Unexpected impact
Some of our most creative ideas come from simply taking care of those we love. And that, in turn, allows us to impact thousands more. We just need to put one foot in front of the other and do what we can do at the moment. We can only see so far to the horizon - we can be confident as to some of the challenges and opportunities that might rise up to meet us. But our goal, if it is truly a worthy goal, lies far beyond that horizon. No, we can't begin to imagine what will open up to us, or will try and derail us. But it doesn't matter because we can't see it yet - why worry!
When the first Full Circle Home gift set was sent out, Full Circle Home didn't exist. I was just responding to my son's request to send his girlfriend something at Christmas while he was deployed. The next year, in 2007, I was only trying to help the men in his Marine squad of 12 send their gift home. That was over 18,000 gift sets ago.
If I knew the challenges that would meet me that first year, I would have said, "You've got the wrong girl!" I knew the direction I wanted to go and simply put my head down and moved forward as far as I could go, as far as I could see. But the beauty is, when you move forward, you always can see a little further. It's so wonderfully simple, yet we so often are paralyzed by the "what ifs" that we can not see. At the moment, there is nothing you can do about the future "what ifs". Be aware of them but don't dwell on them. You'll meet them if that is what is truly in your way. If not, you'll merely pass them by.
I simply wanted to help my son. But along the way, we have received thousands of letters such as this:
In all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, I have spent the last few months making arrangements, ordering presents, and planning an away-from-home trip just to make sure my kiddos don't feel the sting of their first Christmas without their Daddy. It has been stressful and busy, but true to Navy-wife-standards, I have held it together, and pushed forward one day at a time. I opened this VERY unexpected box of gifts today - 12 gifts - and all of my emotions caught up to me at once. I sat in the car outside of the post office, ugly crying, with my kiddos in the back seat. It is the first time they have ever really seen me cry. THANK YOU for the thoughtfulness, time and dedication that went into meticulously wrapping each present! And my husband's hand written note?!?! Amazing. The Lord has used your ministry to truly bless those of keeping the home fires burning!!! Merry Christmas!!
In the face of letters like this, any challenges I face seem pretty inconsequential. If I only just keep moving forward, one step at a time, the impact of Full Circle Home will keep growing. There are always a million reasons why we can't do something. We only need one good reason why we can. Letters like this are all the reason I need.
Member at Women in Manufacturing
8 年Way to go Vickie!!!!!