The Unexpected Can Be Expected
Alaine Nolt
Is your lifestyle supporting your health? I work with highly driven people who struggle with not enough time to be happy and healthy, so they can live the life they truly love.
It’s the first day of summer and I am heading to Italy! A dream, a bucket list item, and I get to finally meet my Covid Zoom buddy after three years.?
I’m on time, despite long lines, in an airport that resembles a street mob scene.?
Then the unexpected happens, the delay; “no room for the plane at the gate.”
Now I will be missing my connection and I haven’t even left yet. Sound familiar?
I was so proud of myself for getting to the airport three hours early, anticipating possible long lines. Plus it’s international.?I had given myself extra time, for the unexpected.?
Now, I’m off to a new concourse and changing from Lufthansa to United.
Once again, I’m feeling the fun, eagerness, no stress; things are working out.
Then as I look out the windows, the skies are turning in ominous black.
It’s only been a short time, and now, I’m on the plane, and we are delayed for the weather.?
And a delay again, and again, and again, maybe five times, not sure now, I've lost track.
You know what? Everyone has been patient, calm, and settled in.?
All is good, despite the unexpected.
I know that I will get there, probably five hours later than expected.
I am content, with what’s in my control. It’s up to me.??
People tease me, because I love to remind them that it is all about me.
And guess what? It's all about you, too!
How do YOU respond or react to the unexpected? Could it be actually expected?
Earlier, I was traveling in a car to the airport, checking in, going through security, and there were flights coming in from around the world.? And there is the weather.?So did I actually expect it? Yes! In many ways.
Because things happen, and happen all of the time. Things are constantly evolving and changing. We are always making decisions, choices, reacting, and responding.?
EVERYTHING that we experience is a result of our thoughts.?
Our thoughts absolutely create our feelings.?
So when you are living through the unexpected, what do you expect??What are you thinking? How are you feeling inclined to take positive actions?
We are the only ones who absolutely control how we feel.? Is your emotion helping or hindering the situation? Will your emotions change the outcome?
Many questions to ponder.?
As we set ourselves up with expectations, I remind you to expect the unexpected.
Alaine Nolt