Unemployment Insurance scheme
Spectrum Accounting
Auditing, Accounting & CFO, Taxation, Company Formation, Transfer Pricing, Financial & Business Advisory, Global Services specialist
What is the ‘Unemployment Insurance scheme’?
The Unemployment Insurance scheme?is a form of insurance/social security that provides Emiratis and residents working in the federal and private sectors, financial support if they lose their jobs, as a result of termination by their employers.
The financial support will be given in exchange of a monthly insurance premium paid by the worker during his employment. It aims to ensure continued decent living for the unemployed and achieve a competitive knowledge economy by attracting and retaining best international talent.
Objectives of the scheme
The insurance scheme aims to:
To be eligible for the compensation, the worker must have been paying the monthly premium for?at least 12 consecutive months.
Scope of the scheme
The scheme applies to all workers in the private and federal sector except:
Cost of subscription
The worker may choose to pay the premium on a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or on an annual basis. The insured worker may, in coordination with the insurance company, subscribe to additional benefits in addition to the above basic package. The value of the insurance policy is subject to VAT.
Federal government and private sector employees must subscribe to the scheme from 1 January 2023.
Filing for a compensation claim
Channels for subscribing
Workers may?subscribe?to the scheme?via ILOE?Insurance Pool website and its app?and any other channel which MoHRE may announce.?
This article is issued in the public interest based on the available data from the government websites and also from the available information in the public domain.
Spectrum ?Accounting and Auditing is a medium sized accounting, auditing and tax consulting firm based in Dubai. Our constant quest for continuous growth is the foundation for high-quality accountancy, audit and advisory services. The diversity of skills and technical expertise available with Spectrum along with its affiliated offices caters to all kinds of needs of its clients throughout United Arab Emirates, Middle East and India.
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