Understanding the world’s tire industry

Understanding the world’s tire industry

Next month (March 2019), in Singapore will mark a step forward for the global tire industry.

Three events are taking place at almost the same time in the week beginning 18 March. It's called World Rubber Week

First is the World Rubber Summit, organised by the International Rubber Study Group.

Second is TyreExpo Asia, organised by Singex

Third is the first full meeting and launch of the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR).

Because these three events all appeal to different groups, within the tire value chain, the confluence of these three events will mark one of the biggest gatherings of tire dealers, tire strategists and the rubber supply chain during 2019.

Tyrexpo Asia

TyreExpo Asia is the meeting place for people who buy and sell tires in wholesale volumes. Many of the larger Chinese tire makers are there as well as hundreds of smaller companies from China, and most of the global wholesale and retail groups are represented.

It takes place every two years - the last event was in 2017.

This year, it runs on the Tuesday 19th-Thursday 21 March at the Expo centre in Singapore, a short ride by taxi or metro from Changi International airport and 20 minutes or taxi ride from the business district of SIngapore City. TyreExpo Asia has taken halls 1 and 2, adjacent to the MaxAtria hotel and conference complex.

Within the main halls, around 200 exhibitors will offer their products and services. While many exhibition stands are the same around the world, Tyrexpo offers a couple of additional selling points.

  • First is the TyreTalk series of visions of the future.
  • Second is the business matching service.

TyreTalk is a series of free-to-attend lectures and presentations on the Tuesday and Wednesday that brings together around 10 speakers to discuss how the industry is changing and identify opportunities for developing finance, risk management and other aspects of the business.

Some of the speakers are promoting their own products and services, but not all. I'll be talking on the Wednesday morning about the tire technologies we can expect to see in the short and mid-term. Ler Hwee Tiong, who has one of the most impressive track records in the industry will be talking about the evolution of tire sales channels from bricks and mortar stores to the internet of things and e-retail systems. Others will be discussing financial instruments and risk management

The business matching service is set to go live in the next few days. Tyrexpo says its Business Matchmakers and Match Mobile App, "help visitors identify prospects and book your one-on one appointment in advance and on-site, ensuring that you make relevant connections and meetings."

World Rubber Summit

Organised by the International Rubber Study Group, the World Rubber Summit addresses supply and demand for natural and synthetic rubber (SR) materials, as well as strategic direction of the industry and how it works within the tire and other segments.

Natural rubber (NR) is one of the key drivers of profitability in this industry. For tire makers, operating profit is directly related to the price of natural and synthetic rubber.

Premium tire makers spend up to 25% of their total materials bill on natural rubber. Furthermore, the price of synthetic rubber is linked to that of natural rubber, making the NR price a key driver of corporate profitability – or otherwise – in the tire sector.

This year's conference is themed, "From Evolution to Revolution: New Paths for the Rubber Economy" It is a paid-for conference adressing some of the most critical themes in the upstream industry for tire makers.

The conference focusses mainly on the sustainability of rubber.

Both the EU and China have identified natural rubber as a material of critical strategic importance, and have policies in place to support the industry.

Sustainable sourcing of rubber has jumped right at the top of the agenda in recent months, as car makers and other downstream customers insist that their suppliers are able to demonstrate that products do not contribute to de-forestation or other environmental damage in any way.

This has been a challenge for the natural rubber community, which has a diverse upstream supply chain, with little oversight or management. Full traceability has been a substantial challenge.

Synthetic rubber suppliers, on the other hand, mostly have good systems in place to track the monomers used in the supply chain and have good data to offer customers around their environmental footprints.

This has led to a slightly counter-intuitive situation where synthetic rubber, made from oil, is seen as a lower risk for around environmental impacts, than natural rubber, which – literally – grows in trees.

As a result, a huge amount of effort has gone into analysing and tracking the entire value chain of the natural rubber community from tree to processor and on to the end customers.

This year's World Rubber Summit addresses many of the successes and the outstanding challenges in this area.

Many of the speakers have been directly involved in formulating global and corporate policies in this area. This means that, for those who want to be fully up to speed with developments and current thinking around sustainability in the rubber industry, the World Rubber Summit is the most important meeting of the 2019.

Unlike the Tyrexpo Asia, which takes place near the airport, the world Rubber Summit meets at a downtown hotel, the Park Royal on Beach Road, Singapore.

It opens on Monday 18 March and closes in the afternoon of Tuesday 19th.

The keynote speaker is Stefan Rittmann, Executive Vice President of Corporate Business Development and member of the Executive Leadership team of the Arlanxeo group. Arlanxeo is the largest producer of synthetic rubber in the world.

A further 31 confirmed speakers represent the top-tier of rubber trading, processing and consumption around the world.

The organisers have planned a series of panel discussions so that delegates get maximum opportunity to gain valiue and insights from the experts on stage.

This is truly a top-level world event and for those with any interest in the future of the tire industry, it is a source of essential intelligence and high-level networking.

Launch of GPSNR

The third key event in World Rubber Week is the first formal meeting of the the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber on Friday 21 March.

This is much more low-key, but for those connected to the tire and rubber industry, it has been the subject of intense, sometimes emotional debate and discussions over the last year or more.

Earlier this month, tire makers, rubber processors, NGOs and downstream customers, including car makers, signed off on a new management structure for a group that will take forward the challenges associated with tracking and tracing the origins of natural rubber used around the world.

Our view

I’m going to the the World Rubber Week in Singapore. I’ll be giving a couple of presentation there; one at the World Rubber Summit, and another at the TyrExpo Asia event.

In my opinion, the World Rubber Summit will be one of the most influential this year, and for those interested in sustainability, the GPSNR meeting will be the perfect opportunity to get up to speed on the fast-developing developments in tracking and tracing NR and using data to support farmers and developing economies.

This is an area where the tire industry can make a positive difference, and – in my view – it is of critical importance that it turns out well for the planet, for farmers and also for the tire industry.

David Shaw

This is a promotional piece written for Singex as part of our media sponsorship commitments to World Rubber Week. That commitment aside, all views are my own, unmodified, uncensored and unexpurgated.

Singex has had no input to the content of this story.


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