The U?n?discussed reason for Fear
We all have heard of the full form of F.E.A.R
False Evidence Appearing Real
Which says, There's no true threat of immediate physical danger, no threat of a loss of someone or something dear to us, actually nothing there at all.
Fear is Fear.
Fear is Fearful.
Yet no one discusses the Real Agent of Fear.
Fear, Anger, and desire all are cousins of the same family.
According to Scriptures, Strong Attachment with Ego and desire is the reason for weak mentality and weak will.
So, is Attachment bad or good?
Certainly, there is not a fixed answer.
But if any Attachment is creating Fear and displacing our peace of mind we should fear from such attachment.
How do we know if we are attached?
Simple, you feel fear.
You do one thing, With whatever thing/action create most fear for you, there must be some attachment attached to that.
- If the attachment is small, one should erase that.
- If the attachment is large, one should decrease that.
- And if imperishable, like fear of death, one should Gain knowledge for that.
e.g. A small attachment is like I made a mistake and I am fearing from my manager that now he will yell at me and disrespect me in front of others, then I should try to correct my mistake as soon as possible and if not, shall accept my mistake and apologize, the moment you do this you erased the attachment with the mistake and hence fear.
Large attachment is like what if I lose my job, how will I feed my self or my family now, then in such situation one should increase his/her skills to that much level that he/she became indispensable in the company and will start getting job offers from others companies too, like learning a skill which market has a scarcity or become too big in that industry that now you are the authority.
Imperishable attachment is like Fear of Death, I fear what if I die, I try to avoid any action which generates that fear, even if it is not there, then one should read about Death, immortality and all, or scriptures if have a belief in God, you will come to know that you are a soul, that neither dies nor get slain and if you are a soul how can you die, it is the attachment with a body that is generating this fear. Hence there is no reason to fear.
If Fear is the ultimate Root cause of Sorrow, then Attachment is a Seed.
Do share your thoughts and opinions in the comments!