
In all certain and uncertain times
mostly when everything feels to be under your radar.
Prepare beyond reason.
For what’s possible and not only probable.
For when the unexpected comes you shall be ready.
Do not worry for the inevitable - easy to say, right?
If the inevitable happens
stay calmed, stay positive.
Complaining will not take you anywhere.
Self-pity will not move you along.
Leave anger away, or limit wisely its expression.
Beyond a temporary natural release
it makes no good to let it manage your reaction.
Focus on damage-control instead.
What could not be avoided (past)
could not be affected by your abilities, your experience, your will or your charm.
How to move forward (future) does though.
And actually, who knows.
Maybe the inevitable opens up new windows of opportunity.
Ask that girlfriend that will dump you for no reason - who cares where she is now?
That boss that will never see your capabilities - he will not understand where you are today.
And that crisis that will come out of nowhere - it seems surreal how stronger you will come out of it.
Yours, Pepe
PS: thanks to Roberto Sanz Soblechero for providing the quote, and for uniquely showing daily what stay calmed and positive means
Love this. I am reading a book called "The Obstacle Is The Way" by Ryan Holiday which expands on the subject of perceiving challenges, acting on them, and preventing them.. ??