The Underutilization of Mental Health Services: Saving the Mental Health of Our Educators

The Underutilization of Mental Health Services: Saving the Mental Health of Our Educators

We are well aware that educator mental health has suffered during this pandemic, adversely impacting every aspect of one’s personal and professional lives. We are aware of the alarming rates of anxiety and depression estimated at four times higher over the past year, including panic attacks, sleep problems, and difficulty concentration. We are also aware of these statistics as a likely contributor to the over 50 percent of teachers reconsidering their careers and the diluted pipeline of new professionals entering the field.

What we may not fully understand is why educators who work in districts where mental health and wellness services are available, are not taking advantage of this help or why outside professional support is not sought out. Utilization of life saving services is inadequate leaving educators alone in their anguish. While there is insufficient data to attest to this dilemma, leaders will likely agree that both professional development and personal growth lifelines are not well received at present, raising concerns about immediate stress levels and long- term resilience. ?

And now, with the potential for an extended period of relief without the threat of Covid, we may likely witness an even sharper decline in mental health, potentially including substance abuse, school violence and even suicides, making it imperative we figure out how to improve prevention and intervention. As we move out of crisis mode, the cumulative effect of these past two years will take a greater toll. With that ongoing risk, appreciating the resistance for personal care is worth considering as districts are in planning mode for next year. Here are some lessons learned from this year:

  • Any offering cannot be ‘one and done’. A high degree of guardedness means that repeated messaging over an extended period is needed for absorption with already high saturation.
  • All offerings should include some entertainment value, making people laugh and touching their hearts. We have found high levels of attention and appreciation when using professional actors, virtual escape rooms, and even small scale virtual plays.
  • Small group processing is more valuable than cognitive learning. Educators are desperate to feel less alone, experience catharsis, and bring some intimacy into their lives. Experienced facilitators knowledgeable in group dynamics is critical.
  • Educators need to feel like their interests are primary before layering in student centric training. SEL, for instance, should value the adult before expecting them to turnkey this for the students. Once they appreciate the value of SEL they will embody this learning in the classroom.
  • SEL should be tied into mental health and equity, not simply a set of skills to implement within a curriculum. SEL is about meeting needs, which has more complexity than most programs appreciate.
  • Diversity of services is important for those who may resist one modality. We have found success with layering in weekly services including yoga, meditation, book studies, and even a functional medicine physician.
  • Every district should consider a virtual EAP (Educator Assistance Program). Both individual and group supports with personal and professional consultation makes schools more competitive with the for- profit industry. Extending these services to families of faculty is helpful. ?

The bottom line is that the education industry is in a mental health crisis mode and if pro-action isn’t taken by administrators, the long- term effects on current educators’ wellness and emergency level personnel issues will be felt within the school systems for potentially generations to come. ?



