Mohammad Aman Ullah Aman
Entrepreneurial Economist, Author, Strategist, Lecturer, Researcher, Management Consultant, Sustainable Business Development Professional. Actively Looking for PhD in Enterprise Economics.
Time is an important chapter of both physics and astronomy. In physics, time is considered as a dimension like length, width and height. It is treated as the fourth dimension. So far this is the latest concept of time. In 1754, Jean le Rond d’ Alembert first explained the idea of adding a fourth dimension in his book “Dimensions” which was also described by Joseph-Louis Lagrange in the mid-1700s. However, finally, a precise formalization of the idea was done by Bernhard Riemann in 1854. Later, in 1880, these insights were popularized by Charles Howard Hinton in his essay titled “What is the Fourth Dimension?” where he added the time as the fourth dimension along with three other dimensions namely length, width and height. Einstein’s model of Spacetime was also developed based on these four dimensions. The model of spacetime explains how the time and the space are connected which are moving in the space at a constant speed in a straight line. According to this model, objects, in the space, are moving at the speed of light. In 1905, Einstein proposed special theory of relativity for inertial frame of reference and one decade later, in 1915, he proposed general theory of relativity non inertial frame of reference when acceleration was introduced. According to theory of relativity, time and motion are relative. The theory states that a day of this earth and a day of the other planets of the galaxy are not same. Similarly a year of the earth and a year of the others planets vary. We all know that all the planets in the Galaxy move in a systematic way. Two types of movement are found where these rotate or spin by themselves which is called as daily motion or diurnal motion and they also orbit or revolve about the sun through an imaginary line which is termed as yearly motion or annual motion. It is already proved that length of a day in Venus is of 116d 18h and length of a year is 225 days of the earth. So, we can understand the length of a day is in Venus. Similarly, the length day and year varies in other planet as well. That’s why it was concluded that time and motion are relative. This statement is true if we measure the time based on day and year. But we have to justify this statement from different angles. Let’s see.
Modern physics says that every object in this nature is moving. I want to use the term “Nature” instead of universe since multiverse and parallel universe theories have already been evolved. The word nature will encompass multiverse or whatever the object exists wherever in the nature. I don’t want to discuss here whether the nature has been created by itself or someone is there who has created everything. Rather I want to take the Big Bang Theory and the Wormhole Theory first for my discussion. According to both the theories the nature is getting expanded gradually. In this nature, distance among planets, satellites, stars, solar systems, galaxies, clusters, super clusters and universes are getting increased with the passage of time. It is assumed that our universe is filled with about 10^25 planets which are orbiting around their stars where stars are assumed to be about 2 x 10^23. I understood that time is relative since length of the day and the year vary from planet to planet depending on their speed of spin and revolve if one time spin is considered as one day and one time orbit is considered as one year. Now my questions are, “How the time would be measured in sun or in any other star?” Are the concepts of day or year applicable in sun or in any of the stars?” We all know that all the stars and planets are floating in the empty space. So, what is the way of measuring the time in that empty space? If the concepts of day and year applicable in the empty space? We all know that solar systems, galaxies, clusters, super clusters and universe are also moving by themselves in a floating state in the empty space. Are the day and year concepts applicable for measuring time there? Obviously not. If not, how would we measure the time setting in the space if no clock was invented? How would we understand the impact of time if we don’t have sense of time of the earth? Let’s assume that the universe is getting expanded gradually and everything is moving in their own way, but there is no light in the nature. How would we measure the time? Hope we would not have sense of time and we could not be able to understand the change of time. Does it mean that there is no time effect in the space or in the dark? Or can we say that time is static under both the situations? No, we can’t say the same. We can simplify the fact with an example. When a plane flies in the sky 34000 km above from the earth, what do we see and feel? We see and feel that the plane is static by the fogs are running away. Is it the real fact? We always find and feel that the sun moves from east to west and the sky always stays up on us. Can we say that these findings and feelings are real? Never. The reality is - the plane is moving, the earth is spinning. So, obviously the nature is experiencing the changes of time in every single moment whether we can feel or not. And there is no chance for the time to become static or become slower in any specific point in the nature. Rather, the rate of change of the time would be same in every point. Fastness doesn’t mean that time is forwarding fast. Fastness is basically how fast an object or a kind of energy can travel or move with the changes of time. Light fastness means how fast light can travel with the changes of time. So, time dilation can never be happened. Then, what happened in the area of black hole? Due to having extreme gravitational force in the center of the black hole, it can ingurgitate anything at a speed which is much higher than the speed of light. That’s why light can’t pass over the black hole. It is actually out of our imagination that what happens in the center of the black hole and how fast. But we can’t say that time gets stopped or become slower or faster inside the back hole. We can take an example here to clarify the fact. Suppose, a small and round iron bar is attached with a high speed motor and it is run, then what will be seen with the iron bar? The iron bar will be appeared as a static one with no spinning where the reality is that the iron bar would be spinning at a high speed. So, can it be imagined what might be happened inside of a black hole where the gravitational force extreme and out of our imagination. Whatever comes to the black hole, it get transformed and disappeared such a fast which is out of the range of our time sense. That’s why the change of time can’t be measured and assumed the time to be static in the black hole which is actually impossible. So, time can never be relative. Yes, motion obviously is relative. If we consider the time as relative, then measuring velocity & speed will obscure.
According to modern physics time is a dimension which has been stated at the beginning of this essay. Like other dimensions, time has two indefinite directions such as past and future. But the difference between time and three other dimensions is that travelling is possible along both the direction of length, width and height where it is still impossible to travel along past and future. However, we will discuss here whether time travel will be possible or not. To come to a decision, we need to know another view of time.
Let’s check what Quantum Physics say about time. Quantum Physics is the area of physics which discusses about the behavior of smallest matter or particle including smallest possible time (Planck time, tp), smallest possible distance (Planck Length, xp) that can be measured. According to Uncertainty Theory of Heisenberg, less than 1tp and 1xp can never be measured. So, it can be concluded that 1tp is the smallest unit of measuring time and 1xp is the smallest unit of measuring distance which are universal and applicable anywhere in the nature to measure time and distance. It can also be stated that total time is the sum of all tps and total distance of length / width / height is the sum of all xps.
Now come to the point. It was stated earlier that objects are moving in the nature and these are changing their position with the changes of time (every single moment). The nature is getting expanded gradually as well with changes of time. Big Bang theory, Wormhole theory, Multiverse theory and Parallel Universe theory, all the theories say the same regarding movement and expansion of the nature, they have different opinion regarding beginning of the nature. Except the Big Bang theory, no other theories can depict the beginning point of the universe. According to Big Bang theory, our universe has been emerged from a tiny point after a big explosion. But if we accept Wormhole theory or Multiverse theory or Parallel Universe theory, then explosion might not be the beginning of our nature. So, how has the nature been evolved? What was the beginning point? May be we have to wait for another theory to get the answer of this question. Theories differ from one another in several aspects, but provide the same opinion regarding the movement of objects in the nature as well as the expansion of the nature which are already proved scientifically. Accumulating the words, movement and expansion, I would like to use a single word “Transformation” instead of two separate words. Yes, “transformation” is the nature of the nature. It is the science of the nature; it is the ultimate theory of the nature. Transformation of the nature is a never beginning and never ending process. So, there is no way of digging out the beginning or end point of this universe. The nature as well as individual substance of the nature, whether visible or invisible, are getting transformed with the changes of time. The whole nature can be transformed into a tiny point and vice versa. But compressed form as a tiny point can’t sustain for longer and explosion is must since it is impossible to contain whole mass and energy of the nature in a tiny point. The expansion, I mean spreading of mass and energy also have a limit. When mass and energy loss the standard, explosion happens again and the nature collapses automatically; then form a tiny point. Same thing happens again and again with the nature. This transformation is an eternal case.
It has been stated in the earlier section that transformation happens with the changes of time. The rate of change of time is 1tp. This rate is constant and also eternal. The speed of transformation of the nature is yet to be measured. This transformation is happening toward a specific direction under a system without violation. If we want to go back to the past physically, we have to transform back the whole nature. If we want to move forward to the future, we also have to transform the whole nature what is ought to be in the future. This is how time travel is possible physically. It is simply like a movie. The journey of the nature is actually an aggregation of uncountable sequential still photos of the nature that appears due to its continuous transformation.
Hope, from the above discussion, we have understood the “time” and the “transformation” and their relationship. Now if you are asked to describe the “time” in a sentence, what will be your answer? How will you define the “time”? You may search in Google and find several definitions given different scholars and you may take one from these as your definition. Or you may give your own definition. But I would prefer to define “time” as a scale which reads and measures the difference between the two states of the nature that appears due to its perpetual transformation process. It is a dimension but doesn’t have any beginning and ending point.