Unexpected Data Viz Source: The Census Bureau
You may think of the Census as just a mandatory survey of the country’s population every 10 years. The data from the Census have far-reaching implications, including the recalculation of house seats for each state. Of course, you can also use the Census data at various geographic levels to understand your community.
Something you may not know about the Census is that the website provides ready-made data visualizations using data from the full Census and the more frequently collected American Community Surveys.
The visualizations vary in how well they meet design standards (in my opinion), but I enjoy browsing the catalog for interesting topics.
There are the types of data visualization you would expect:
Data on Small Business Owners:
Gif Map of Childhood Poverty (click on the image to go to a gif showing the change over time):
Characteristics of College Students:
There are visualizations of data you might not expect:
Travel time to work (click on the image to go to the interactive map):
How many dads live with their kids:
Breweries in the US (click the image to go to the interactive map):
How much homeowners spend on home improvements:
Some visualizations show someone in the Census Viz department is having fun with holidays:
For example, this infographic was released for St. Patrick’s Day:
In 2017, they explored how Irish places in the US named Dublin are:
This was created for Presidents' Day 2021:
Populations of US Cities with the most Festive Names:
The number of workers in careers that are common Halloween costumes:
Have you ever seen visualizations by the Census Bureau before?
Which is your favorite? Mine is the Presidential Places viz. It's really interesting data but not something I've ever thought to look up before.
Originally posted at: https://www.meganjohanson.com/post/unexpected-data-viz-source