Undertaking Unreasonable Action in Service of Humanity
Revolutionary visionaries are at an inflection point. These leaders recognize the status quo needs breaking. They know we need to do something different. We need to be different.?
Right now, we're approaching everything the way we always have.?
We see this today as the situation in the Middle East unfolds exactly as it always has. Yet there is a collective consciousness in the world right now saying the suffering is unnecessary and unacceptable.?
It’s time to break the status quo.
The leaders, the revolutionary visionaries, who are able to tap into this collective consciousness see the need for unreasonable action, to break the status quo.
Most humans want peace. Violence of any sort: small or large, mental, physical, or emotional, doesn’t breed peace. Looking across layers of life, if we ask ourselves, “What creates or provides peace in our personal lives, at work, and in our communities?” The answer is not violence upon violence. It is the relationship between businesses and the markets, between employer and employee. Between human beings.?
So the question becomes, what is it we want to create??
Revolutionary visionaries realize we all need to be different, and therefore, we need to do different, if we are to create the peace we are all looking for–within ourselves, our organizations, and our world.?
Whether these leaders have been revolutionary in their ideas and ways of leadership before, or they’re experiencing a new leadership urge from within, they both realize this time is different. They sense the deep need to break the status quo.?
But, the solutions to our human problems are not a quick fix.?
So these leaders are responding instead of reacting. They are asking the questions that need to be asked.
These leaders can look at the situation today in Israel and easily conclude it will not result in peace. It is a glaring signal, an object lesson in how reacting the way we’ve always reacted does not create a life-giving future. It creates precisely the opposite.
The time is now for responding, for slowing down, for active reflection, and finding a new way.?
It is a time for powerful, visionary conversations in leadership teams and for creating and co-creating with a community of leaders. For inviting people within organizations to connect and join in.?
Revolutionary visionaries are asking the questions that must be asked to disintegrate the status quo.?
They realize right now is an opportunity, an emergence, a way to lessen unnecessary human suffering, including their own; a way to take action and be in alignment with their original essence.
The oldest part of our brain is not the prefrontal cortex, it is the limbic system where the amygdala lives and helps us regulate our emotional responses. It’s the primitive, unsophisticated part that drives our instinct to survive and to be safe.?It often dupes us into thinking we're being rational, that we're making good choices, and that we're using our prefrontal cortex.
But it’s the limbic system, the fear-based system, that's in control of what seems reasonable. It is trying to keep us safe when we need to be visionary.?
It's natural to take reasonable action because of the way we're wired as human beings.?
But we must move away from letting our survival instinct guide or even heavily influence our decisions.?
We have allowed our fear-based systems, which are the predominant design in the workplace, to override the intuitive, human-centric systems that allow us to intentionally connect with others, especially those who aren't like us, who don't look like us, or think like us, or act like us.?
It is now imperative for leaders to actively seek out people, ideas, and things that are different from what we've seen and done before, knowing that intuition connects us and fear separates us.
The ways in which we are not serving ourselves and humanity are emergent and at a crucial inflection point.?
We need to allow our intuition in, so we can respond from our essence, not react from our fear.
Intuition is not ego. Our intuition knows what is true. It is never wrong. When we think we’ve listened to our intuition and things go awry, we were really listening to our ego. Ego moves us only towards survival, the short game, the fear-based safe answers and solutions.?
We have conditioned ourselves away from intuitively knowing how to create a life of connection, peace, and kindness and instead we have become dependent on a system we think is rational; a system that tightens and restricts, moving us towards hyper-individualism and egoic survival.?
Intuition moves us toward life, toward solutions and actions of fulfillment, connectedness, collaboration, and oneness. Revolutionary visionaries and mindful achievers are compelled to move toward an expanding, open, and thriving life–a life guided by intuition, not fear.?
The need for change on our planet is now urgent.?
It is time for us to ennoble our intuition, to regenerate that deeply wise aspect of who we are as humans; to value intuition as an intelligent source of timeless input into unreasonable decision making and action.
The revolutionary visionary who recognizes this is the one who will lead us into a future of healing and connectedness.??
If you are a revolutionary visionary who knows this to be true, but doesn’t know how to take the next steps, it’s a good time for some connection and help.
Neil Edwards is an executive coach and thought partner to revolutionary visionaries and mindful achievers who understand the urgency of the moment we're in now. Practicing love, trust, and intimacy, Neil guides his clients to perspective-shifting and soul stirring experiences that reveal internal and external truths, changing the way they know themselves and the way they lead.
Neil is a faculty leader with the Co-Active Training Institute, leading their transformative 10-month Co-Active Leadership program. He is also a trainer and coaching supervisor for CRR Global in relationship and systems-oriented leadership programs.
Endlessly curious about how humans make meaning ?? Obsessed with tea, journals, and reading voraciously ?? Committed word nerd turned soulful brand strategist
1 年"It is time for us to ennoble our intuition, to regenerate that deeply wise aspect of who we are as humans; to value intuition as an intelligent source of timeless input into unreasonable decision making and action. The revolutionary visionary who recognizes this is the one who will lead us into a future of healing and connectedness." I could not agree more. I hope the revolutionary visionaries out there can here this call and move into action. And I hope they reach out to you, Neil E. to guide them.
We need to slow down. Feel. Full stop!