Unexpected Gifts from Stolen Phone
Karen Valencic
Collaboration & Innovation through Conflict Mastery | Best-Selling Author | Speaker | Executive Coach | Aikidoist | Online Course Creator | Everything DiSC Partner
Fifteen days without my phone, most of it in foreign countries, was eye-opening.
Conflict doesn’t always happen with another person; it often happens with events or things.
Realizing my phone was gone, and after I secured and shut it down, I admit I cried a little bit. My mom back in the States is having some health challenges, and I had intended to continue keeping a pulse on my business—both required connectivity.
This unplanned phone detox has left me changed…in a good way. Ironically, my theme for this year is focus. This was a rich study of focus.
I let my focus down and lost the phone, but without the phone, I gained focus and presence.
Some of my learnings:
? When you are not looking down at your phone, life is happening all around you! I loved this! You also realize how many people around you constantly look down at their phones, and it seems really sad.
? One of my talks is about how change, conflict, and innovation are like three close cousins. You don’t have one without the other two. I am a problem solver, so this gave me a lot of opportunities to figure out alternative ways to communicate, which was fun.
? You can travel through customs without a smartphone.
? Focusing on the learning instead of the problem is energizing.
? People are very willing to help if you ask, from taking photos on their phones to giving you the time of day.
Because of this experience, I know I’ve moved much further down the path to increase focus! It took a while but I like this new more balanced relationship with my phone!
BTW, During this time, I’ve been reading Cal Newport’s book Deep Work. He offers excellent strategies. Many of which I am adopting! ?I recommend it.
Human Written
By Karen Valencic
Great reflection and insight on focusing on learning rather than the problem, a much broader perspective. Thank you for sharing!