Understanding Your Limits
Courtesy: www.pixabay.com

Understanding Your Limits

The whole world is governed by the law of limits. Each and everything that is present in this universe has a limit attached to it from the day it was created. However that shouldn’t be the reason for you to not moving ahead.

People often say if you want to achieve greater success in life then you need to break the boundaries and take risks. Higher the risk greater the chances of reward for it, however this is true only when that risk pays off.

Many a time people consider a person with low risk taking tendency as weak and also as one not suitable for a leadership role when working in an organizational scenario. But the truth is totally different not all the people who take less risk are weak on the contrary they are among those who understand their limits and don’t jump to conclusions. They take their time and evaluate each situation before taking their final decision. Also they make up good leaders too because they are the ones who clearly understand the strengths they have and weaknesses which limit them. These positive leaders work on their weakness and keep adding on to their strengths.

Here are some of the reasons why understanding your limits can actually help you evolve as a better leader and an individual:

1.    It’s the First Sign Of Your Strength- Forget what others are saying trust your abilities and you will achieve what you aim for. When we talk about limits, it’s actually not for the weak, as they cannot draw line and accept that. It takes immense strength and guts to accept that there are some things that even you cannot do and require help to move ahead.

2.    Scope of Improvement- When we talk about the limits of an individual it is not the rock made wall which acts like a permanent restriction throughout the life, when looked properly they are the stretchable boundaries which can be always expanded. The best part about these limits is they themselves are limitless. But the only way to expand it is by your will power to keep moving and keep improving. Even the physical limitations can be improved by working on your fitness or even compensating them with your higher intellect power. A positive mind set never looks at the limits as cause of failure in fact it gives a chance to keep improving and expanding your abilities to the max.

3.    You can Sharpen Your Strengths- Once you have been able to indentify your shortcomings or limitations you have the options to put your mind into removing the shortcomings or improving on the limitation. Also you have an opportunity to further sharpen your skills which you already have and these are your strength points. This will also ensure that in future you won’t have to worry of being limited at your strengths.

4.    It Makes You Humble- When you understand that you too have some limits then you learn to respect others with their limit. This also reduces the ego in self achievements or possessions and brings humility in you. It further opens up the new avenue into how you interact with people around you making you a better person.

5.    You Plan Better- When you are aware of all the resources that you possess and the ability of the man power around you, you are able to make better plans. These plans are framed based on the strengths and limitations of the resources available to you. When we talk about resources it includes self too. With a better plan chances of your failure is also reduced giving you better chance to succeed in whatever you want to achieve.

6.    It Brings Respect and Appreciation- Both in society and professional fraternity a person who is close to his roots is always respected and appreciated. Your knowledge and acceptance of your limitations help you keep those connections with your roots.  You treat others with respect and in return receive the same from them.

7.    Helps Decision Making Easier- When you know your limits and strengths it becomes very easy to come to any conclusion and make decisions. In this situation most of the time the decisions that are made are also right as you then evaluate all the aspects very clearly.

8.    Increases Self Confidence- With ease in making any decision and better planning at each step of work, you gain more confidence in self. In doing so you also learn how to be self reliant and delegate work as per the need of the work in hand. Your self confidence also help you believe in others too which translates into better productivity both at the individual and organizational level.

9.    Make You More Happy- Knowing self gives freedom from stress due to over expectation and brings calmness in life. It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t expect anything from self but over loading oneself from desires and unrealistic goals crush your true abilities. With self knowledge you can remain upbeat for longer duration and spread happiness among others too.

10. Makes You More Approachable- When a person is relaxed and looks confident then more people are attracted to him. Not only this in relaxed mode yourself enjoy meeting more people and engaging in fruitful discussions which you may avoid otherwise. More people approach you and like to talk to you and most importantly they like to listen to what you say.

Sundar Raghavan

Project Director / Patriotic Indian and Social Worker

8 年

Good analysis. Will be useful. The other side is that we should not be cowed down by limiting ourselves. What limits us today will be under our control in the next task if we widen our comfort zone. In fact Man is born to conquer limiting forces which is why it is said "Aim high- Sky is the limit"

Mohd. Aslam Ansari

Professor-Agriculture Communication & Extension at G. B. Pant University Of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar

8 年

Great. Wonderful rendition of the critical aspects of self management. Will try to follow it.


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