Understanding who you are will help you to understand relationships with everyone and everything.

Understanding who you are will help you to understand relationships with everyone and everything.

Life is always giving you everything you need in the moment, may not be what you want exactly but it always gives you what you need.

The question is are you aware of it?

Do you see it?

Are you ready to receive without judgments or some preset expectations how it should be?

All human suffering is based on false expectations on how things should be, must be rather than accepting them as they are.

This doesn’t mean you never want to change anything the contrary, you can have preferences, but your happiness is not depended on if change is going to occur or not. There is no attachment to it.

Very hard to master for majority of people it requires high level of self-control, Love and understanding, but I can tell you it worth so much.

I have been researching and studying this material for more then two years in different arrears psychology, sociology, neuroscience, epigenetics, human behavior with different mentors and courses.

Simultaneously applying everything in my personal life, I can tell you from time to time it is very uncomfortable but I learned how to live in unknown and I can tell you now , that I love it ??

Looking back that was the predictable known environment that was keeling me from inside out!! Unknown is uncomfortable at the beginning, but you will learn how to love it when you understand What and Why. And I can tell you that age doesn’t matter. I went into journey of self-creation in my 40th and I’m also a mum ?? .?It does takes courage though!


You can ask yourself two questions:

Am I really happy? -?what is your definition of LOVE and Happiness?

Do I see myself living exactly like I’m living now, doing what I’m doing in the next 40-50 years if answer is “NO” it is time to make a choice because if you are not going to make a choice guess what will happen?


Yes, by not making a choice you are making a choice to stay in your unhappy but comfortable place. And there is research has been done that majority of people regret on their death bed that they never took risk to do and experience what they really wanted to do.

Life doesn’t care, when it is too late, it is simply too late. But if you trust life, it will prove to you that everything you want is yours, if you give it a chance ??

This is why it is so important to understand who you really are! On energetic level, because you are not your body there is three parts of you:

The Mind, Your Soul, and your body I can say in different way using:

Neuroscience - Your Brain, The Mind, Your heart and your body.

I can use Ontology that teaches who you are into relationship to everything and everyone and it aligns with the same concepts Soul, Mind and Body.

I can use Psychology talks about Conscious, Subconscious and Superconscious.

I can use Epigenists that talks about it on cellular level and every cell in our body is living organism that has its own energetic field and its own consciousness.

So for example many researches has been done that cancer doesn’t start in the cell but in the energy field. So that’s not the genes that create cancer but your blood chemistry which is produced by your brain and your brain is producing chemicals depending on what you think and how you feel.

So then that chemistry the internal environment is giving instruction to your genes to upregulate or downregulate cancer cells.

See there is so many different studies pointing at one thing LOVE and ENERGY and there is still so many of you that are ignoring this fact, letting your big EGO to control you and make you believe that you are separated from everything and everyone and you are your body.

I understand it is not easy to take responsibility for yourself it is much easier to blame and for example to expect doctors to heal you, well we can see that it doesn’t work very well ?? . If it was there would be no sick and depressed people.

When you understand who you are, you will understand that there is no need to fear anything. You just need to understand how to match energetically to what you want.

All things are matched energetically. We have been conditioned it is all material, in reality, it is all energy. Research says that only 2% is matter and 98% is energy that connects every particle. We just can’t see it with our eyes, same as we can’t see WIFI but we are using internet every day ??

So for example you want to meet the love of your life so you can finally feel loved and safe. On energetic level you have already met your love.

Now if you are feeling lack that you don’t have love because you don’t understand that you are LOVE and you don’t need anyone to love you, no one can love you as you do anyway.

Your energy is lack so in Quantum filed of all possibilities you are going to match the person who is experiencing the same feelings of lack of love. There is nothing wrong with that, but this is why so many relationships are breaking down, this was the reason why my relationship broke down as well.

Just imagine two needy people and everyone is screaming “LOVE ME” because I don’t know how to love myself and if I don’t love myself how can I give love to someone else, I just want to get something, because I need it.

So motivation for such relationship starts from false motives and can’t last ?? , your Emotional Intelligence is at the level of 6,7,8 year old boy or girl that is seeking love from their parents?, not a grown up woman or men.

Now another scenario you know who you are, you LOVE yourself so image in your mind is going to be LOVE not FEAR . You are simply in love with life, with yourself and everyone around you. You are not afraid of being alone.

On energetic level you will meet person who is feeling the same way , that match will happen energetically first , and then it will be manifested in our 3-D reality unexpectedly.

Relationships are for two people, to evolve and to grow, not expecting other person to meet their needs but rather sharing their needs and growing together, not expecting to get something from relationship .

There is both Commitment and Detachment, Mystery and Intimacy, Union and Solitude. Understanding this is very important if you want to have long lasting happy relationship.

It is exactly the same with money. Money is energy and when you understand that you will start to have completely different relationship with money.

So lets say you are in job that you don’t like and they don’t pay you well (this is reality for majority of people) .

So on energetic level you are always in lack. Now, your brain has been made to focus on reward. After you are getting paid, you are going to spend everything because you need that rash of dopamine to get reward and you buy things that you don’t even need! You waste your energy at work on doing something you don’t like and then you waste energy called money on something you don’t even need!

In Quantum field of all probabilities and possibilities on energetic level you are going to match with all possibilities of lack because this is how you feel 24/7. And it is never about money but about opportunities.

So how can you attract wealth and joy if you are so needy and fearful for your survival.

Now I’m going to break the status quo. But I love doing that and I have been doing this since I was a child ??

In these days feeling good when things don’t go your way is almost breaking status Quo. How I can feel good when I don’t know how I’m going to pay my rent, or how can I feel good when I can’t find the love of my life, or how I can feel good if I’m so sick and doctors can’t heal me, how can I feel good if I can’t find a good job.

That’s how you have been conditioned to feel bad when things don’t go your way and to feel good when things go your way. In other words letting others to control you and how you feel ??

I can tell that you can feel good even if you have $0 on your bank account, you can feel good even if you are very sick, you can feel good even if someone else is sick, it is not selfish the contrary – I know a lot of you is going to disagree and that’s fine ??

Understand when you feel bad nothing is going to change and if you have understanding how your biology works and how you are interconnected with everyone and everything on energetic level, you will understand that you make everything worse not only on your conscious level but on larger scale of global consciousness.

And that’s when it comes to underrating your Emotional Intelligence how to be compassionate to yourself and others and still feel good and happy! It is very achievable ??

You can be happy and feel joy about your sadness ??

I know this is very hard to hear and understand for a lot of you, but this is truth.

There is very good new song from Miley Cyrus “Flowers”

Remember no one can love you better then you can ??

The only real and true feeling is LOVE because you are made of it, everything else is illusion you create in your mind and thousand of years of conditioning.

So when you Love and accept yourself you will love and accept everyone and everything just the way it is . And this is what life is about, loving what is doesn’t mean not to seek change as I explained before. It means living with open heart in love and if you understand neuroscience, you will understand how it impacts chemistry in your brain and body!

Every day you can choose your state of being and if you are not choosing you run on program that has been installed into your central nervous system by the age of 7 ??


If you want to create life of True Love, ?wealth, abundance, health and happiness in all arrears of the wheel of life then book a free call ??


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