Understanding Time & Space Complexity
Time and Space complexity are measures of how the resource requirements of an algorithm grow as the size of the input data increases. Time complexity measures how the runtime of algorithm increases with input size, while space complexity measures how the memory usage of an algorithm increases with input size.
Time Complexity
Space Complexity
Big O Notations Details
O(1) - Constant Time Complexity
Description: Algorithms with O(1) time complexity execute in a constant amount of time, regardless of the size of the input data. They perform a fixed number of operations, making their runtime independent of the input size.
Example: Accessing an element in an array by index, performing basic arithmetic operations, or accessing a value in a hash table.
Characteristics: O(1) algorithms are highly efficient and scalable. They maintain consistent performance regardless of input size, making them ideal for operations that do not depend on data size. However, achieving O(1) complexity may require certain data structures or optimizations.
public static class ConstantTimeComplexity
public static void Execute()
int[] array = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
int secondElement = array[1]; // Constant time complexity.
Console.WriteLine($"Second element in the array is {secondElement}");
O(logn) - Logarithmic Time Complexity
Description: Logarithmic time complexity means the runtime grows logarithmically with the size of the input data. Each operation reduces the problem size by a constant factor, commonly having the search space.
Example: Binary search in a sorted array, finding an element in a balanced binary search tree (BST), or accessing elements in a heap data structure.
Characteristics: O(logn) algorithms are more efficient than linear time algorithms but less efficient than constant time algorithms. They're commonly used in divide-and-conquer or binary search algorithms. Logarithmic time complexity is often associated with efficient search operations.
public static class LogarithmicTimeComplexity
public static void Execute()
int[] sortedArray = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 };
int target = 9;
int index = BinarySearch(sortedArray, target);
Console.WriteLine($"Index of target element is {index}");
private static int BinarySearch(int[] sortedArray, int target)
int left = 0;
int right = sortedArray.Length - 1;
while (left <= right)
int mid = left + (right - left) / 2;
if (sortedArray[mid] == target)
return mid;
if (sortedArray[mid] < target)
left = mid + 1;
else right = mid - 1;
return -1;
O(n) - Linear Time Complexity
Description: Linear time complexity indicates that the runtime increases linearly with the size of the input data. It involves iterating through each element in the input once.
Example: Linear search, traversing an array or linked list, or performing a single pass over a dataset to process each element.
Characteristics: O(n) algorithms have a runtime proportional to the input size. They are efficient for small to moderate-sized inputs but may become slow for very large datasets. Linear time complexity is common in algorithms that process data sequentially.
public static class LinearTimeComplexity
public static void Execute()
int[] array = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 };
int target = 9;
int index = LinearSearch(array, target);
Console.WriteLine($"Index of target element is {index}");
private static int LinearSearch(int[] array, int target)
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
if (array[i] == target) return i;
return -1;
O(nlogn) - Linearithmic Time Complexity
Description: Linearithmic time complexity combines linear and logarithmic growth. It's commonly seen in efficient sorting algorithms like merge sort and quick sort, where each element is compared to log(n) other elements on average.
Example: Merge sort algorithm, quick sort algorithm, or building a balanced binary search tree.
Characteristics: O(nlogn) algorithms are efficient and commonly used for sorting large data sets. They strike a balance between the efficiency of logarithmic algorithms and simplicity of linear algorithms. Sorting algorithms with O(nlogn) complexity are often preferred for their performance characteristics.
public static class LinearithmicTimeComplexity
public static void Execute()
int[] array = { 12, 10, 13, 5, 7, 6 };
Console.WriteLine("Sorted Array:");
foreach (int i in array) Console.WriteLine(i);
private static void MergeSort(int[] array)
if (array.Length < 2)
int mid = array.Length / 2;
int[] left = new int[mid];
int[] right = new int[array.Length - mid];
Array.Copy(array, 0, left, 0, mid);
Array.Copy(array, mid, right, 0, array.Length - mid);
Merge(array, left, right);
private static void Merge(int[] array, int[] left, int[] right)
int i = 0, j= 0, k = 0;
while(i < left.Length && j < right.Length)
if (left[i] <= right[j])
array[k++] = left[i++];
array[k++] = right[j++];
while(i < left.Length)
array[k++] = left[i++];
while(j < right.Length)
array[k++] = right[j++];
O(n^2) - Quadratic Time Complexity
Description: Quadratic time complexity means the runtime grows quadratically with the size of the input data. It often involves nested operations over the input data, leading to a polynomial increase in runtime.
Example: Bubble sort, selection sort, or algorithms with nested loops where each loop iterates over the size of the input.
Characteristics: O(n^2) algorithms become slow quickly as the input size grows. They're inefficient for large datasets and should be avoided unless the input size is small. Quadratic time complexity is common in algorithms that involve comparing all pairs of elements.
public static class QuadraticTimeComplexity
public static void Execute()
int[] array = { 64, 32, 56, 17, 12, 22, 11 };
Console.WriteLine("Sorted Array:");
foreach (int i in array) Console.WriteLine(i);
private static void BubbleSort(int[] array)
int n = array.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < n - i - 1; j++)
if (array[j] > array[j + 1])
int temp = array[j];
array[j] = array[j + 1];
array[j + 1] = temp;
O(2^n) - Exponential Time Complexity
Description: Exponential time complexity indicates that the runtime doubles with each additional element in the input data. It's highly inefficient and impractical for large inputs.
Example: Brute force algorithms, such as generating all subsets of a set, or solving the traveling salesman problem using exhaustive search.
Characteristics: O(2^n) algorithms quickly become infeasible for even moderately sized inputs. They're only suitable for very small datasets due to their exponential growth in runtime. Exponential time complexity is associated with algorithms that explore all possible permutations or combinations.
public static class ExponentialTimeComplexity
public static void Execute()
int n = 6;
int result = Fibonacci(n);
Console.WriteLine($"Fibonacci of {n}: {result}");
private static int Fibonacci(int number)
if (number <= 1)
return number;
return Fibonacci(number - 1) + Fibonacci(number - 2);
These are just a few examples, and there are more complex time complexities as well, such as cubic time complexity (O(n^3)), factorial time complexity (O(n!)), and so on. Each notation describes how the runtime of the algorithm scales with the size of the input data, providing insights into the efficiency and performance characteristics.
You can find the full source code here.
Stay Healthy, Stay Happy!!
11 个月Hi Deepak Kulkarni, your thoughts on time and space complexity is incredibly enlightening! I've explored various materials and tutorials on this subject but struggled to grasp it fully until now. Your clear explanations and concrete examples made the complexities much more comprehensible, especially in the context of real-world projects. I'm anticipating your thoughts on cubic time complexity, factorial time complexity and more whenever you have a moment. Thank you for sharing such valuable knowledge!??
Quantum Computing Researcher || Mission 10X certified || Assistant Professor, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmadabad
11 个月Nice article!