Understanding Why You’re Here

Understanding Why You’re Here

Do you know what your purpose is? One of the most helpful and perhaps most powerful dynamics in our lives is having a really clear and well-defined sense of purpose. People with purpose don't let obstacles get in their way. If you don't have a purpose, it's far too easy to drift through life without really knowing what you're here for. So I'd like you to pause for a moment and ask yourself if you really know what you want.

Don't rush and don't be surprised if the answer is 'No'.?Most people don't really know what they want beyond the demands and challenges of their daily existence. So your first task on this magnificent day of revolutionising your life is to take a moment to reflect more deeply and see if you can work out what you really want. It's your life and I'm asking you to choose something that's truly worthwhile. This simpe question can develop into becoming one of the most revealing exercises in your earthly existence. It can power you up and become your personal, daily source of inspiration. Take a piece of paper and a pen and write down your conclusions.

Feel free to write down a list of whatever you want. The list can include absolutely anything: material goods, wealth, better health, peace, great relationships. It's your list. Wquietly rite down whatever comes to mind. It's a private list. It is not for sharing nor is it intended for discussion.

When you've finished, put the list somewhere safe and let it lie for a few days. Look at your ideas again in two- or three-days time. Review your list and see if your ideas, plans and goals look different. Feel free to alter, delete or amend anything. It's your list. Which items really grab your attention? Which items give you an emotional buzz? Those are the items to start with. Now that you know which items are most important, you need do something, anything, to make them a reality. Take some time to think about how you could achieve your goals. Get a little wild in your thinking. Get creative. Do some research. See what needs to be done to get you started.

Find your purpose. Then move towards it. Right now. The first step is always the most important.


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