An "unequivocal" Climate Report

Is Climate change Real?

Isn't it due to some change in tectonic plates?

Change is Inevitable! Humans don't have much to do with it!

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With the latest IPCC Reports, all these questions have just come to an end. It beautifully quote

"It is unequivocal that human influence has warmed the global climate system since pre-industrial"

which quite literally says

Without a doubt, we humans are the reason that our Climate is changing. Here is the list of facts that supports this line

1. Anthropogenic aerosols contributed to decreasing global land summer monsoon precipitation from the 1950s to the 1980s

2. Global mean sea level has risen faster since 1900 than over any preceding century in at least the last 3000 years.

3. Severe droughts are happening 1.7 times as often.

4. Observed pattern of change in surface water salinity - fresh

becoming fresher and salty regions becoming saltier (destroying ecosystem)

5.Each of the last four decades has been successively warmer than any decade that preceded it since 1850.

Not only that, decreasing forest covers are making it worse.

To summarize ‘the balance of evidence suggests that there is a discernible human influence on global climate

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It also clearly states that if we are not taking immediate action, no one can stop our global temperature rise of 1.5°C. We are truly in danger. Our cities will be underwater and the ecosystem would be doomed.

Let's choose to be conscious!


