Undiscovered Wormholes: The Roadmap of Aliens?

Undiscovered Wormholes: The Roadmap of Aliens?

Hidden in the depths of the universe, wormholes are one of the most mysterious and controversial subjects in the scientific world. Although these theoretical "shortcuts" have the potential to allow instantaneous travel to distant distances, their existence has not yet been proven. However, according to some scientists, wormholes constructed by advanced civilizations may be hidden in past observational data. Japanese astrophysicist Fumio Abe suggests that wormholes, which could be as common in our galaxy as ordinary stars, might serve as a transportation network for alien civilizations. According to Abe, evidence about these mysterious passages may come to light by rescanning old data.

The History and Structure of Wormholes

Wormholes were first proposed in 1916 by Ludwig Flamm. While reviewing Einstein's equations of General Relativity Theory, Flamm realized that a celestial body with properties opposite to black holes, which he called "white holes," could theoretically be possible. He thought that a bridge could be built between a white hole and a black hole.

In 1935, Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen expanded on this idea using General Relativity Theory and developed the wormhole theory called the Einstein-Rosen Bridge. The duo also showed that space and time are fundamentally linked, and traveling through a wormhole could take us not only to a distant place but also to another time.

Wormholes are a perfect way to exceed Einstein's speed limit and allow heroes or villains to travel the galaxy within reasonable time frames. The time travel element also allows the story to be included without violating any laws of physics. However, Stephen Hsu from the University of Oregon says, "Wormhole Theory is currently at a purely hypothetical point. No one in the physics world thinks we will discover a wormhole in the near future."

Basic Facts and Problems Regarding Wormholes

Theoretical physicist Brian Greene explains three basic facts about wormholes:

Just as a tunnel connects two sides of a mountain and shortens the path, wormholes create shortcuts within the Universe.

Wormholes are made possible by Einstein's Theory of General Relativity. So, they are theoretically possible. However, no one has the slightest idea if they actually exist.

If the two mouths of a wormhole have different motions and are within different gravitational fields, Einstein's Special/General Relativity Theory comes into play, causing the synchronization of the two ends of the "tunnel" to be disrupted. This could make time travel possible.

One of the biggest problems with wormholes is the size issue. A newly formed wormhole must be as small as 10^-33 centimeters. However, depending on the expansion of the Universe, this hole may have grown larger over time.

Another major problem is the equilibrium problem of the wormhole. Although a wormhole could open, it is expected to collapse rapidly on itself. Some solutions have been proposed for this problem, but these solutions require the existence of undiscovered exotic particles with negative density and substantial negative pressure.

Detection of Wormholes and Quantum Metrology

Quantum metrology could make it possible to prove the existence of wormholes. Quantum metrology is a branch of science that aims to achieve extremely precise measurements by reducing the statistical error margins obtained in measurements and experiments with the help of quantum mechanical properties such as quantum entanglement and quantum squeezing.

Significant steps could be taken in efforts to prove the existence of wormholes if quantum metrology methods are used. This is because an electromagnetic field propagating near a wormhole will experience a very small phase shift caused by the throat radius of the wormhole found. As a result of this phase shift, waves with an old phase and a new phase will be formed, and their interference can be detected using quantum metrology.

LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna), a laser interferometer technology to be launched into space in 2034, will be capable of detecting this interference. If the waves with different phases resulting from the phase changes caused by the wormhole bridge interfere, these interferences can be detected by LISA, and the existence of wormholes can be proven.

Prophet Zurkayn and Efforts to Close Wormholes

According to some theories, the existence of wormholes may also bear the touch of prophets. Could the journeys and construction of the barrier mentioned in the Surah Al-Kahf by Prophet Zurkayn be an effort to close wormholes?

The mentioned barrier consisted of iron masses and molten copper. These materials may have been designed to control the possible immense energy of wormholes. Copper's ability to reflect all wavelengths supports this theory.

Additionally, the Surah Al-Kahf mentions Prophet Zurkayn's journeys to the east and west. This raises the possibility that the prophet may have explored space using wormholes.

Although scientific research on wormholes has been ongoing for years, we still do not fully understand how they work. There is no clear answer from scientists as to whether it is possible to prove the existence of these holes and control them or whether they are just a part of the universe. It is also unknown whether these holes remain open indefinitely or only allow travel for a certain period of time. And it is still unclear whether it is possible for humans to travel through these holes.

The only certainty in this subject, full of unknowns, is this: We do not know yet. Proving the existence of wormholes may require the development of technologies like LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) at least until 2034. However, this waiting period can be seen as an advantage rather than a disadvantage. Because every day, different scientists are working on different theories and experiments, expanding our knowledge on this subject.

In conclusion, wormholes are considered a kind of tunnel opening simultaneously in time and space, making them a sort of time machine. However, despite this theoretical knowledge, there is no definitive evidence of whether these holes actually exist or not. But their theoretical possibility increases the likelihood of their practical existence. Therefore, there is currently a significant reason: Their theoretical possibility.


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