Understanding your emotional issues and wellbeing
Understand your mental emotional well-being

Understanding your emotional issues and wellbeing

In this article you will learn the following

-25 questions Social Anxiety / Social Phobia Test

-25 questions for Panic Disorder Test

-20+ questions for Screening of Social Anxiety Disorder

-21 questions Phobia Test

-30 question OCD Test

-16 questions for Generalized Anxiety Disorder Symptom Test

-7 Compulsive symptoms

-13 Obsession symptoms

-26 questions for Pure Obsessional OCD

-30 questions for Relationship OCD / ROCD Test

-23 questions for Olfactory Reference Syndrome Test

-DSM-5 criteria for social anxiety disorder

Our overall well-being includes our mental, emotional, psychological and social well-being - this directly impacts and effects how we think, feel act, how we manage and how we make our life-choices.

?Emotionally healthy people are not happy all the time - they too feel - stress, anger, and sadness and other negative emotions - but they learn to be aware of their emotions - and also learn to deal with their negative feelings and emotions - more effectively.

?If you have mild to moderate anxiety, anger, stress, mood issues - then you can use these Self-administered questionnaires - all of which are taken from globally admired, respected and created by top medical experts.

?And by using around 900+ blogs in both my websites learn on HOW TO DEAL WITH, manage and live-with these effectively.


In this article you will find questionnaires to understand and self-diagnose your social-anxiety, phobias, and other anxiety-disorders, OCD, GAD and Panic-disorder etc.


The following NINE ?- have been copied from OCD Center of Los Angeles’ - https://ocdla.com/ocd-anxiety-tests

?25 questions Social Anxiety / Social Phobia Test

Social Anxiety / Social Phobia is an intense, recurrent, obsessive preoccupation with the possibility of being negatively evaluated in social situations.

Individuals with Social Anxiety / Social Phobia frequently obsess about being viewed as awkward, incompetent, inadequate, or socially inept.

1.?I often feel very insecure, anxious, or uncomfortable in social situations.

2.?I am often afraid I will appear foolish, stupid, or socially inept.

3.??I often worry that I will say or do something wrong or inappropriate, or that I will commit some sort of social error.

4.?I am often afraid others will notice my shortcomings, or find fault with me, or form an unfavorable opinion of me.

5.?I become upset, anxious, and/or depressed when I think someone disapproves of me.

6.?It is very difficult for me to initiate a conversation or approach others having a conversation.

7.?I become anxious when others ask me personal questions or if I am the center of attention.

8.?When I am talking to someone, I am often distracted by wondering what they are thinking of me.

9.?I often believe others are thinking negative thoughts about me in social situations.

10.?I often believe others are discussing me or commenting on me in social situations.

11.?I worry excessively about my physical appearance in social situations.

12.?I sometimes don’t go to work or school because I am too socially uncomfortable.

13.?I chose my job partly because it would require minimal social interaction.

14.?I avoid looking for new work for fear of being negatively evaluated.

15.?I avoid speaking to co-workers or superiors for fear of being negatively evaluated.

16.?I avoid speaking to “important people” or people with strong personalities for fear of being negatively evaluated.

17.?I avoid speaking in class, at work meetings, or in group discussions for fear of being negatively evaluated.

18.?I avoid speaking to strangers, store clerks, waiters, etc. for fear of being negatively evaluated.

19.?I avoid public speaking for fear of being negatively evaluated.

20.?I avoid dating due to my fear of being negatively evaluated.

21.?I often avoid social engagements, parties, weddings, conferences, etc., and/or leave these events early due to my social discomfort.

22.?I avoid eating, drinking, reading, or using a telephone in public, or using public restrooms.

23.?I am often afraid that people will notice that I am blushing, sweating, trembling, or showing other signs of anxiety.

24.?My concerns about social evaluation are interfering with my relationships and/or with my academic or professional functioning.

25. I am most uncomfortable in the following social situations - write all those situations not listed here

?25 questions for Panic Disorder Test

Panic Disorder is an excessive fear of having a panic attack, often to the extent of modifying one’s activities in an effort to avoid situations and/or places in which one fears the possibility of experiencing a panic attack.

1.?I sometimes have episodes in which I suddenly feel very anxious or fearful for no apparent reason.

2.?I sometimes have episodes in which I suddenly feel that my heart is racing uncontrollably or that I can’t breathe.

3.?I sometimes have episodes in which I suddenly feel dizzy or like I might faint.

4.?I sometimes feel as if I am detached from my body.

5.?I sometimes feel like I am detached from reality.

6.?When I get anxious and panicky, sometimes I am afraid that I am losing my mind or that I am schizophrenic.

7.?When I get anxious and panicky, I am sometimes afraid that I am going to have a heart attack or that I am going to die.

8.?On at least one occasion, I have gone to the emergency room or to my doctor because I was afraid I was having a heart attack, and learned that my heart was fine.

9.?I am very afraid of having panic attacks, but this fear does not result in me avoiding situations where I think I might have one.

10.?I am very afraid of having panic attacks, and I avoid certain places and/or activities (i.e., certain restaurants, movie theatres, concerts, sporting events, parties, weddings, shopping malls, street festivals, etc.) because I am afraid I might have a panic attack.

11.?I often avoid flying because I am afraid that I will have a panic attack.

12.?I often avoid driving on freeways because I am afraid that I will have a panic attack.

13.?When driving, I often need to limit myself to certain streets because I am afraid I will have a panic attack if I drive on different streets.

14.?I am no longer able to drive at all.

15.?When in a car, I must be the driver.

16.??When driving, there are only certain people with whom I am willing to drive.

17.?I am unable to go most places because I am afraid I will have a panic attack.

18.?I sometimes avoid leaving my house because I am afraid that I will have a panic attack.

19.?I am completely unable to leave my house because I am afraid I will have a panic attack.

20.?If I go to a crowded area with seating (i.e., classrooms, movie theatres, concerts, sporting events), I usually need to sit in an aisle seat so that I will be able to quickly exit if I have a panic attack.

21.?I avoid exercising because I am afraid it will cause me to have a panic attack.

22.?I am significantly distressed, anxious, and/or depressed about the possibility of experiencing a panic attack.

23.?My concern about experiencing panic attacks is interfering with my relationships and/or with my academic or professional functioning.

24. I spend ----- hours per day avoiding certain places or situations in an effort to avoid having a panic attack.

25. I worry most about having a panic attack in the following places or situations- list all that you can identify

?Obsessive-compulsive disorder usually includes both obsessions and compulsions. But it's also possible to have only obsession symptoms or only compulsion symptoms.

?You may or may not realize that your obsessions and compulsions are excessive or unreasonable, but they take up a great deal of time and interfere with your daily routine and social, school or work functioning.

25 questions Willoughy Social Anxiety Scale - taken from https://www.excelatlife.com/questionnaires/willoughby.htm

?This questionnaire assesses the degree of social anxiety that you experience.

?The questions in this scale are intended to indicate various emotional personality traits. It is not a test in any sense because there are no right nor wrong answers to any of the questions.?

?Choose the response that best describes how you would feel or respond- ?chose from Never, ?Somewhat, ?Half the time, ?Usually, ?Always

1: Do you get anxious if you have to speak or perform in any way in front of a group of strangers?

2: Do you worry if you make a fool of yourself, or feel you have been made to look foolish?

3: Are you afraid of falling when you are on a high place from which there is no real danger of falling – for example, looking down from a balcony on the tenth floor?

4: Are you easily hurt by what other people do or say to you?

5: Do you keep in the background on social occasions?

6: Do you have changes of mood that you cannot explain?

7: Do you feel uncomfortable when you meet new people?

8: Do you day-dream frequently, i.e., indulge in fantasies not involving concrete situations?

9: Do you get discouraged easily, e.g., by failure or criticism?

10: Do you say things in haste and then regret them?

11: Are you ever disturbed by the mere presence of other people?

12: Do you cry easily?

13: Does it bother you to have people watch you work even when you do it well?

14: Does criticism hurt you badly?

15: Do you cross the street to avoid meeting someone?

16: At a reception or tea do you go out of your way to avoid meeting the important person present?

17: Do you often feel just miserable?

18: Do you hesitate to volunteer in a discussion or debate with a group of people whom you know more or less?

19: Do you have a sense of isolation, either when alone or among people?

20: Are you self-conscious before ‘superiors’ (teachers, employers, authorities)?

21: Do you lack confidence in your general ability to do things and to cope with situations?

22: Are you self-conscious about your appearance even when you are well-dressed and groomed?

23: Are you scared at the sight of blood, injuries, and destruction even though there is no danger to you?

24: Do you feel that other people are better than you?

25: Is it hard for you to make up your mind?


16 questions for Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Symptom Test for Adults - taken from https://www.additudemag.com/screener-generalized-anxiety-disorder-symptoms-test-adults/

Adapted from the screening for Generalized Anxiety Disorder from the ADAA and the anxiety screening test from Mental Health America. This is not a diagnostic tool. If you have concerns about anxiety see a mental health professional.

An accurate diagnosis can only be made through clinical evaluation.

This self-test is for personal use only - choose your responses from Very Often,?Often,?Sometimes,?Rarely,?Never

1.?????Over the last three months, have you felt excessively worried for more days than not?

2.?????Has the worry you felt seemed “irrational,” or out of proportion with the situation, but beyond your control to “reason away?”

3.?????Have there been times you couldn’t identify what exactly was causing your anxiety?

4.?????Have you had trouble falling or staying asleep?

5.?????Have you felt more tired than usual, even on days when you got adequate sleep?

6.?????Have you had more difficulty concentrating on work or school than usual?

7.?????Have you felt “keyed up,” “on edge,” or unusually tense?

8.?????When you’ve felt worried over the past three months, have you experienced tightness in your chest, shortness of breath, a pounding heart, or a feeling of choking?

9.?????Over a three-month span, have you experienced persistent muscle tension or muscle aches without any increased or altered physical activity that might explain it?

10. Over a three-month span, have you experienced persistent nausea, diarrhea, or irritable bowel syndrome without any dietary changes that might explain it?

11. Have you felt shaky or wobbly, experienced numbness or tingling in your body, or had chills or hot flashes while feeling anxious?

12. Have you found yourself avoiding situations that you think may cause more anxiety?

13. Over the last year, has your use of drugs or alcohol negatively impacted your home or work life, yet persisted regardless?

14. Have you been unusually irritable?

15. Do you find it difficult to "shut off" or disengage from worry, (even at times when the worry seems initially warranted)?

16. Do you find it is difficult to soothe or "come down" from the worry/anxiety, even after the thing you are worried about seems resolved?

20+ questions for Screening of Social Anxiety Disorder - taken from https://adaa.org/screening-social-anxiety-disorder

If you suspect that you might suffer from social anxiety disorder, answer the questions below, print out the results, and share them with an expert mental health care professional.

Are you troubled by the following?

Yes????No ?????An intense and persistent fear of a social situation in which people might judge you

Yes???No ??????Fear that you will be humiliated by your actions

Yes???No ??????Fear that people will notice that you are blushing, sweating, trembling, or showing other signs of anxiety

Yes???No ??????Knowing that your fear is excessive or unreasonable

Does a feared situation cause you to

Yes???No ??????always feel anxious?

Yes???No ??????experience a panic attack, during which you suddenly are overcome by intense fear or discomfort, including any of these symptoms:

Yes???No ??????Pounding heart

Yes???No ??????Sweating

Yes???No ??????Trembling or shaking

Yes???No ??????Choking

Yes???No ??????Chest pain

Yes???No ??????nausea or abdominal discomfort

Yes???No ??????"Jelly" legs

Yes???No ??????Dizziness

Yes???No ??????Feelings of unreality or being detached from yourself

Yes???No ??????Fear of losing control or “going crazy”

Yes???No ??????Fear of dying

Yes???No ??????Numbness or tingling sensations

Yes???No ??????Chills or hot flushes

Yes???No ??????go to great lengths to avoid participating?

Yes???No ??????have your symptoms interfere with your daily life?

?Having more than one illness at the same time can make it difficult to diagnose and treat the different conditions. Depression and substance abuse are among the conditions that occasionally complicate social anxiety disorder.

?Yes???No ??????Have you experienced changes in sleeping or eating habits?

More days than not, do you feel…

Yes???No ??????sad or depressed?

Yes???No ??????disinterested in life?

Yes???No ??????worthless or guilty?

?During the last year, has the use of alcohol or drugs...

Yes???No ??????resulted in your failure to fulfill responsibilities with work, school, or family?

Yes???No ??????placed you in a dangerous situation, such as driving a car under the influence?

Yes???No ??????gotten you arrested?

Yes???No ??????continued despite causing problems for you or your loved ones?

?For complete article please read "Understand your mental emotional well-being" in the blog section of Success Unlimited Mantra - link in 1st comment

Subhashis Banerji

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