Understanding Your Current Life Satisfaction
Osarenren Isorae
AI Architect & Learning Innovation Pioneer | Author of The Learning Pattern | Founder of Spirit Framework | Building the future of education through AI
While the experiences I share are personal, they are not meant to dictate a universal truth. I'm merely offering my perspective and suggesting some potential pathways, while readily acknowledging that my journey - like yours - is a work in progress. Time and satisfaction with how it's spent have become paramount in my life.
My entry into the world of work was characterized by the conventional 8-5 grind, a norm that I embraced earnestly for two years as I familiarized myself with the professional environment. Post-work hours were spent extending my understanding of coding through tutorials and trial projects, often until late into the night. On particular days, I found myself engrossed in educational courses until dawn. My social life was nonexistent, but I was content.
The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic completely transformed my working schedule. Suddenly relieved of the requisite office attendance, I found myself reveling in the newfound fluidity of time. When the usual routine resumed four months later, it became apparent that my perspective had undergone a seismic shift. The once comfortable 8-5 routine now felt suffocating. This led me on a search for remote opportunities, eventually landing me a higher-paying job with more accommodating hours.
For two years, I worked remotely with a diverse team spread across Nigeria and the globe. But, much like the previous instance, a familiar sense of dissatisfaction began to seep in. My curiosities expanded, yearning for the reverb of a guitar string and the thrill of juggling multiple projects. I craved the freedom to experiment with myriad programming ideas. I was at an impasse, and it was clear that my current professional path was not catering to my aspirations. The idea of a corporate job was not appealing anymore, and neither was the prospect of hopping from one company to the next without understanding the 'why'.
My contemplations veered towards a sabbatical from employment altogether, maybe even going back to college as a respite from the workforce. It ultimately crystallized that I was unsatisfied with my life's current trajectory and craved a significant transformation.
My declining enthusiasm did not escape my CEO's notice, and we embarked on a candid conversation about my entrepreneurial ambitions. He offered invaluable advice, stressing the importance of visibility, mastery, and unwavering patience and consistency.
Not long after this enlightening discussion, I received notice of termination from my role. With immediate effect, I threw myself into developing Pedagogue.ai. The ensuing chronicles consist of multiple VC rejections, invaluable self-learning, a multitude of production errors, diverse customer feedback, and modest revenues across all endeavors. But, crucially, it also encapsulates a significant surge in the satisfaction I derive from life.
This reflection is an excerpt from my forthcoming book, "The First Three Months: A Practical Guide to Launching Your SaaS Startup."
I hope it provides some food for thought and sparks conversation among us. How have you handled great dissatisfaction in your life? What changes sparked your path toward transformation? Let's use our collective experiences to learn from one another.
Please feel free to join the discussion in the comments below.
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