Undertake A Transformational Journey with Transcend’s Coach Training

Undertake A Transformational Journey with Transcend’s Coach Training

Experience the life-changing power of?transformative?coach training.?

You may have already heard how coaching can be a transformational force in your life, as well as being a game changer at work.?

Individuals and organisations benefit from the clarity and energy that coaching provides to overcome their own obstacles en route to being at their best.

It turns out that?training as a coach provides at least as much of the game changing transformative benefit as being coached, with the additional bonus that it helps you to help others with their own development!

?We at Transcend International are dedicated to helping?cultivate performance, effectiveness, resilience, mental effectiveness and exceptional well-being, through our coach training programmes. A Transcend trained coach uses leading edge, multidisciplinary, evidence-based adult learning frameworks in a systematic, creative process of setting appropriate goals, exploring options, discovering/ challenging limiting beliefs/assumptions, taking skillful action and reflecting on learnings in service of their own and others’ growth.

The first step in spreading your new-found learnings (and wisdom) is to train as a professional coach. As mentioned above, our world-leading training programmes are scientifically grounded and highly evidence-based. Our coach training is particularly geared to equipping coaches to help their clients respond?adaptively?to the challenges of the PAID (Pressured, Always-on, Information-overloaded, Distracted) reality or using current vernacular - The ‘Permacrisis’ (It is referred to as an extended period of instability and insecurity, where unexpected challenges seem to arise constantly) we find ourselves in.

We will teach you to :?

  • Create goals that actually work - through our?Well Formed Goal (WFG)?process
  • Appreciate how your mind operates (through diving into relevant Psychology / neuroscience) and develop a growth mindset for an empowered life
  • Learn to reflect on your own experience and what it teaches you about your own ability to meet goals and overcome challenges / perceived crises
  • Question your assumptions, biases, stories & limiting beliefs that don’t serve you and form new more empowering ones that will benefit you
  • Work with your values through our?Well Formed Values (WFV)?framework to gain clarity and carve your purpose or enhance it for creating a more intentional life
  • Build resilience, respond adaptively and stay ‘on-track’ (focused) in key?moments-of-choice?on the things that are important to you, when life pulls you off-track
  • Recognise the mind-body connection and how to develop a sense of curiosity rather than agitation when you are ‘triggered’
  • Understand the workings of your brain and the role (the brain is a meaning-making organ) it plays in creating change through the lens of neuroscience
  • Learn the ‘Power of Repetition’ and practice to make new positive connections through neuroplasticity
  • Be mindful and have an increased sense of self-awareness through our?4 Self?practices
  • Creating the balance in your life that underpins your happiness and well-being through our well recognised?4 Balances?methodology

And much more…

Our Transformational Coach training programmes will enable you to attain accreditation and be a professional coach.?They are also designed as a?transformational journey?that will not only help your clients, as you support them as they undergo their own metamorphosis, but will also aid you in your personal transformation!?

The?Certificate In Professional Coaching?programme will benefit you whether you are at the beginning of your coaching journey or are already a trained coach and is open to both. It gears you towards achieving?accreditation from the ICF or the EMCC. The?Advanced Certificate In Professional Coaching?programme?is for coaches who have completed coach training in the past - if this is you, please speak with us about how we can help you translate your previous training into a higher level of accreditation. Our programmes are highly-regarded and are accredited by 2 of the top governing bodies in the coaching profession -?The International Coaching Federation (ICF) and The European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC).

Transformational Coaching

Watch the following video?to get an understanding of our Transformational coaching methodology.

Advanced Certificate in Professional Coaching Mastery

In-person Coach Training

in Hong Kong for coaches

Sep 5-7, 2023

Nov 14-16, 2023

0930-1800 HKT

Successful completion of this programme earns the coach Transcend’s Certificate in Professional Coaching Mastery and is approved content for Level 2.

Certificate in Professional Coaching Programme

Join us! Our Certificate in Professional Coaching Programme is now open for enrolment, and the training starts once enrolment is confirmed.

Certificate in Professional Coaching
Transcend International's Certificate in Professional Coaching Schedule


“The training is beyond my expectation. The facilitators are knowledgeable, professional and passionate. I genuinely felt that I made the right decision in selecting Transcend Academy to learn coaching”

~ Wei Ling, Certificate in Professional Coaching Mastery Graduate

Some programme outcomes:?

  • A deep understanding of what coaching really is and how it differs from the other “roles” we play in our lives.
  • To ground your coaching practice in internationally accepted best practices. This includes internationally recognised competency frameworks, ethics, professional standards and definitions.
  • To become skilful in co-creating meaningful well-formed goals.
  • A commitment to competency-based development based on practice-based feedback and reflection.
  • An appreciation for the value of, and active participation in supervision and mentoring support, engagement in learning and reflective practice.

The next programme's kick-off session is on September 6th, 2023 and the training starts once enrolment is confirmed.

Please share this newsletter with your contacts who may be interested in our work!

Click?here?to learn more about our bespoke organisational programmes

Contact us?to speak with us about your coach training needs and we can help you come up with a plan that best fits your needs and preferences.

The Positive Impact of Our Coach Training Programmes

Coaching Solutions

We exist to positively impact the world and future generations by developing the capability of people and organisations to flourish.


??Cultivating actionable self-awareness?and improving your mental capacity (inside-out) enabling you to be more resourceful in key moments of choice and then you can be who you, others and stakeholders would love you (need you) to be

? Developing your capability to engaging resources from your world to support you (outside-in)?so that you are more effective, resilient and connected

Connect With Us at?[email protected]?to understand how we can help fulfil your coaching requirements.

Coach of the Month

Craig McKenzie Coach of the Month
Check out Craig's profile by clicking on the image.

Craig has an authentic blend of gentle strength, humour, wisdom and warmth that he utilises to create the conditions for people to develop and meaningfully change.

Working with people interested in change he creates awareness, generates insights, provides clarity and adds value. Described by his clients as having a direct, simple and focused presence. He has the ability to narrow issues to key concepts, discern what is important and ask simple thought provoking questions that create meaningful movement toward desired goals. Working with coaching clients at an appropriately challenging level, he can adjust his approach and direction to achieve results.

Check out Craig's profile

Inspire to Aspire

The Ultimate Guide On How To Start A Coaching Business

Do you know how to start a coaching business that can support you as you move towards your awesome mission and vision??I've worked with thousands of talented coaches from around the world and here's what I know… Most coaches don't have a problem with ambition or motivation. They're not lacking in skills, passion or creativity. But they're totally stuck when it comes to building a coaching practice that can help them reach more people and change more lives.

Read now

Visit us at?www.transcend-intl.com?to know more about us.


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