Understanding Windows 11 Start Menu
Windows 11 is the next client operating system from Microsoft. It's built on the same foundation as Windows 10. If you use Windows 10, then you will find a lot of similarities in this new OS. It offers innovations focused on enhancing end-user productivity, and is designed to support today's hybrid work environment.
Although Windows 11 is a natural transition and update to what you know, and what you're familiar with, there are a few changes which might be a little annoying in the beginning. Though some of the features seems missing, they are just realigned to suit the new design paradigm. This article lists such UX changes in Windows 11.
First, let's understand the windows 10 Start Menu UI real estate
Windows 11 start menu has been redesigned to provide a clean, uncluttered and easy to navigate experience to the end user. The default Start Menu of Windows 11 looks like this,
This might be slightly confusing to the users who used to see the conventional start menu like above. You can customize the Start menu layout by pinning (and unpinning) the apps you want. For example, you can pin commonly used apps in your organization, such as Outlook, Microsoft Teams, apps your organization creates, and more.
Using policy, you can deploy your customized Start menu layout to devices in your organization. For more information, see customizing start menu layout
Users can manage some Start menu features using the Settings app > Personalization. For more information on the end-user experience
After changing a few settings in Personalization, you can get back all the familiar options in the Start Menu
Users definitely need some time to get used this new UI. If you have any feedback, you can use "Give Feedback" option in Setting > Personalization > Start
To know more about other windows 11 features check our following links