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Understanding Terrorism is not an easy task ! How does terrorism financing work ? How does terrorists activities take place & how financing gets channelized through the financial institutions? What can be the motives & nefarious designs of terrorists ? How terrorists get facilitated, sponsored & harbored ?

This is not the exhaustive list of the questions to be asked & answered to ascertain the terrorism life cycle.

Money is regarded as lifeblood of the terrorism activities, which fuels terrorism & cost lives.

Professionals working in AML & CFT space & FI's are under obligation to disrupt this menace, However, this becomes very tedious job if not detected earlier so one should apply pre-active approach to nip in the bud.

This attests to the fact that professionals deployed in Financial crime compliance arena must be well informed of new trends, threats & vulnerabilities leading to terrorism financing. This will help them equip themselves well at their workplace & perform their duties more efficiently.

" As per American Psychological Association " Psychologist John Horgan conducted the research regarding the reason of terrorist recruitment and radicalization.

" For years, psychologists examined terrorists' individual characteristics, mining for clues that could explain their willingness to engage in violence. While researchers now agree that most terrorists are not "pathological" in any traditional sense, several important insights have been gleaned though interviews with some 60 former terrorists conducted by psychologist John Horgan, PhD, who directs the Pennsylvania State University's International Center for the Study of Terrorism.

Horgan found that people who are more open to terrorist recruitment and radicalization tend to:

?? Feel angry, alienated or disenfranchised.

?? Believe that their current political involvement does not give them the power to effect real change.

?? Identify with perceived victims of the social injustice they are fighting.

?? Feel the need to take action rather than just talking about the problem.

?? Believe that engaging in violence against the state is not immoral.

?? Have friends or family sympathetic to the cause.

??Believe that joining a movement offers social and psychological rewards such as adventure, camaraderie and a heightened sense of identity."

A part from above, there are also other reasons leading to terrorism, However, there is a greater need to explore those avenues & make every effort to stand united against terrorism to rein in this ever evolving menace from the society.

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Disclaimer:?The views and opinions expressed in this content are solely those of the author and do not reflect the position of the organization(s) the author affiliated with.?This article is solely for academic & knowledge sharing purpose and does not constitute any professional advice or partial opinion.

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Abdul Ghani

Senior Consultant Trade Services & Foreign Exchange Operations (Self-employed)

1 年

Very nice and informative.

Thanks for posting on very crucial problems being faced by all countries and suggestions for combating trafficking of terrorism


WAHEED ZAMAN-CAMS-Regional Manager-Compliance-HBL-AML的更多文章
