Understanding Your Client Question
Muhammad Siddique
Founder-Entrepreneur | Built/Sold 4 Businesses | Global Client Acquisition & Lead Gen Authority | Published Business Author
The Larry King of Virtual Marketing and Mastermind Facilitator, Alex Mandossian shared his wisdom with the Global Social Media Authority, Mass Publicity Influencer, and Entrepreneurial Philanthropist, Muhammad Siddique in an interview.
In this interview, Alex Mandossian explained, Every level of a funnel has a question assigned to it. In fact, every level of a funnel has a purpose.
When you look at level one, level two, level three, level four, level five, level six, You have six level funnel or six tiers level and each of those levels has their own client paths and have their own campaign that you are running.
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Every business is a funnel marketing business. McDonalds has a funnel, Barnes, and Nobel bookstore has a funnel, Pepsi cola, Coca-Cola they have funnels.
So everybody has a funnel it's just a matter what you put at each level so at level one through six you have six level funnel.
I found that people ask questions when may come at those level and some of the people can be very dangerous because if they ask certain questions you know that they are not the one who are gonna be your high-end clients. Let me give you an example, One typical question that someone asks is where
- Where do I go
- Where do I put in my email and my first name
- Where am I gonna find what I am looking for
Where, where, where
Where is that website
So that’s the question people ask when they came in typically they may be getting may be getting a newsletter.
- Where was that quote in the newsletter
or maybe if they get a trial software,
- Where do I put in my code
They keep asking where….
Now everything I am sharing doesn't work out 100% of the time but I know that there is a tendency to hear the question were at level one.
Now level two is the most dangerous of six tiers in a six level funnel and the level two question is when
- When am I getting pay
Now these people pay more to come into your funnel but they are asking
- When am I get a return on investment
- When am I gonna meet the person you said I get to meet
When, When, When
- When am I gonna get the lesson
- When does this end
- When does it start
When, When, When
These are the most entitled people and I found that the level two because they pay more than level one usually level one is free or very small dollar amount in US dollars less than twenty dollars typically and level two they are paying somewhere between in annual basis somewhere between a hundred or even eight hundred dollars sometimes a thousand dollars it depends on your funnel they keep asking when.
When you hear when, I want you to run in the opposite direction, or do what you can to get them to the next level.
Which is level three and that’s How
Now people in the How Level, They may ask the question
- How do I do this
- How do that works
- How is it that this work at this time and that way at that time.
You see I am generalizing, But the ask How and why did they ask how is because This does it your self-level and in the US we call it D.I.Y(Do It Yourself)
This is Do it yourself course. Because you are getting the entire course and they wanna know how things works
These are How to people they love reading manuals
How, How
I love How people because I made a lot of money from how people and I am a How to teacher
In fact, this lesson that I am teaching you right now if it’s new to you it’s a how to.
So you may be asking yourself
- How do I do this
Now you graduate from where to when hopefully you won’t spend too much time on when than How
And then the next level is what
I have a point, I have created this term call “Done With You†and that’s the what question.
Level four is what, that person is getting mentored or coached so for example if you are at this level you probably asking
- What’s next
- What's that about
- What is the meaning of that question
What, what, what
They keep asking what
Now I love what question because what question gives me a lot of opportunities to enroll them into other things that I have or to clarify things that are unclear to them and fussy you know fussy target never gets hit so the keep asking what
- What do I have to do
- What is this all about
The what question I love because people are paying us more money and they are getting coached and mentored ok
- What are my responsibilities
That’s level four
Now level five, The question for level five is why
- Why are you doing that
And the reason this level five is why is because this called “Done for You†this is what you doing all the work for them.
These are what people who pay me in some cases close to a hundred thousand dollars and they are asking why.
- Why did you just do that
Alex why you teaching me these six levels I am doing this for you right now.
But if I do it for you that means a copy or the written sales letter for you that means I am doing website for you that means I am doing all the outsourcing for you.
So you wanna ask
- Why is it that way
- Why is that this road map looks this way
- Why am I making so much money
Why, Why, Why
That’s the why question
Are these perfect question for each level?
Of course, not they are tendencies but I like to work with tendencies because this is the way nature works.
It’s a tendency
So the most of the time that seem’s to work.
So the “Done for You†question level five is why.
And then the level six, for me the highest level
And that’s when people come into a mastermind
This could be a $250,000.00 two hundred and fifty thousand dollars proposition US dollars and it worths every penny because the question people ask here is who.
- Who else is in the mastermind?
- Who do I need to joint venture with?
- Who is my best supplier?
- Who could be my next Vice President?
- Who is gonna be my CEO?
- Who is gonna be my board of director?
These are the highest level people
If I am speaking to you right now and Muhammad Siddique has brought you to me I am just guessing that you are asking who is this guy Alex if you are asking that question then you are at level six and I can't wait to meet you because you are at mastermind level. It will cost you the most money but we don’t call that cost because you are seeking that into an investment.
So level six is who,
- Level five is why,
- Level four is what,
- Level three is How
- level two is when
- Level one is where
When I give you an idea and a concept that idea is now yours and we both have it but when you give money for something that money is gone if you are sinking it into something that doesn't appreciate, ideas appreciate. We call an idea an investment a mastermind is an investment a collective investment with the collective consciousness of the entire team so the key to a mastermind at level six is not who is running it is who else is involved and that question comes up a lot. When I hear who I am very excited.
To find out more in mastermind with Alex Mandossian and Muhammad Siddique, please visit https://MeetSiddique.com/mastermind
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Muhammad Siddique is the Global Social Media Authority, Mass Publicity Influencer, and Entrepreneurial Philanthropist. You can read more at https://MeetSiddique.com
The series is intended to call attention to the role of Corporate Business Leaders, Thought Leaders and Philanthropist around the world in leading the way when it comes to taking action on entrepreneurship, in advance of social entrepreneurship Get involved PakistaniSocialEntrepreneurshipAcademy.com here.
Credit: Rizwan Ali for your help in transcribing and writing this article from this interview. Thank you.
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9 å¹´Great post.