Unemployment Weekly Update
Colorado Department of Labor and Employment
We keep Colorado working.
In the Spotlight:?MyUI+ will be down for maintenance from September 28th to October 1st
MyUI+ will be down for scheduled maintenance starting on Thursday, September 28th, 2023 at 10:00 p.m. The system will not be accessible during this time. You can request payment/certify on Sunday, October 1st after the system comes back online.*
Impact to customer service availability: due to the system maintenance, the unemployment claimant helplines and in-person lobby assistance will be closed starting Friday, September 29th and will resume operation on Tuesday, October 3, 2023.
*If you have not already certified/requested payment for the week of September 17th to the 23rd, please do so before the shutdown on September 28th to avoid delays.
Apply now: More than 87,784 Colorado jobs currently available
As of September 27, 2023, there are 87,784 job postings listed on ConnectingColorado.com, the state’s jobs database. The State of Colorado is also hiring! Visit Careers.Colorado.govto browse the hundreds of state job openings currently posted.
Upcoming Events
You can see all the upcoming training, hiring events, and more on CDLE's website.
CDOC Virtual Fast Track Hiring Event - Thursday, September 28th - 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (Virtual)
CDOC continues its Fast Track Hiring Events series with more positions available in the clinical and behavioral health fields in addition to open correctional officer positions. Attendees interested in Correctional Officer I positions have the opportunity to receive on-the-spot contingent job offers. No experience is required to apply. The Colorado Department of Corrections has hired over 470 people from across the nation through Fast track events, 55% of those who have attended events have been hired. Register here.
Colorado Works Career Fair - Tuesday, October 3rd - 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (In-person) This career fair is designed for all job seekers looking for their next career. Multiple employers will be looking to hire for a wide range of career opportunities, from entry-level to experienced. A/D Works! Career Services will also be on-site for resume critiques and additional services. For more information about timing and registration, visit the A/D Works site. Location: CentrePoint Plaza, 14980 E. Alameda, Aurora, CO, 80012
Encore Job Fair - Wednesday, October 4th - 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (In-person)
Join Arapahoe/Douglas Works! in partnership with the City of Centennial, Aurora Chamber of Commerce, Town of Castle Rock, City of Englewood, and City of Littleton for the 7th Annual Encore Career Fair. Whether you want to continue on the same career path or find something new, stop by and discover all of the opportunities our area has to offer you. This career fair is open to all skilled/experienced professionals and Veterans in any industry. Location: Arapahoe Board Room, 6954 S. Lima St., Centennial, CO, 80112
9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. - Veterans and Spouses 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - General Public?
Unemployment lobby assistance will open in new location on October 3rd for walk-in claim help
Starting Tuesday, October 3rd, the unemployment insurance lobby will open Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon and 1:00 to 3:30 p.m., for walk-in claim assistance. Visitors will be given appointments on a first come first serve basis. If you receive an appointment but we are unable to assist you during that day, you will be given an appointment for the following business day. Visitors should enter at 621 17th Street either through the outdoor plaza entrances or the entrance at 17th and Welton St.
Coming October 2nd: Change your Connecting Colorado account password
Connecting Colorado is changing your account password requirements on Monday, October 2nd. Upon logging in to your account, you will be asked to change your password to meet these new security requirements:?
Come learn more about FAMLI in Denver
Want to learn more about Colorado’s new Family & Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) program? Come meet FAMLI Division leaders in person on Monday, October 16, to learn how the new program will work once benefits become available in January. RSVP here.
If you can’t make the town hall in person, you can still attend (virtually) and get your questions answered live. Join virtually here.
You can also connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn or give us a call at 1-866-CO-FAMLI (1-866-263-2654) Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. You can also subscribe to FAMLI's Newsletter.
The FAMLI team wants to hear from you
FAMLI deductions begin in January. The Division wants to know how much you know about the program. Please take this quick survey and tell us “How Well You Know FAMLI.” Your feedback is important to us.
Share Your Story with FAMLI
FAMLI would like to hear your personal stories. Please tell us how a paid medical leave program could have helped you in the past or will help you in the future. Share your storywith FAMLI.
Colorado's Family and Medical Leave Division is hiring
The FAMLI Division has several positions open as we continue to grow our family. We’re looking for individuals who are dedicated to serving the citizens of Colorado and share our passion for quality and excellence in all we do. Explore our job openings and start the application process today!?
We are monitoring an increase in scam emails sent to active and former UI claimants designed to hijack your unemployment account. Hackers are using social security numbers from other companies’ data breaches in these attempts. If you receive an email THAT YOU DID NOT REQUEST that is asking you to reset your password, please ignore that email and FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS: Log in to your MyUI+ account from the official UI website, in order to verify that your information (contact, banking, payments, etc) is correct. And then each time you log in to MyUI+, you should review this information to make sure that it is correct.?