Unexpected Health Benefits of Getting Rid of STUFF!
Kathryn Eyring
Health and Empowerment Coach. Group and private coaching for optimal health.
Matt Hohler, Founder of?Every Step Senior Movers, spoke to the?Habits of Optimal Health group?about the health benefits from decluttering and eliminating stuff – not just physical stuff, but anything that no longer serves you, even bad habits, or emotional baggage.
Matt knows about “stuff!” He helps individuals and families achieve peace of mind when downsizing or moving into a new home. His approach is focused on a compassionate, painless customized plan for cherished belongings and preserving beloved memories.
Matt Hohler says it’s important to have a regular routine of evaluating your stuff so it doesn’t grow beyond your needs. Mark your calendar for (at least) every 6 months to keep stuff in control on an ongoing basis.
Question whether each “thing” you touch in your home provides value to you or not. Ask yourself, “Is this bringing good energy to my space?”
Decluttering isn’t just about physical things, but may also include releasing other things that aren’t serving us well, like too much television, social media, or even junk food!
How do you FEEL after watching the news? Would you be better off keeping that “stuff” minimalized in your life? Probably!
Unexpected benefits of releasing STUFF:
1.) More activity! It’s physical work lifting things and moving them around and getting them out of the home.
2.) Improved environmental factors! Dust and allergens are diminished when reducing physical items in your home space. Less stuff also lowers the risk of a house fire. Expanded air space lessens the likelihood of mold or mildew and mice, bugs, or other pests aren’t likely to make your home their own home.
3.) Increased productivity! People who set goals and work on them gain momentum that flows into other areas of life, too.
4.) Reduced stress and overall anxiety! Decluttering and releasing stuff helps people feel free and can have a positive effect on sleep and overall health.
5.) Improved mood and energy levels! Enthusiasm for life expands when releasing stuff that’s not needed. Creating a new open energy in your home transfers into daily elevated moods.
Where do you start getting rid of stuff?
Set a manageable goal. Start with what you think you can handle. It might be one drawer per week, a closet, a room, or even a floor of your house, but make it doable.
Ask a family member or friend if they’d like to help. You might be surprised at who says yes!
Create rules for yourself like one of the following:
Pick an item up. Within 5 seconds can you remember the last time you used it? If not, maybe it’s time to let it go!
Use this 20/20 rule: If it costs less than $20 and would only take 20 minutes to get a new one if you really needed a replacement, let it go.
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